23 Aug 21 - story 1

Strive to write a new chapter in the long-term stability and high-quality development of the snow-covered plateau

Warmly celebrate the 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet

People's Daily Editorial

The ancient city of Lhasa is full of flowers, and the snow-covered plateau is full of joy. Today, people of all ethnic groups in Tibet sing indulgently to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Tibet's peaceful liberation.

In late July, on the occasion of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission came to Tibet to congratulate the 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet, visit and sympathize with cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Tibet, and give cadres and masses of all ethnic groups. Sent to the care of the Party Central Committee. Comrade Xi Jinping, as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, went to Tibet to celebrate the peaceful liberation of Tibet. This is the first time in the history of the Party and the country. Caring.

In 1951, the "Agreement between the Central People's Government and the Tibetan Local Government on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet" (referred to as the "17-Article Agreement") was signed, proclaiming the peaceful liberation of Tibet. Since then, the Tibetan people have forever freed themselves from imperialist aggression and fetters, and have embarked on a bright path of unity, progress, and development in the big family of the motherland together with the people of all ethnic groups across the country. Starting from peaceful liberation, the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, forge ahead in unity, implement the "17-Article Agreement", carry out democratic reforms, establish a socialist system, implement ethnic regional autonomy, and steadily promote reform, opening up, and modernization. The face of Tibetan society is changing with each passing day, and the lives of the Tibetan people are flourishing. Entering the new era, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and with the strong support of the people of the whole country, the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Tibet have united and worked hard. Tibet has entered a well-off society in an all-round way. It will be more prosperous, the ecological environment will be better, and people's lives will be happier.

In just a few decades, spanning thousands of years, the Chinese Communist Party has united and led the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet to create historical achievements that will shine through the ages, benefit all generations, and have never seen before. Tibet has gone from darkness to light, from backwardness to progress, and from poverty to prosperity. From autocracy to democracy, from isolation to openness, the social system has achieved a historic leap, the economy and society have achieved all-round development, the people's lives have been greatly improved, and the appearance of urban and rural areas is not what it used to be. The 70-year practice has fully proved that only by insisting on maintaining the unity and territorial integrity of the motherland can the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet be guaranteed; only by adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and the system of regional ethnic autonomy can Tibet maintain long-term stability, prosperity and development. Provide a fundamental guarantee; only by adhering to reform and opening up can we promote the overall progress of Tibet’s economy and society; only by adhering to the people-centered development concept can we satisfy the people’s yearning for a better life in Tibet; only by adhering to the party’s strategy for governing Tibet in the new era can Build a socialist modernized new Tibet that is united, prosperous, civilized, harmonious and beautiful.

"To govern the country, we must govern the borders, and we must first stabilize Tibet." The Party Central Committee has always attached great importance to Tibet's work. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the situation and tasks faced by Tibet work have undergone profound changes. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has deepened its understanding of the laws of Tibet work, and summed up the successful experience of the Party leading the people in governing and rejuvenating Tibet. The party’s strategy for governing Tibet in the new era. Practice has fully proved that the Party Central Committee’s guidelines and policies on Tibet work are completely correct. The sustained stability and rapid development of Tibet is an important contribution to the overall situation of the party and the country; the Party’s strategy for governing Tibet in the new era is the fundamental follow for Tibet’s work. It must be long-term adhered to and fully implemented.

The 70th anniversary of Tibet’s peaceful liberation coincided with the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan". It is the first year that my country has built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and achieved its first centenary goal. . Today, the development of Tibet is at a new historical starting point. Forging ahead on a new journey, we must fully implement the party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, based on the new development stage, fully, accurately and fully implement the new development concept, serve and integrate into the new development pattern, and promote high-quality development , Strengthen the construction of border areas, do a good job in the four major issues of stability, development, ecology, and strong borders, continue to make new achievements in promoting the ecological protection and sustainable development of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and strive to write a new chapter in the long-term stability and high-quality development of the snow-covered plateau. It is necessary to accurately grasp the characteristics of the stage of work in Tibet, adhere to the maintenance of the motherland's unity and strengthening of national unity as the focus and focus, and seek long-term strategies and take more actions to consolidate the foundation, and continue to enhance the people of all ethnic groups to the great motherland and the Chinese nation. The recognition of Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics has laid a solid ideological foundation for national unity. To promote the high-quality development of Tibet, we must insist that all development should be endowed with the meaning of national unity and progress, should be endowed with the meaning of improving people's livelihood and uniting people's hearts, and should be conducive to enhancing the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people of all ethnic groups.

At present, the clarion call for marching towards the second centenary goal has been sounded. Unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, fully implement the spirit of the Seventh Central Committee on Tibet Work, forge a sense of the Chinese nation community, work together, forge ahead, ensure national security and long-term stability, and ensure people's living standards Continuously improve, ensure a good ecological environment, ensure the consolidation of border defenses and border security, and strive to build a united, prosperous, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern new Tibet. Tibet will have a more brilliant tomorrow and the lives of the Tibetan people will be happier and more beautiful!

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 18th)