26 Jul 21 - story 3

The source of great spirit and the great power of striving forward

Zhong Hua on

"One hundred years ago, the pioneers of the Communist Party of China founded the Communist Party of China. They formed the great party-building spirit of adhering to the truth, adhering to ideals, fulfilling the original aspiration, taking up the mission, not afraid of sacrifice, fighting heroically, loyal to the party, and living up to the people. It is the spiritual source of the Chinese Communist Party."

July 1, 2021, Tiananmen Square, Beijing. At the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly proposed the great party-building spirit, which stirred up a majestic force to carry forward the past and forge ahead in the hearts of more than 95 million party members and more than 1.4 billion Chinese people.

32 words, condensed a century of struggle, revealing the true meaning of history. This is the spiritual epic of a great Marxist political party, and this is the heroic declaration of the Chinese Communists in the new era to learn from history and create the future.


The Communist Party of China is celebrating its centenary, and the world's attention is once again focused on China. When the Summit of Leaders of the Communist Party of China and World Political Parties was held in the "cloud", leaders of more than 500 political parties and organizations from more than 160 countries, more than 10,000 political parties and representatives from all walks of life attended the meeting. Behind the grand occasion is a question that many people are generally lingering: Why can the Chinese Communist Party?

A tree that is a thousand feet tall must have a root, and the rivers and rivers always have their roots. To understand the Communist Party of China, one must understand the spirit of the Communist Party of China; to understand the spirit of the Communist Party of China, one must understand the source of the spirit of the Communist Party of China.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s summary and profound elucidation of the great party-building spirit explained the spiritual origin and starting point of the Communist Party of China, revealed the historical significance and era value of the great party-building spirit, and concentratedly reflected the importance of the party’s history, party tradition, and party’s history. A profound exposition of the spirit of the country.

The proposition of the great party-building spirit has both a profound historical foundation and distinctive characteristics of the times. It marks that our party has reached a new height in its understanding and summary of its own history, and has reached a new level of understanding and grasp of its own nature and purpose. High, the comprehension and interpretation of one's own spiritual pedigree has reached a new height. This is a major theoretical innovation. It is the enrichment and perfection of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. It is of great and far-reaching significance for promoting the vigorous development of the cause of the party and the people.

Engels pointed out that a party that knows its own goals and how to achieve it, a party that really wants to achieve this goal and has the tenacious spirit necessary to achieve this goal-such a party will be invincible.

Victory, spiritual foresight. The great spirit of party building highly summarizes the historical logic, theoretical logic, and practical logic of the Chinese Communist Party’s centuries of struggle, and provides a "golden key" for people to deeply understand "why the Communist Party of China can". It implies that a century-old party is still vigorous and vigorous. Mental code.


A single spark can start a prairie fire.

In the Great Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China, the huge oil painting "Spark", 3 meters high and 7 meters wide, attracted many visitors. On the screen, more than 50 members of the early Communist Party organizations in various places held their heads up and marched forward vigorously. Once the fire of ideals and belief is ignited, it will never go out...

"The highest ideal of life lies in the truth." Looking through the history of the party, the pioneers of the party wrote touching stories about adhering to the truth and adhering to the ideal. For the doctrine and belief in their hearts, they are determined to go forward and succeed in succession. The test of life and death cannot change their ambitions, their fame and fortune cannot move their hearts, and they cannot prevent them from going through all kinds of dangers. "Stones can be broken, but not strong; Dan can be grind, but not red." The ideals and beliefs of the Chinese Communists are as solid as a rock, and the struggle of the Chinese Communists is indomitable.

The awakening of the mind is the real awakening, and the sublimation of the spirit is the real sublimation. In modern times, through repeated comparisons, arduous explorations, and practical tests, China’s advanced elements have become more and more truly aware that "all roads are nowhere to go" and that only Marxism can save China. It is precisely based on the profound understanding of the scientific and truthful nature of Marxism that the Chinese Communists believe that "Marx's doctrine is really the guiding star of saving China" and firmly believe that "the doctrine we believe in is the truth of the universe." From the day of its birth, our party has clearly written Marxism on its banner, and has continuously promoted the modernization and popularization of Marxism in China in long-term practice, and led the people on a human righteous path towards the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Marx believed that the essence of spirit is always truth itself. The "taste" of faith stems from the power of truth. For Chinese Communists, to adhere to the truth is to adhere to the truth of Marxism; to adhere to the ideal is to adhere to the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

There is faith in the heart and strength under the feet. A hundred years of hard work and a hundred years of vicissitudes have fully proved: Why the Chinese Communist Party can and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good? In the final analysis, it is because of Marxism. The belief in Marxism and the belief in socialism and communism will always be the political soul of the communists and the spiritual pillar for the communists to withstand any test.


In the square on the west side of the Chinese Communist Party History Exhibition Hall, five groups of sculptures named "Flag", "Faith", "Great Cause", "Tackling Fortifications" and "Dream Pursuit" stand solemnly, vividly telling the story of our party’s pursuit of happiness for the people and for the nation over the past century. The struggle for rejuvenation has fixed the stalwart image of fulfilling the original aspiration and assuming the mission in the world and engraved in the hearts of people.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, all the struggles, all sacrifices, and all creations that the Chinese Communist Party has united and led the Chinese people in the past 100 years have been summed up as one theme: realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At a time when the fortunes of the country were faltering and the nation was in danger, the revolutionary pioneers stepped forward and determined to open a bright path for the suffering Chinese nation. Once the Communist Party of China was born, it established its original mission to seek happiness for the Chinese people and for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The original intention is eternal because of practice, and the mission is great because of responsibility. From Li Dazhao's ambition of "creating the life of the nation and saving the youth of the nation" to Fang Zhimin's vow of "I yearn for the light; I begin to fight for the light"; from Wang Jinxi's "Desperate efforts to win the big oil field" to Jiao Yulu The feelings of "all the people are in my heart, but he does not have himself"; from Kong Fansen's confession that "the highest state of love for a communist is to love the people" to Huang Wenxiu's decision to "develop where the people need it most"... Generations of Communists have kept their original aspirations with a heart of innocence and strived for their missions, leading the people to create one after another human miracle that shines through the annals of history.

The original intention and mission are the fundamental driving force that inspires the Chinese Communists to advance continuously. In the course of a century of ups and downs, it is precisely because of sticking to the original aspiration and bravely shouldering the mission that the Chinese Communists have always been able to strengthen the confidence that "the long wind and the waves will have a time", maintain the determination of "the hard work is still strong", and inspire the "courage first." The courage to be invincible, and the wisdom to "pull the clouds and mist to see the moonlight", and go forward courageously on the journey of "stepping down the bumps into the road"...

At the "July 1st Medal" awarding ceremony, when Zhang Guimei stepped into the Great Hall of the People, her hands covered with plasters and holding up the dreams of many Dashan girls were teary. Like Zhang Guimei, countless Communist Party members wrote their sincere heartfelt words with hard-working handwriting: "Someone asked me why I did this? Among them was my gratitude and feelings for this land, and more, it was the original intention and mission of a Communist Party member. ."


"Because of 1921, so 2021." On the centenary of the founding of the party, a batch of film and television works such as "Awakening Age", "1921", "Revolutionary" and "Red Boat" were screened. Relive all the memorable moments of history and realize that everything is hard-won today. People even more cherish the memory of those martyrs who "woke up first but left first"——

"Li Dazhao, sacrifice in 1927" "Chen Yannian, sacrifice in 1927" "Li Hanjun, sacrifice in 1927" "Chen Qiaonian, sacrifice in 1928" "Cai Hesen, sacrifice in 1931" "Deng Zhongxia, sacrifice in 1933"...

"Will not cherish a new homeland, and will be willing to fertile China with passion." The party's century-old history is a history of heroic struggle without fear of sacrifice. In the history, there are blood and tears, there is suffering and glory, and even more iron-clad.

It was Zhao Shiyan’s firm belief that “people of lofty ideals would not sacrifice”, Qu Qiubai’s generosity and calmness of “this place is very good” before his execution, He Shuheng’s fearless feat of “spending the last drop of blood for the Soviets”, and Shi Guangyin’s “smashing pots and selling iron, but also the sand The tenacious struggle to live is Huang Dafa’s selfless dedication of “the water is too much to pass, and he spends his life to pay for it”...

There will be sacrifices to struggle. No other party in the world has encountered so many difficulties and obstacles, experienced so many life and death tests, and made so many tragic sacrifices like the Chinese Communist Party. According to incomplete statistics, in modern times, there have been about 20 million martyrs who have given their precious lives to the Chinese revolution and construction. Most of them are members of the Communist Party, and most of them did not leave their names.

Born in the struggle, developed in the struggle, and grown in the struggle, our party has tempered an invincible and powerful spiritual force in the struggle, forged not to be afraid of risks, not afraid of powerful enemies, and daring to overcome all difficulties without being subjected to any difficulties. The overwhelming awe-inspiring character, united and led the Chinese people to create a bright and splendid new world.

"For the sake of sacrifice, I dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky." The history of a century of struggle has stirred the heroic spirit of the Chinese Communists to change the world and the magnificent mountains and rivers.


"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's statutes... I am always ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, and never rebel." Facing the bright red party flag, raised his right fist and solemnly swore-to the party members Said that the 80-character oath to join the party is very strong, and the spirit and requirements of "loyal to the party and worthy of the people" run through it, calling every party member to "practice what he believes and do what he knows."

"There is no better morality than loyalty in the world." Loyalty to the party is the primary political quality of communists. Over the past 100 years, our party has gone through hardships and hardships. It has not been crushed by difficulties, nor has it been overthrown by the enemy. It has relied on the loyalty of thousands of party members. The centuries-year history of the party has the perseverance of "loyalty and loyalty, and abundance to fill the two rooms", and the heroism of "the head of a strong man is the party, and the body of the hero is divided". There is a heart full of grass roots in the belly, and there are bamboo sticks and nails. The loyalty of being in the ten fingers and never betraying the party has the realm of hiding fame and being indifferent to fame and fortune... Generations of outstanding Communists have interpreted their absolute loyalty to the party with their blood and life, hard work and dedication.

Loyalty to the party stems from a firm belief; to live up to the people, from the heart of the beginning of the Republic. The centuries-old history of our party is a history of sharing heart and soul with the people, sharing weal and woe with the people, and struggling in unity with the people. From "serving the people" to "taking the people as the center", the Chinese Communists always put the people at the highest position in their hearts. For the happiness of the people, they will go forward courageously, work hard to achieve it, and make every effort to achieve it. I will live up to the people without me."

"The people also work hard, and they can be well-off." Only under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the people became the masters of the country, and the problem of absolute poverty was solved historically. A well-off society has been built on the land of China, and the common people have a long-cherished wish and a hundred-year dream. Life is getting better and better. "This prosperous age, as you wish"-This is a prosperous world created by the people, and it belongs to the people.

"Fanshuang is all my hard work, and I sprinkle it on Qianfeng Qiuyedan." The party spirit and the people's spirit have always been consistent and unified. The essential requirement of loyalty to the party is to live up to the people, and live up to the people is the greatest loyalty to the party. . Absolute loyalty to the party and infinite love for the people-the loyalty and innocence of the Chinese Communists have long been integrated into the spiritual blood and have become an inexhaustible source of strength.


Comrade Deng Xiaoping said: “Party members of the Communist Party rely on the power of truth and the power of personality.” The great party-building spirit fully and vividly embodies the power of truth and personality of the Communists. It is a great influence on the pioneers of the Communist Party of China. The generalization and condensing of ideals and beliefs, responsibility, value pursuit, spiritual outlook, and political character embodied in the practice of party building are distinctively political, revolutionary, practical, and popular.

The spirit of the great party building is incisive, rich in connotation, and profound in artistic conception. Its four aspects are relatively independent, have their own emphasis, but also are closely linked and integrated. They are an organic whole that is mutually connected and promotes each other. It fully reflects the themes and themes of the centuries-old party history. The main line, mainstream and essence fully embody the essential requirement of "not forgetting the original intention and keeping in mind the mission" of a Marxist party.

"Adhere to the truth and adhere to the ideal", reveal the unique advantages of our party's advanced thinking and firm belief from the ideological level; "practice the original aspiration and assume the mission", reveal the consistent historical responsibility and inexhaustible driving force of our party from the practical level; "Be not afraid of sacrifices and fight heroically", revealing the strong will and invincible strength of our party from the spiritual level; "loyal to the party and not losing to the people", revealing the noble character of our party that builds the party for the public and cares for the people from the value level .


Where a tree has roots, it can grow; where water has a source of water, it can rush. The great party-building spirit took root in the unremitting exploration of the truth by the pioneers of the Communist Party of China, and thrived in the historical process of combining Marxism with the specific reality of China and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and led the Chinese people to carry out revolution, construction, and reform under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Enriched and developed in the great practice of the Communist Party of China, and built the eternal spiritual home of the Chinese Communists.

Where history begins, the spirit comes from. The great party-building spirit composes the great opening chapter of a century-old magnificent spiritual epic, and is the source of the endless spirit of the Communist Party of China.

This is the spiritual origin and ideological basis of building and strengthening the party. The great spirit of party building has answered basic questions such as "for whom, relying on, who I am", "where do I come from, and where do I go", "what is a Marxist party, and how to build a Marxist party". It has accumulated our party's innateness. The coming red gene reveals the fundamental reason why the Chinese Communist Party is "great, glorious, and correct." The great party-building spirit is like a cornerstone, a towering building that supports the development and progress of the party's cause; and like a kind of fire, it ignites the blazing spiritual torch on the arduous and terrifying journey.

This is the source and root, root and soul of the Chinese Communists' spiritual pedigree. For one hundred years, the Communist Party of China has started from the source of the great party-building spirit, formed a series of great spirits in the long-term struggle, built the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists, and demonstrated the magnificent spiritual power passed down from generation to generation.

In the formation of the spirit of Jinggangshan, the spirit of the Zunyi Conference, and the spirit of the Special Economic Zone, "adhering to truth and adhering to ideals" inspired the Chinese Communists to emancipate their minds, seek truth from facts, and dare to break a new path; "practice the original aspiration and assume the mission" in the Yan'an spirit, The spirit of Xibaipo and the spirit of "two bombs and one star" have been vividly interpreted, fully demonstrating the historical responsibility and fighting spirit of the Chinese Communists; "not afraid of sacrifices, heroic struggle" constitutes the core of the spirit of the Long March and the spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aggression and inspiring the party To overcome all difficulties with the people to fight for victory; "loyal to the party and live up to the people" reflects the spirit of fighting floods, the spirit of earthquake relief, the spirit of fighting the epidemic, the spirit of poverty alleviation, and engraving the noble concepts of people-oriented and people first in the depths of the earth...

A series of great spirits have their own characteristics and different meanings in different periods, but the essential content and spiritual essence are in the same line and interlinked. Tracing back to the root, you can find their spiritual origin and background in the great party-building spirit. Just as the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers originated from the "Roof of the World" on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, traversed heavy mountains and flowed into the sea in the east, the great party-building spirit has been surging in the long river of history. It has gone through a hundred years and has become the "source of living water" of the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists. .


Spirit is the soul on which a nation depends for its survival and development. Only when it reaches a certain height in spirit can this nation reach a certain height in its historical development.

In the old China, where the country is humiliated, the people are suffering, and civilization is dusted, whether it is the discrimination of "Chinese and dogs are not allowed" or the lament of "the saddest fear of reading the news", it reflects the Chinese people's bullying and lack of dignity. Humiliating circumstances, the Chinese nation at that time was extremely involuntary, unindependent and unconfident in spirit. In a "silent China", time is stagnant, and there are "silent souls" everywhere.

"That's why the first call of our liberation movement is'spiritual liberation'!" Since the founding of the party, the Communist Party of China has consciously integrated ideological reforms with social revolutions, thus starting a historic reshaping of the spirit of the Chinese nation. . Comrade Mao Zedong once said: "Since the Chinese have learned Marxism-Leninism, the Chinese people have turned from passive to active in spirit." The Communist Party of China came into being. The Chinese people seek national independence, the liberation of the people, the prosperity of the country, and the happiness of the people. The struggle has the backbone, and the spiritual world of the Chinese people has begun to undergo earth-shaking changes. As the "Internationale" sings: "There has never been a savior, nor a godly emperor! To create the happiness of mankind, we all rely on ourselves!"

"It's all on our own"-for a hundred years, our party has grasped the law and observed the general trend, led the people to write the most magnificent epic in the history of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, and firmly grasped the destiny of China's development and progress in its own hands. Won the historical initiative; our party inspires people with lofty ideals, unites people with common beliefs, and shapes people with lofty spirits, so that the Chinese people have swept away the mental confusion and decadence, stepped out of the passive quagmire, and relied on self-reliance, self-reliance, and self-confidence. Mental State Dedicated to the great cause of national rejuvenation and won the spiritual initiative.

The birth of the Communist Party of China is the inevitable result of the great awakening of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation; the great party-building spirit bred by the party-building practice has become a new starting point for the development of the Chinese national spirit, not only erecting the backbone of the national spirit, but also for the inheritance of the national spirit , Remodeling and sublimation inject a strong "primitive power". Beginning with the great party-building spirit, generations of Communists have built up the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists in their long-term struggle, injected new elements into the national spirit, opened up new realms, and greatly enriched the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese nation and made it continuous Rejuvenated with vigor and vitality.

The people have faith, the nation has hope, and the country has power. On the journey of national rejuvenation, the great party-building spirit is like an eye-catching road sign, which deeply enlightens us: When tall buildings are everywhere, the edifice of the Chinese national spirit should also stand tall.


"By turning history into our own, we have moved from history to eternity." Looking back on the road of struggle in the past and the road ahead, the great party-building spirit has been deeply integrated into the blood and soul of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese nation, and has become our fundamental spiritual force to learn from history and create the future.

History is constantly flowing, and the spirit is passed on from generation to generation. How to inherit and carry forward the great party-building spirit, and make this "spiritual source" become the "source of power" for the new journey of forging ahead and building a modern socialist country in an all-round way? In the new era, Chinese Communists need to constantly make new answers in practice.

Only when you believe in your heart can you go far. To carry forward the great party-building spirit, we should build the foundation of faith, supplement the spirit of the spirit, and stabilize the rudder of our thoughts, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and let the spirit of fire, The light of truth illuminates the new journey, allowing Marxism to show greater vitality in China in the 21st century.

The greater the great cause, the more challenging it is and the more burdensome it needs to know. To carry forward the great party-building spirit, we should stimulate the spirit of struggle, strengthen the ability to fight, and wage a great struggle with many new historical characteristics. On the way forward, we must deeply understand the new characteristics and requirements brought about by the changes in the main contradictions of our society, the new contradictions and challenges brought about by the complex international environment, and maintain the heroic spirit of "the more difficult and dangerous, the more forward", and strive to "do not break." Loulan will never return" high morale, daring to fight, good at fighting, clearing the way in the mountains, building bridges in the water, and bravely conquering all risks and challenges.

The country is the people, and the people are the country. Fighting the country and guarding the country is the heart of the people. To carry forward the great party-building spirit, we should adhere to the people-centered approach, focus on solving the problems of unbalanced development and the people’s desperation and despair, and be a "caring person", "heart-warming person" and "heart-warming person" of the people. The loyalty and love of the party and the people should be kept in mind and implemented in action, so that the new achievements that benefit the people will live up to the people's new expectations.

"The winner is powerful, and the self-victor is strong." The Communist Party of China has been vigorous and vigorous after thousands of trials. A very important reason is that we always insist that the party must manage the party and govern the party strictly. To carry forward the great party-building spirit, we should have the courage to revolutionize ourselves, resolutely eliminate all factors that damage the party’s advanced nature and purity, and eliminate all viruses that erode the party’s healthy body. We must show great virtues, observe public ethics, and be strict with personal ethics to ensure that the party does not degenerate. , Does not change color, does not change taste, and has always become a strong leadership core in the historical process of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.


Before and after "July 1", the light show on the theme of the centennial of the founding of the party held in various places was refreshed. The changes of light and shadow, the contrast between the present and the past, make people feel infinite. From the spark of fire to the lights of thousands of families, from a red boat to a giant wheel, what a miraculous change, what a great miracle!

"The Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process!" At the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping was sonorous and solemn. The announcement was a strong voice of the times for the Chinese Communists and the Chinese people in the new era to advance the great cause and realize the great dream.

To illuminate the road of struggle with the light of faith, and to gather the majestic strength with the will of revival. The original intention and mission of a century-old party has never been so dazzling; the glory and dream of a great nation have never been so close. The glorious shore.

Let the great party-building spirit inspire us to march forward courageously towards the great goal of rejuvenation!

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 18th)