2 Aug 21 - story 3

On the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sierra Leone

Xi Jinping exchanges congratulatory messages with Sierra Leone’s President Bio

On July 29, President Xi Jinping exchanged congratulatory messages with Sierra Leone’s President Bio to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

In the congratulatory message, Xi Jinping pointed out that in the half century since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Serbia, no matter how the international situation changes, the two countries had always understood and supported each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests and major concerns, and had carried out fruitful cooperation in the economic and people’s livelihoods areas. Facing the severe challenge of the novel coronavirus epidemic, the Chinese and Sierra Leone people have watched and helped each other, fighting the epidemic side by side, demonstrating the brotherhood of sharing weal and woe.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the great importance attached to the development of China-Serbia relations and the  willingness to work  with President Bio to take the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries as an opportunity to consolidate friendship and mutual trust, deepen pragmatic cooperation and promote the continuous development of China-Sierra Leone  comprehensive strategic partnership for the benefit of both countries and their peoples.

Bio stated in the congratulatory message that, since the establishment of diplomatic relations 50 years ago, the two sides had upheld the principles of mutual respect, mutual trust, equal treatment and common prosperity, sincere friendship, solidarity and mutual assistance, and had conducted good cooperation at the bilateral and international levels and achieved fruitful results. The Sierra Leone  side looks forward to working with China to further consolidate the traditional friendship between the two countries and deepen bilateral cooperation in various fields.