23 Aug 21 - story 4

With the people in my heart, everything is for the people

Comment on Jiao Yulu's Spirit

Struggle for a hundred years, set sail for a new journey

The spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhai Zhuo

In February 1966, the full-length newsletter "The Example of the County Party Secretary-Jiao Yulu" was broadcast. Jiao Yulu's name spread to thousands of households and became a shining example of Communists in the country and a role model respected by all party members and cadres.

During the 475 days of working in Lankao, Jiao Yulu led the people of Lankao to eliminate the "three evils" and plant paulownia, use his life to build a monumental monument of communists, and cast a shining, great spirit that travels through time and space-loving the people, loving the people, working hard, Jiao Yulu's spirit of seeking truth from science, facing difficulties, and selfless dedication.

On March 17, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was investigating and guiding the party's mass line education practice activities in Lankao County, Henan Province, once again came to the Comrade Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall to visit Jiao Yulu's life deeds. He pointed out that Jiao Yulu spirit is the same as Jinggangshan spirit, Yan'an spirit, Lei Feng spirit and other revolutionary traditions and great spirits. It was, is, and will remain the precious spiritual wealth of our party. We must always learn from him.

"Destroying my old life, doing a big job, determined to change the face of Lankao"

Walking into the Comrade Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall in Lankao County, the first thing you see is Jiao Yulu’s shocking vows of struggle and last words-

"Destroying my old life, doing a great job, determined to change the face of Lankao."

"I didn't cure the sand dunes if I was alive. If I die, I have to watch and cure the dunes."

In the winter of 1962, Lankao County was suffering from severe sandstorms, waterlogging, and salinity. When Jiao Yulu was in danger, he led the cadres and the masses to chase floods, check wind vents, and explore quicksand. He summed up specific strategies for rectifying the "three hazards" and explored ways to plant paulownia on a large scale.

He personally led the investigation, because "you can see the ants when you squat down." In three months, Jiao Yulu led the county cadres to run more than 120 brigades, traveled more than 5,000 miles, and mastered first-hand information on rectifying the "three evils".

Jiao Yulu suffered from liver disease for a long time, and when the pain was unbearable, he used a pen, a tea tank cover, and a feather duster to push against the liver. After a long time, the wicker chair he was sitting on was pushed out of a big hole.

Jiao Yulu has always been arduous and simple. There were 42 patches on the quilts and 36 patches on the mattresses he used during his lifetime. Once, when he heard his child "watching a white show", he immediately took the money to let the child go to the theater to make up for the ticket.


"The road is long and long, and the two sleeves are coming and going. Being an official will benefit one party, and the business will be smoothed. Green is dripping, and it will be clear and blue." More than 50 years ago, Jiao Yulu led the Lankao people to fight against the "three evils". The extensive planting of paulownia planted the hope of "a thousand hectares of clear blue" on the barren land of Lankao.

For more than 50 years, generations of Communists have continued to fight in Lankao. In March 2017, Lankao became the first poverty-stricken county in Henan Province to get rid of poverty; the paulownia tree that Jiao Yulu led everyone in that year has now been made into pieces of wonderful musical instruments and pieces of exquisite furniture, becoming the people of Lankao to get rich and run well. Important industry.

"There are all the people in my heart, but he doesn't have himself"

Yan Xiaofeng, a researcher at the Institute of Marxism at the National Defense University, believes that Jiao Yulu's spirit is rich and profound, and its core is the feeling of a public servant that "all the people are in his heart, but he does not have himself."

When the people in Lankao heard about the arrival of a new county party secretary, Jiao Yulu had been to the countryside for three days. In order to narrow the distance with the masses, he proposed the "Three Harmonies" working method-eating, living with, and working with the masses.

He visited the poor regardless of the wind and snow. Faced with the question of the fellow "Who are you", the sentence "I am your son" made the fellow tearful.

In Lankao, Jiao Yulu only left 4 photos, 3 of which were secretly taken by others. He often said: "The lens should be aimed at the people more and more pictures should be taken for them. How meaningful is it to take pictures of me?"

He valued making the people of Lankao live better than his own life. Before his death, Jiao Yulu was still wondering whether the sand dunes of Zhangzhuang were sealed, whether the crops of Zhaojialou were flooded, how the wheat grew on the saline soil of Qinzhai, and how many paulownia trees were planted in the old Hanling land...

The Sri Lankan has passed away, and "Jiao Tong" is affectionate.

Wei Shanmin, a 79-year-old farmer in Lankao, has a habit that he has maintained for 50 years. Every morning, he carries a broom and dustpan to sweep leaves, water, and fertilize under a tree one kilometer away from his home.

This is a small sapling planted by Jiao Yulu himself in 1963, and now it has grown into a towering tree with a thickness of more than 5 meters and a height of more than 26 meters. The nearby paulownia tree has been updated for three or four generations, and it still stands proudly. This tree is affectionately called "Jiaotong" by local people.

Go to the poorest house to eat pie to learn about the people's truth, and let my daughter go to work in the bitter and tiring pickle garden... Everyone who rests under "Jiao Tong" can tell a story about Jiao Yulu.

"It is precisely because Jiao Yulu puts the people in the highest position in their hearts, compares hearts and exchanges hearts, the people also put him in the most respected position in their hearts." Yan Xiaofeng said.

"People who don't like officials"-the people call Jiao Yulu

"Who doesn't like officials? Bring tears to rain. Life is sand dune, death is sand dune, the life and death of the elders. Mu Xuechaoshuang, don't change the heroic spirit!..." In July 1990, he felt the spirit of Jiao Yulu and was in Fuzhou at that time. Xi Jinping, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, filled in the word "Nian Nujiao·Remembering Jiao Yulu".

When General Secretary Xi Jinping was investigating and guiding the party’s mass line education practice activities in Lankao County, he emphasized that it is necessary to study and promote Comrade Jiao Yulu’s “all the people in his heart, but he does not have himself” as a public servant. The pragmatic style of “chewed buns has no taste”, “dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky”, “revolutionaries must be heroes in the face of difficulties”, hard work, simplicity, integrity, and “no specialization at any time” Moral sentiment.

Liu Junsheng, the communications officer of the former Lankao County Party Committee Office who has worked with Jiao Yulu for one year and four months, said with deep feeling during his lifetime: "The people call Jiao Yulu, calling for the good tradition of our party that has always been connected with the masses, calling everything for the people. , All rely on the good style of the people, calling for the lofty ideals of our party."

What is gratifying is that the spirit of Jiao Yulu has been flowing in the blood of generations of communists: Wu Jinyin, who has been rooted in the township for 50 years, "the role model of the township party committee secretary", and Kong Fansen, the pioneer of reform who "spreads blood on the plateau", has a heart for the masses and selfless dedication. "National Excellent County Party Committee Secretary" Liao Junbo...

Dong Yana, who has been interpreting at the Comrade Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall for 28 years, is often asked a question: Do you feel bored by explaining the same content day after day?

Dong Yana said that the more you talk about Jiao Yulu's spirit, the more you can feel the greatness of Jiao Yulu's spirit. "Secretary Jiao Yulu is a book that can never be finished, often read Changxin."

The history is endless, and Jiao Yulu's spirit will last forever and its value will be eternal. In the new journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, learning and carrying forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu will inspire all party cadres and the masses to further keep in mind their original mission and strive to move forward, bringing together the weight of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Stubborn power.

(Xinhua News Agency, Zhengzhou, August 18th)