12 Jul 21 - Story 2

“Strive to make the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case”

Xi Jinping's story of promoting judicial justice

Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Yizhan

"We will deepen the comprehensive reform of the judicial responsibility system, strengthen judicial supervision, improve the legal guarantee system for social fairness and justice, and strive to make the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case."

In November 2020, general secretary Xi Jinping put forward new requirements for the judiciary for the people in the central meeting of the central government's work of comprehensively administering the country according to law.

Fairness and justice are the yardstick of people's yearning and happiness; Maintaining social fairness and justice occupies an important part in the heart of general secretary Xi Jinping.

Since the eighteen Party's Congress, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's rule of law thought, great progress has been made in the construction of the rule of law in China, and fairness and justice are more touching and sensible. What we gain is the stronger confidence of millions of people in social fairness and justice.

"Continuously enhance people's sense of gain, happiness and security"

The national emblem is high and the court is solemn.

On the first working day after the new year's Day holiday this year, a dispute over liability for high altitude parabolic damage was heard in Yuexiu District People's Court of Guangzhou city.

The defendant Huang's child dropped a mineral water bottle from the 35th floor, causing the plaintiff granny Yu to be frightened and fall, resulting in Grade 10 disability. In court, the court ruled that Mr. Huang compensated Mrs. Yu's medical and nursing expenses for more than 90000 yuan.

This is the first case pronounced in Guangzhou after the implementation of the civil code of the people's Republic of China.

On May 29, 2020, the day after the third session of the 13th National People's Congress passed the civil code of the people's Republic of China by a high vote, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held the 20th collective study on "effectively implementing the civil code".

General secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that strict regulation, fair and civilized law enforcement and improving the credibility of the judiciary are effective means to uphold the authority of the civil code.

Law is the end of governance. With the implementation of the civil code, this "Encyclopedia of social life" has come into our life and played a fundamental and overall role in all aspects of economy and society.

Justice is the lifeline of the rule of law. As the basic attribute of justice, fair justice is of great significance in promoting the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity.

Once upon a time, in some judicial cases, the transaction between money and law and the rent-seeking between power and law alienated individual judicial decisions into a stain of justice.

"If these problems are not solved promptly, they will seriously affect the process of comprehensively governing the country according to law and social fairness and justice." The important speech of general secretary Xi Jinping is crucial.

On January 7, 2014, at the central political and legal work conference, general secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "the negative impact of a misjudged case is enough to destroy the good image accumulated by ninety-nine just judges. One in ten thousand mistakes in law enforcement and judicature will do 100% harm to the parties. "

On December 2, 2016, the second circuit court of the Supreme People's court made a new judgment in the Nie Shubin case, which spanned 21 years, under the guidance of the criminal justice principle of "no suspected crime".

"I've been waiting too long for the acquittal. I'm very satisfied with the result, but my son will never come back. I miss him very much." Nie's mother Zhang Huanzhi said.

In recent years, the judicial organs have tried a number of cases, such as the case of hugejile, the case of Nie Shubin and the case of nianbin, which have been well received by the masses.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, courts nationwide have handled 1.78 million cases of trial supervision, 3.86 million cases of change of penalty execution, and 11000 criminal cases of retrial.

Whether attending an important meeting or going to a domestic investigation, "fairness and justice" is a frequently mentioned term by general secretary Xi Jinping.

"To comprehensively run the country according to law, we must focus on safeguarding and promoting social fairness and justice. Fairness and justice is a very lofty value pursued by our party. The purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly determines that we must pursue fairness and justice, protect the rights and interests of the people, and uphold justice. "

Be a good protector of the masses

On November 16, 2020, the 614 echelon of "Zhangzhou 110" patrolling on the road received a call that "someone in Xinyuan City Garden reported that the electric car was stolen".

In just 5 minutes, Xiao Wang and his partner from the 614 echelon arrived at the scene. Record, control, lock suspects, track, arrest... When the suspect was caught, the alarm time was only 1 hours away.

"Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and close neighbors are not as good as' Zhangzhou 110 '" -- in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, this is the local people's cordial evaluation of this loyal and responsive police force.

As early as in 1996, Xi Jinping, deputy secretary of the Fujian provincial Party committee, visited the Zhangzhou on the spot to investigate the 110 alarm service and team building. He pointed out that the work of 110 service desk is related to the basis of mass work, is an important channel for the Party committee to contact the masses, and at the same time, it has also close the flesh and blood ties between the public security organs and the masses.

More than 20 years later, today's "Zhangzhou 110" has always adhered to the original heart of the people and always maintained its loyalty, which has become a flag of the national public security organs.

What the people want is what the sword means. The public security organs throughout the country have always implemented the requirements of general secretary Xi Jinping's "efforts to make the people's sense of security more fulfilling, more secure and more sustainable", from the small livelihood of the people around the country to the major cases that stir up the whole country.

There is no end to justice. In recent years, the national public security organs have carried forward the spirit of keeping a close eye on and never breaking down the long-standing homicide cases, adhered to their duties and missions, and made contributions to the construction of a higher level of "safe China".

On June 27, 1998, an 8-year-old girl in Ninghe District of Tianjin city disappeared on her way to school. After searching, the body of the victim was found in the corn field in the west of the village.

From that day on, a happy family lost its vitality. More than 20 years after the crime, the police changed batch after batch, but never gave up the detection of the case.

Justice at last! In May 6, 2020, a DNA was detected by the inspectors. After investigation and comparison, the suspect was finally captured.

After the case was solved, tears fell in the eyes of the victims' parents.

No matter how long the time span is, no matter how difficult it is to handle a case, we must uncover the truth, which is the ardent expectation of the people for fairness and justice.

In August 2020, general secretary Xi Jinping personally gave the Chinese people's police force a flag and gave instructions, insisting on "adhering to the people centered approach, firmly implementing the party's mass line, and doing everything for the people and all the people".

"That's good!"

"That's good!"

At the central political and legal work conference held in 2014, general secretary Xi Jinping took the example of Wu Chunzhong, the former director of the Tianan police station of the Dongfang Municipal Public Security Bureau of Hainan province.

In the 1980s, a serious injury case occurred in Tian'an Township, Dongfang City, Hainan Province. When Wu Chunzhong, a police officer, found that the villagers involved were good friends he had known for many years, he did not show favoritism, enforced the law impartially and arrested them personally.

Wu Chunzhong said to the friend, "you are my best friend, but human relationship is no more than law. How can public security organs win the people's trust if they can't enforce the law impartially? "

The act of law is the rule of the country, and the relaxation of law is the disorder of the country. The vitality of law lies in implementation, and the authority of law also lies in implementation.

General secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed the need to strictly enforce the law, "strictly enforce the police and resolutely oppose unfair enforcement and judicial corruption".

"Please don't interfere in the handling of the case or say hello, or you will record it truthfully. Please inform your relatives and friends of the content of this tip, and jointly create an independent, fair and honest judicial social environment. " Such a reminder has been set as a telephone ring tone by many local police officers.

In recent years, the State Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, the political and Legal Commission of the CPC Central Committee, and the "two high and three ministries" have successively issued the regulations on the record, notification, and accountability of leading cadres' intervention in judicial activities and handling of specific cases, the regulations on the record and accountability of cases questioned by judicial personnel, and the regulations on further standardizing the relationship between judicial personnel and clients, lawyers, special relationship persons, etc Some regulations on contact behavior of intermediary organizations.

During the national two sessions in 2021, the work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate shows that on the basis of the comprehensive report of intervention cases by the four level Procuratorate in 2019, an online filling system will be established, with regular notification and random sampling. In 2020, 67763 intervention cases were recorded and reported, which is 5.8 times of the total number in the previous two years.

Just judicature is the strong backing to guarantee social justice and people's rights.

"We should adhere to the principle of justice for the people, improve the style of judicial work, and effectively solve the problem of people's difficulty in litigation through enthusiastic service.". In February 2013, when the CPC Central Committee Politburo collectively studied, general secretary Xi Jinping emphasized this.

A team of tens of meters long, anxious parties... A photo records the situation outside the filing court of a grass-roots court in Beijing in the winter of 2014“ It's hard to enter the door, and it's hard to set up a case, which has made many people flinch from "fighting a lawsuit".

In August 2020, Mr. Li, who was the first to file a lawsuit, came to the Chengzhong District Court of Xining City, Qinghai Province. Under the guidance of the judge on duty, the case was successfully filed through the mobile app.

The reform of the registration system for filing a case has an immediate effect: courts at all levels open their doors to the fact that cases must be established and lawsuits must be justified, and that "filing a case is difficult" has gradually become history.

In the past, it was "difficult to enter the door" and "difficult to set up a case". Now, the registration rate of courts in China is more than 95%; In the past, he broke his leg in a lawsuit, but now he is "handling cases online" and "fingertip litigation"... A series of powerful "combination fists" reduce the threshold of litigants and protect the legitimate rights and interests of you and me.

(Xinhua news agency, Beijing, July 6)