26 Jul 21 - story 1

Comprehensively implement the party’s strategy for governing Tibet in the new era and write a new chapter in the long-term stability and high-quality development of the snow covered plateau

Xinhua News Agency, Lhasa, July 23. On the occasion of celebrating the 70th anniversary of Tibet’s peaceful liberation, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission came to Tibet to congratulate the 70th anniversary of Tibet’s peaceful liberation. Cadres and masses of all ethnic groups sent to the Party Central Committee for care. As General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, Xi Jinping went to Tibet to celebrate the peaceful liberation of Tibet. This is the first time in the history of the Party and the country. He fully expressed the Party Central Committee’s support for Tibet’s work and care for the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Tibet. .

Xi Jinping pointed out that in the past 70 years since Tibet’s peaceful liberation, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the strong support of the people across the country, cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Tibet have worked arduously and tenaciously, the social system has achieved historic leaps, the overall economic and social development has been achieved, and the people’s lives have been extremely high. Great improvement, the face of urban and rural areas is not what it used to be. Practice has proved that without the Communist Party of China, there would be no New China and no New Tibet. The Party Central Committee’s policies on Tibet work are completely correct.

Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to fully implement the party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, based on the new development stage, fully, accurately and fully implement the new development concept, serve and integrate into the new development pattern, and promote high-quality development. Strengthen the construction of border areas, do a good job in the four major issues of stability, development, ecology, and strong borders, continue to make new achievements in promoting the ecological protection and sustainable development of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and strive to write a new chapter in the long-term stability and high-quality development of the snow-covered plateau.

From July 21st to 23rd, accompanied by Wu Yingjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, and Zizala, Chairman of the Autonomous Region Government, Xi Jinping visited Nyingchi, Lhasa and other places successively, and went deep into rural areas, urban parks, railway hubs, religious sites, cultural districts, etc. Visit and condolences cadres and masses of all ethnic groups.

At about 11 am on the 21st, Xi Jinping arrived at Linzhi Milin Airport by plane. The cadres of all ethnic groups in Tibet held bouquets, sang and danced, warmly welcomed the arrival of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and presented Hada, Chema, and highland barley wine to the General Secretary to express their heartfelt blessings to the General Secretary.

Later, Xi Jinping drove to the Niyang River Bridge, overlooking the rippling water and lush vegetation of the Yanni Wetland, and hearing about the ecological environment protection and the construction of nature reserves in the Yarlung Zangbo River and the Niyang River Basin. Xi Jinping emphasized that we must adhere to the priority of protection, adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of landscapes, forests, fields, lakes, sands and ice, strengthen the ecological environment protection and restoration of important river basins, coordinate the rational development, utilization and protection of water resources, and protect the lives, plants, and mountains here.

In the afternoon of the same day, Xi Jinping came to the Nyingchi City Planning Museum to learn about the construction process and development plan of Nyingchi City. Xi Jinping said that the people of all ethnic groups living on the plateau have been interdependent with nature for a long time and have formed a lifestyle of living in harmony with the plateau environment. It is necessary to highlight regional characteristics and guide and stimulate this concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature and sustainable development. , Taking the carrying capacity of resources and environment as hard constraints, scientifically delimit urban development boundaries and ecological protection red lines, reasonably determine the size of the urban population, scientifically support the planning and construction of infrastructure, strengthen the construction of forest fire prevention facilities, and improve the level of urban modernization.

Gala Village, located in Linzhi Town, Bayi District, Nyingchi City, is famous for its peach blossoms in spring. Xi Jinping came here and listened to the introduction of Gala Village's leading role in party building, leading the masses to increase income and wealth, and improving the level of grassroots governance. He walked into the village convenience service center, "green bank" exchange shops, health rooms, etc. to learn more about the situation. The villager Dawa Jianshen warmly welcomed the general secretary to his home. Xi Jinping carefully inspected the bedroom, kitchen, storage room, bathroom, etc., and chatted with his family in the living room. Dawajianshen told the general secretary that in recent years, his family relied on running transportation, peach blossom festival dividends, land transfer, planting and breeding, and their family income last year exceeded 300,000 yuan. Xi Jinping was very happy to hear this. He pointed out that the good life in Gala Village is a microcosm of the economic and social development achievements of Tibet since the peaceful liberation of Tibet over the past 70 years. It is a place where the flowers of national unity and progress bloom. The good days of the villagers benefited from the good policies of the party and the country, and it was also created by your hardworking hands. It is necessary to implement the Party Central Committee’s policy of supporting Tibet’s development and comprehensively promote rural revitalization. The villagers gathered on the side of the road, holding a white hada, cheering to say hello to the general secretary, and taking off their hats to pay tribute to the general secretary. Xi Jinping wishes everyone happiness and health, Tashi Delek.

Leaving Gala Village, Xi Jinping went to Gongbu Park, located at the junction of the old and new towns of Nyingchi, to inspect the greenery and infrastructure of the park. Xi Jinping emphasized that the core of a city is people. Whether the city’s work is done well, whether the people are satisfied or dissatisfied, and the convenience and inconvenience of life are important criteria for judging. We must adhere to the people-oriented principle, continuously improve the functions of the city, and improve the quality of life of the people. Xi Jinping sent blessings to the local people and tourists who danced in the park square, and wished the people of all ethnic groups a better life, and the sesame seeds blossomed steadily.

On June 25 this year, Tibet's first electrified railway, Lalin Railway, opened its doors. On the morning of the 22nd, Xi Jinping came to Linzhi Railway Station, an important hub station of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, to understand the overall plan of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway and the construction and operation of the Lhasa-Nyingchi section, listen to the report on the progress of the construction of the Ya'an-Nyingchi section, and sit on a special train to observe Lalin. The construction situation along the railway, in-depth study of related issues. Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, presided over the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee to study and deploy the comprehensive promotion of the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, and made important instructions for the advancement of the work. He pointed out that the planning and construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway is an important measure to promote the development of Tibet and the improvement of people’s livelihood. The topography, geology and climatic conditions of the Yalin section are more complex, and the difficulty of construction is rare. Difficulties, dare to be the first, adhere to scientific construction, safe construction, and green construction, and build this iconic project in the process of achieving the second centenary goal. It is necessary to make overall plans for the construction of the western border railway network, fully demonstrate and scientifically plan, and better serve the high-quality development of the border areas and the high-quality life of the broad masses of people.

In the afternoon of the same day, Xi Jinping came to Drepung Monastery in the western suburbs of Lhasa. In the square of the Tsoqin main hall, the dharma names are all sounded. The person in charge of the Drepung Monastery’s management committee presents a Hada to the general secretary. The monk lifts the incense burner and holds the umbrella. Xi Jinping listened to the introduction of Tibetan religious work and Drepung Monastery’s strengthening of innovative temple management, and inspected the Cochin Hall, fully affirming Drepung Monastery’s positive contributions in supporting the leadership of the Communist Party of China, supporting the socialist system, and safeguarding the unity of the motherland over the years. . When Xi Jinping walked out of the main hall, dozens of monks held Hada to send off the general secretary. Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to fully implement the party’s basic policy on religious work, respect the religious beliefs of the masses, adhere to the principle of independence and self-management, manage religious affairs in accordance with the law, actively guide Tibetan Buddhism to adapt to socialist society, and promote religious harmony, social harmony, and nationality. Harmony plays an active role in promoting social development and progress.

Located in Barkhor Street in the old city of Lhasa, it has a history of more than 1,300 years. Xi Jinping walked to inspect the style and features of Barkhor Street, walked into specialty commodity stores, and asked about the development of tourism, cultural and creative industries, and the protection of Tibetan cultural heritage. People of all ethnic groups greeted the general secretary one after another. Xi Jinping waved his hand to greet everyone. Xi Jinping then came to the Potala Palace Square, where the brightly colored national flags were fluttering in the wind, the Tibet Peaceful Liberation Monument stood majestic, and the Potala Palace was magnificent. Xi Jinping asked about the protection and management of the Potala Palace and cordially visited people of all ethnic groups. Tourists and local people in the square shouted "Hello, General Secretary" in unison. Xi Jinping pointed out that Tibet was developed jointly by all ethnic groups, and the history of Tibet was written jointly by all ethnic groups. The exchanges between the Tibetans and other ethnic groups run through the historical development of Tibet. At present, the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country has begun, and the development of Tibet has also stood at a new historical starting point. As long as we follow the Communist Party of China and firmly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and work together to strengthen national unity, we will definitely Able to achieve the second centenary goal as scheduled, and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Xi Jinping wishes people of all ethnic groups "Tashi Delek".

That night, Xi Jinping watched a national cultural performance with cadres and the masses of all ethnic groups in the Tibetan People's Hall. The melodious folk songs and unrestrained dances show the unique cultural charm of Tibet, and express the unswerving confidence of the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet to follow the party and jointly create a happier and better life.

On the morning of July 23, Xi Jinping listened to the work report of the Tibet Autonomous Region Party Committee and Government, and affirmed the achievements of Tibet’s various work. He hoped that the Party Committee and Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region would unite and lead the cadres and the masses, work together, forge ahead, and strive to build unity and prosperity. A modern, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist new Tibet.

Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to accurately grasp the phased characteristics of work in Tibet, do a solid job of mass work, improve the level of social governance, and ensure national security, social stability, and people's happiness. We must persist in integrating the education of national unity and progress propaganda with socialist core values ​​education, patriotism education, anti-separatism education, comparison education of old and new Tibet, and education of Marxist views on the country, history, nation, culture, and religion. Seek a long-term strategy and do more to consolidate the foundation. It is necessary to strengthen exchanges and blending of ethnic groups, continuously increase the recognition of the people of all ethnic groups with the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics, and lay a solid ideological foundation for national unity.

Xi Jinping pointed out that to promote the high-quality development of Tibet, we must insist that all development should be endowed with the meaning of national unity and progress, should be endowed with the meaning of improving people's livelihood and uniting people's hearts, and should be conducive to enhancing the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people of all ethnic groups. It is necessary to exploit strengths and avoid weaknesses, adapt measures to local conditions, deepen reform and opening up, accelerate the construction of railways, highways and other major infrastructures, develop characteristic industries, accelerate the construction of national clean energy bases, coordinate development and security, and blaze a path of high-quality development in line with Tibet's reality.

Xi Jinping emphasized that in recent years, the lives and spiritual outlook of the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet have undergone great changes. Wherever I went, I felt everyone's happiness for living a good life and gratitude to the party and the country. We must adhere to the people-centered development concept, promote the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation results and the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization, and focus more on the livelihood issues of general concern to the masses, and do a good job in employment, education, social security, medical care, elderly care, childcare, housing, etc. People’s livelihood facts are implemented one by one, so that people of all ethnic groups will have a better sense of acquisition, a more sustainable sense of happiness, and a more secure sense of security. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of border infrastructure and encourage people of all ethnic groups to take root in the border, guard the country and build their hometowns.

Xi Jinping pointed out that protecting Tibet's ecological environment will benefit the ages and the world. We must firmly establish the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, ice and snow are also golden mountains and silver mountains, maintain strategic determination, improve the level of ecological environment management, promote the protection of biodiversity on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority and green development. Efforts will be made to build a modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and earnestly protect the Earth’s third pole ecology.

Xi Jinping emphasized that studying history is the goal of party history learning and education, and that the achievements of learning history, increasing credit, and respecting morality should be transformed into practical actions to transform the subjective and objective worlds. We must work hard to temper the party spirit, educate and guide the majority of party members and cadres to carry forward the glorious tradition of the party, maintain the red blood, use the great party building spirit to nourish the party spirit, strengthen ideals and beliefs, and continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution. With the "big nation in mind" in mind, we will always practice self-discipline with the principles of party spirit, and earnestly win the trust of the people and lead the masses with a strong party spirit. We must work hard to serve the people, educate and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to always put the people in the highest position in their hearts, be a confidant, caring person, and guide for the people, and work hard to solve the problems of the people’s desperation and anxiety with heart and affection. Promote the common prosperity of all people to achieve more obvious substantive progress. It is necessary to promote development, educate and guide party members and cadres to combine the study of party history with the promotion of work, insist on seeking truth and being pragmatic, taking responsibility, creatively implementing the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee, focusing on solving development problems, strengthening development advantages, and working hard to make Worthy of the party and the people, worthy of the new achievements of history and the times.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the Party Central Committee is very concerned about Tibetan cadres and workers. Starting from the extremely difficult work and life in Tibet, it has formulated special wages and related welfare policies. It must be implemented effectively, pay attention to the health protection of cadres and workers, and solve the problems of cadres and workers. Worries.

Prior to the report meeting, Xi Jinping met with representatives of responsible comrades and veteran comrades of the Tibet Autonomous Region and relevant departments, localities and cities, representatives of all ethnic groups and all walks of life, representatives of Tibetan aid cadres, representatives of political and legal police officers, and representatives of patriots in religious circles. On behalf of the Party Central Committee, Xi Jinping extended sincere greetings to the comrades struggling in the snow-covered plateau.

On July 23, Xi Jinping cordially received representatives of the officers and soldiers of the army stationed in Tibet in Lhasa. Xi Jinping extended sincere greetings to all commanders and fighters of the troops stationed in Tibet and fully affirmed the outstanding contributions made by the troops stationed in Tibet. He emphasized that it is necessary to implement the party's thinking of strengthening the army in the new era, implement the military strategy of the new era, vigorously carry forward the "old Tibet spirit", comprehensively strengthen military training and preparations, and actively contribute to the promotion of Tibet's long-term stability, prosperity and development.

At present, it is a critical period for the nation's flood prevention and flood fighting. During the inspection, Xi Jinping immediately made important instructions after learning of the extreme heavy rainfall in Henan, demanding that the protection of the people’s lives and property should always be the first priority, quickly organize forces for flood prevention and disaster relief, and properly arrange the victims to prevent secondary disasters. Minimize casualties and property losses. Xi Jinping asked the People’s Liberation Army and the Armed Police Forces to actively assist local governments in emergency rescue and disaster relief. The National Defense Agency, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Ministry of Water Resources, and the Ministry of Transport should strengthen overall coordination, strengthen meteorological monitoring and forecasting and geological disaster assessment, and pay close attention to various flood prevention and disaster relief work. . Relevant departments in all regions must do a good job in all aspects of work, restore the order of production and life as soon as possible, do a good job in assisting and assisting people in disasters, as well as health and epidemic prevention, and focusing on consolidating the results of poverty alleviation. Tibet must also fulfill these requirements and do a good job in the prevention and handling of natural disasters.

Ding Xuexiang, Liu He, Yang Xiaodu, Zhang Youxia, Chen Xi, He Lifeng and responsible comrades of relevant departments of the central and state organs accompanied the inspection, and Pabala Grelange participated in the relevant activities.