2 Aug 21 - story 5

"Xi Jinping in Fujian" published

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 29. The book "Xi Jinping in Fujian" was recently published by the Party School Press of the CPC Central Committee and distributed nationwide.

From June 1985 to October 2002, Comrade Xi Jinping worked in Fujian for more than 17 years, and successively held leadership positions in various important posts in Xiamen City, Ningde Prefecture, Fuzhou City, and Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government. The interview record "Xi Jinping in Fujian" mainly reflects Comrade Xi Jinping's work experience during his tenure as deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor, and is a true portrayal of his leadership work at the provincial level.

During the work of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, Comrade Xi Jinping proposed the construction of "Ecological Fujian", personally promoted the reform of the collective forest tenure system, and promoted the control of soil erosion in Changting; proposed and implemented the construction of "Digital Fujian" to seize the commanding heights of the informatization strategy; 6. Visited Jinjiang in July to investigate and summarize the “Jinjiang experience” to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the county economy; promote the efficiency construction of provincial-level agencies, educate party members and cadres to keep in mind the word “people” in front of the government, and take the lead in promoting the construction of a service-oriented government in the country. Promote county-level government affairs disclosure throughout the province; emphasize people’s health as the first priority, and promote the establishment of a whole-process supervision system from field to table with the control of “table pollution”; The expansion of various exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan has brought about major positive changes in cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges. These tasks are forward-looking and creative, and vividly reflect Comrade Xi Jinping's profound understanding of the spirit of the Party Central Committee and scientific grasp of the conditions of Fujian Province. It has effectively promoted the reform and development of Bamin to lead the way and lead the times.

The book "Xi Jinping in Fujian" consists of 35 articles, which reproduced Comrade Xi Jinping's bold, meticulous planning, and innovative leadership style during his work in the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and demonstrated his pioneering, personal demonstration, and courageous work style. It embodies his sincere feelings about the grassroots, the masses, and the people's livelihood. This book provides vivid teaching materials for in-depth study and comprehension of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and for leading cadres to improve their leadership ability and level of leadership.