23 Aug 21 - story 5

Xi Jinping talks on the phone with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 18. President Xi Jinping had a phone conversation with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on August 18.

Xi Jinping pointed out that in the 50 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Iran, the relations between the two countries have withstood the test of international vicissitudes, and the friendship between the two peoples has become stronger over time. In the face of a century of change in the world and the complex situation of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in the century, China and Iran share weal and woe and help each other. While working together to fight the new crown pneumonia epidemic, they have strengthened unity and cooperation and promoted positive progress in practical cooperation, which has effectively consolidated the strategic mutual trust and firmness of the two countries. Safeguarded international fairness and justice. China appreciates Iran's active development of relations with China, and is willing to work with Iran to promote the stability and long-term development of China-Iran comprehensive strategic partnership.

Xi Jinping emphasized that no matter how the international and regional situation changes, China will unswervingly develop friendly relations with Iran. The two sides should continue to support each other on issues involving each other's core interests and major concerns. China firmly supports Iran in safeguarding national sovereignty and national dignity and opposes external interference. It is willing to strengthen exchanges of experience in governance and administration with Iran, strengthen cooperation in fighting the epidemic, promote the development of each country, and enhance the well-being of the two peoples. The China-Iran comprehensive cooperation plan has opened up broader prospects for deepening mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries. The two sides should tap the potential and actively jointly build the “Belt and Road” initiative to create more pragmatic cooperation results. China supports Iran’s reasonable demands on the comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue, and is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Iran on regional affairs, safeguard common interests, and promote regional security and stability.

Raisi expressed his warm congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Iran and China. The unswerving development of a stronger and more powerful Iran-China comprehensive strategic partnership is the priority and focus of the Iranian government’s foreign policy. Iran thanks China for its valuable support for Iran’s fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, appreciates China’s fair position in international and regional affairs such as Iran’s nuclear issue, and stands ready to intensify strategic communication with China, enhance strategic mutual trust, deepen bilateral cooperation and multilateral cooperation, and jointly oppose unilateralism. Ism, hegemonism and external interference. Iran firmly supports China's position on issues related to Taiwan, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong, and firmly opposes the use of virus traceability issues to suppress and contain China. China's proposal to jointly build the "Belt and Road" is full of strategic foresight, and Iran is willing to actively participate.