26 Jul 21 - story 5

This is the first time in the history of the party and the country

Remember that Xi Jinping, as the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, went to Tibet to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet and conduct investigations

People's Daily reporter Du Shangze Shen Lin Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xiaosong Zhu Jichai

Ten years later, it coincided with the same day, July 21. General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Tibet and walked into Linzhi.

In July 2011, as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Chairman of the State, and Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, Xi Jinping led a delegation to attend the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet. That time, from Lhasa to Nyingchi and then to Shigatse, the mountains were high and the roads were long, and I was full of emotions along the way.

On the 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet, shortly after the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the general secretary went here again.

During this trip, General Secretary Xi Jinping tried his best to see some places and get in touch with some local cadres and masses. From Linzhi to Lhasa, the "Tashi Delek" one after another, the people of all ethnic groups singing and dancing, Hada, Reba drum, Chema, and highland barley wine, happy days are like blooming Gesang flowers.

This is an activity-rich inspection schedule.

On the 21st, Linzhi. Niyang River Bridge, Linzhi City Urban Planning Museum, Gala Village, Linzhi Town, Bayi District, Gongbu Park;

On the 22nd, went to Lhasa from Linzhi. Listen to reports on the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, inspect the construction and operation of the Lalin section of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, Drepung Monastery, Barkhor Street, Potala Palace Square, Tibetan People's Hall, and watch ethnic cultural performances;

Lhasa on the 23rd. He met with representatives of relevant parties in Tibet and took a group photo, attended the work report meeting of the Tibet Autonomous Region Party Committee and the government and made important speeches.

Over the years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has cared about this place and missed the folks here. Along the way, touch the scene and give birth to love. "I am happy to witness the beautiful and magnificent style of the snow-covered plateau and the vibrant new atmosphere!"

"In the past 70 years since the peaceful liberation of Tibet, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the strong support of the people across the country, the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Tibet have worked arduously and tenaciously, the social system has achieved a historic leap, the economy and society have achieved comprehensive development, and the people's lives have been greatly improved. , The appearance of urban and rural areas is not what it used to be." General Secretary Xi Jinping said loudly. Practice has proved that without the Communist Party of China, there would be no New China and no New Tibet. The Party Central Committee’s policies on Tibet work are completely correct.

As the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the President of the State and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, he went to Tibet to celebrate the peaceful liberation of Tibet. This is the first time in the history of the party and the country. The care of the cadres and the masses of all ethnic groups."

"On behalf of the Party Central Committee, I would like to extend my warm congratulations and sincere condolences to the cadres of all ethnic groups in Tibet who are struggling in the snow-covered plateau!"

The way of Tibet:

It’s not that only Tibetan eagles can fly over

To observe the changes in Tibet, start from the road.

The roof of the world, thousands of years of ice and snow, and lofty mountains. With complex geological conditions and high cold and lack of oxygen, this southwestern border has been described as "a place where only Tibetan eagles can fly over the long years."

Before liberation, there was no way to go by car in Tibet. When more than 100,000 soldiers and civilians fought hard to build roads and finally built the Sichuan-Tibet and Qinghai-Tibet highways to Lhasa in 1954, this moment ended Tibet's history of no highways. How many people are dreaming, and tears are welling in their eyes!

Road, for Tibet, is a miracle, a change, and a hope.

In 2006, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was opened to traffic, and Tibet finally opened to railway. The second "Tian Road" to Tibet is the Sichuan-Tibet Railway that General Secretary Xi Jinping has been caring about. While in Beijing, he presided over the research and deployment of the Politburo Standing Committee meeting for this matter, and gave important instructions on advancing the work many times.

On the morning of the 22nd, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Linzhi Railway Station, an important hub station of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway.

On the platform, two display boards, like a jigsaw puzzle, form a winding railroad track. Crossing mountains and valleys and crossing large rivers, the two sections of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway have difficulties that are rare in the world.

One is the section from Lhasa to Linzhi. This is the first electrified railway in Tibet. After it was opened for operation last month, the time for the two cities to meet has been reduced to more than three hours.

I still remember that in June 1998, Xi Jinping, then deputy secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, entered Tibet for the first time in order to bring back the first batch of Fujian cadres and send the second batch. From Lhasa Gongga Airport to Nyingchi Bayi Town, he drove for a whole day. Recalling the past, I sighed with emotion: "The road conditions at the time were very dangerous. Fortunately, there were no landslides. There were two logs across the narrow area. We moved down. The people sent by Fujian to aid Tibet were all riding horses in Medog."

Another exhibition board, the section from Ya'an to Linzhi, is even more difficult and dangerous. General Secretary Xi Jinping stopped in front of several pieces of granite of different "ages", picked up a piece of granite marked "about 1 billion years", and looked at it carefully: "This is a concept of time that we can hardly see in the distance."

"What kind of rock is the hardest thing to encounter?"

"Mudstone. Construction is afraid of soft but not hard. But now the degree of mechanization is not what it used to be, it is our own technology."

"Play the key role of scientific and technological innovation." The general secretary affirmed them. "Your planning is very scientific, and the whole section is advancing. It is very exciting to watch." "The spirit of the'two roads' must continue to be promoted. Come down. Do it well."

Board the train and look out through the window. The river is joyous all the way, passing through canyons, tunnels, and bridges, sometimes it is cliffs, sometimes it is lush jungle, sometimes it is row upon row of buildings, sometimes it is roaring construction site. The hardships of this road are not easy, and the vitality that this road brings is just as General Secretary Xi Jinping said that the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway “has a very important significance for promoting the economic and social development of the western region, especially the two provinces of Sichuan and Tibet”.

On the train, the General Secretary summoned relevant comrades to continue to study railway planning issues in depth.

From the Sichuan-Tibet line to the construction of the railway network in the vast western frontier, General Secretary Xi Jinping said with great heart:

"The transportation map of the whole country is like a painting. The central, eastern, and northeastern regions of China are all painted with fine brushwork. The white space in the west is too large. In the future, I will make up a few strokes to make the transportation of beautiful China more beautiful. With full demonstration and scientific planning, the railway construction will have to be accounted for."

In January 1952, Comrade Xi Zhongxun put forward several suggestions on the Party Central Committee’s policy of governing Tibet in several reports on sending the Panchen Lama to Tibet and ethnic issues. Comrade Mao Zedong accepted this suggestion and put it into practice.

"The Party Central Committee has formulated strategies for governing Tibet in different periods in light of actual conditions. Over the past 70 years, we have come here step by step in this way."

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attended the Sixth and Seventh Tibet Work Forum of the Central Committee and delivered important speeches in 2015 and 2020. The party’s strategy for governing Tibet in the new era has spread throughout the snow-covered plateau.

At the report meeting, the comrades in charge of the autonomous region evaluated the Party’s strategy for governing Tibet in the new era as the “outline and soul of Tibet work.” No matter what problems you encounter in your work, you can find answers and methods from them, as long as you study well, understand well, and persevere well. There is direction and confidence to do Tibet work well.

General Secretary Xi Jinping believes that: “The party’s policies are correct and are in line with Tibet’s reality. We must understand them so that they can be implemented and put into effect. According to such a position, viewpoint, and method, it will naturally be possible. Find a direction, find a way to develop."

Villages in Tibet:

It’s no longer the appearance of "tie your shoes on your waist"

Gala Village, a small village visited by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the 21st, is a "place where peach blossoms bloom."

When he came to Linzhi in 1998, he visited Baji Village. In 2011, Xi Jinping went to Baji Village to see the changes, where he said a few paragraphs, people still remember:

"The road to wealth lies at your feet. It is to use your brains and be smart. In fact, a smart person has to choose the path of development. Tibet’s resources are precious, some are unique, and they have strong late-comer advantages. I have, and others have my advantage, and will be more precious in the future."

"Nyingchi's tourism industry accounts for 20%, so we need to develop high-quality tourist attractions and tourist routes. One very important thing is to develop mass tourism."

The Gala Village I visited this time is located next to National Highway 318. The village has set up a transportation team for farmers and herdsmen, and developed the Peach Blossom Festival tourism.

Pemba, the party branch secretary of Gala Village, mentioned that her mother always had a lingering scene: "The road in the past was full of cow dung and mud. She always tied her shoes on her waist and walked barefoot through the road in the village."

Nowadays, what you see is the wide roads, and Tibetan-style buildings are dotted in front of the rolling mountains under the blue sky. The smoke is smoky, and there is peace.

The general secretary walked into the villager Dawajian's house as a guest.

The house is bright and bright, and the small courtyard has red leaves and green flowers. Peach wood carved furniture, Tibetan-style paintings, flush toilets, and own granary.

The general secretary took a close look at the bags of grain, wheat, buckwheat, highland barley, rapeseed, peas, and corn. He happily held up a handful and looked at the light. A row of Tibetan pork bacon and a row of milk dregs hung on the beams of the house, and “home-brewed wine” was on the wall. Looking at the kitchen next door, the beef and mutton are piled up, and the ghee "has to be hundreds of catties, right?"

Sit down and chat homely. Dawajian participated in the calculation of his own income account to the general secretary.

Running transportation is an income. There is an excavator and a forklift at home.

Taohuagou ticket dividend is another income. There are six people in the family, which can earn one hundred thousand a year. Pemba added that in the past, wild peach trees were chopped down for firewood, but now he really feels that the green water and the green mountains are the golden mountains and the silver mountains.

In March and April every year, there are thousands of trees and thousands of flowers, and the hillsides and valleys are like flowers and rain on the silk road, like clouds and clouds. Tourists from the south and the north have come here in particular, and it has received 140,000 people just halfway through this year.

General Secretary Xi Jinping said with a smile: "This is the welfare left by the ancestors. I will give you a peach blossom garden."

This family also has income from planting and breeding. 22 acres of arable land was transferred, leaving 7 acres to grow some rations for the family. There are yak cattle at home, "Yaks like to be cool. When the barley is sown, they will slowly walk up the mountain."

General Secretary Xi Jinping is very pleased: "Your income, calculated by addition and subtraction, is hundreds of thousands. A very happy family."

The two children of Dawa Ginseng smiled brightly. The girl Pubaram wants to be a doctor when she grows up. The boy Pub Tsering tells the general secretary that he wants to be a sprinter.

In old Tibet, let alone reading, it was not easy to survive. Owning a "house with a roof" was a dream that countless serfs could not even dream of. Some even live in cattle and sheep pens and use haystacks as quilts. The serf also circulated such a song: "Even if the snow mountain becomes ghee, it is still in the possession of the lord; even if the river water becomes milk, we can't drink a bite."

Nowadays, in the eyes of Tibetans, what has the significance of epoch-making changes is the fight against poverty and "to make the Tibetan people's way of life span a thousand years in one step."

At the beginning of the fight against poverty, Tibet was the only provincial-level contiguous destitute area in China. It is a deeply impoverished area with the highest incidence of poverty, the deepest poverty level, the highest poverty alleviation cost, and the most difficult poverty alleviation in the country.

The deepest concern, the strongest confidence. By the end of 2019, all 74 impoverished counties and districts in Tibet had their caps off, and more than 620,000 impoverished people were lifted out of poverty. At the Seventh Central Tibet Work Forum, General Secretary Xi Jinping vividly described the changes in Tibet: "Many farmers and herdsmen have made progress in their lives from buckets to water pipes, from oil lamps to electric lamps, and from dirt roads to asphalt roads."

There are dregs on the table of Dawajiansam's house. General Secretary Xi Jinping picked up a piece and put it in his mouth. The taste is sweet.

At the entrance of the village, all the villagers came. Dressed in festive costumes, holding a white Hada, cheering "Thanks to the General Secretary", "Thanks to the Party Central Committee" and "Tashi Delek"...General Secretary Xi Jinping walked among them and wished everyone: "Tashi Delek."

The honest folks took off their hats and bowed to salute, tears of excitement came to their eyes.

From nothing to getting rid of poverty, and then to prosperity, the world is turned upside down and generous! Recalling bitterness and thinking about sweetness, and even more about the party's grace "Without the Communist Party of China, there would be no socialist new Tibet", this sentence was written in the days when every household was sweeter than honey.

"Wherever I went, I felt everyone's happiness for living a good life and gratitude to the party and the country." The general secretary said emotionally.

The green of Tibet:

Responsible to history, to the people, and to the world

In the Nyingchi City Planning Museum, General Secretary Xi Jinping stopped and stared in front of a large photo.

It was a big turn of the Yarlung Zangbo River, and the mighty river sang along the mountain peaks, and nature swayed a magnificent freehand brushwork with magical craftsmanship.

"From the sky, it looks green, and there are pictures of landscapes everywhere." The general secretary sighed.

On the afternoon of July 9, he presided over the 20th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform. One of them was the "Plan for Ecological Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau" after deliberation. At this meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping stood at the historical height of ensuring the survival and development of the Chinese nation, and insisted on the attitude of being responsible for history, people, and the world, and did a good job of ecological environmental protection and sustainable development of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Ecology, Tibet's "big man". Protecting the ecology of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the greatest contribution to the survival and development of the Chinese nation.

Located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Tibet is an important ecological security barrier. The abundance of water, light, wild animals, forest and minerals... is amazing. The majestic Mount Everest, the steep Nanga Bawa, the swift Yarlung Zangbo River, and the green Basongcuo are treasures that must be cherished for generations.

"It is very important to protect Tibet's ecological environment, to benefit the ages and the world! Here, ecology has a very important strategic significance." The general secretary said with earnest heart.

Looking at the greenness of Tibet, what is tested is the historical vision.

When visiting Tibet 10 years ago, Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out that ecological protection in Tibet is an important issue, and the clear water and blue sky of Tibet must be well protected.

At a symposium six years ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping listened to a speech by a county party secretary from Tibet and warned that Tibet must protect the ecology. You cannot pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelons. Ecological problems are not worth the loss.

Tibet handed in an ecological answer sheet. At the report meeting on the 23rd, the responsible comrade of the autonomous region introduced that the total area of ​​the protected area accounted for more than one-third of the territory of the whole district, and the area of ​​prohibited or restricted development areas accounted for about 70% of the total area of ​​the territory.

At the Niyang River Bridge not far from the airport, General Secretary Xi Jinping stopped. Yani wetland has sturdy water and verdant vegetation. In the distance, the rivers and rivers are two distinct colors. It is the confluence of the Niyang River and the Yarlung Zangbo River. A blue wave is rippling and clear to the bottom, and the other is full of rivers and rivers, one rush and one slow, one clear and the other muddy, carrying each other and rushing away.

"The water system of the Yarlung Zangbo River is a rare piece of green space and green lungs. Its ecology is still very fragile." When it comes to the dialectics of protection and utilization, General Secretary Xi Jinping has a long-term vision: "We must focus on protection. Not destroying ecological land use, but It is used under the premise of ecological harmony."

He emphasized: "We must protect this ‘pure land’ and let us do this thing well together."

Taking the path of ecological priority and green development, Tibet has unique advantages. The bits and pieces of Tibet's efforts over the years have left a deep impression on the General Secretary.

One is "Green Bank". Next to the village committee of Gala Village, there is a "green bank" for redemption of points. Villagers take recyclable garbage and exchange points for daily necessities here. This is what the village revitalization commissioner in the village learned immediately after seeing other towns and towns.

One is the "green park". In Tibet, all parks and sports facilities do not charge tickets. General Secretary Xi Jinping got off the car at the junction of the old and new towns of Linzhi and walked into the Gongbu Park without walls. Follow the sound of singing and laughter to the park square.

Hundreds of people are dancing the Guozhuang dance. "Reluctant to think about it, are you willing to stay?" The general secretary smiled and asked the tourists present.

"Yes!" everyone replied in unison.

Good ecology, the most inclusive people's livelihood and welfare.

People in Tibet:

People who endure hardship, people who fight, people who endure, people who unite, people who give

A clerk at a grocery store on Barkhor Street in Lhasa sent a selfie: "This is the most recent moment between me and the general secretary."

In the photo, there are many shops, bustling scenery and bustling people. Barkhor Street, which has gone through a thousand years of prosperity, boiled at the moment of meeting General Secretary Xi Jinping.

General Secretary Xi Jinping sighed with emotion: "I visited once 23 years ago, how well built it is now! People from all over the country have come here to engage in business, transit, and travel. The Thousand-Year Barkhor Street is the foundation of our nationalities. Barkhor Street, where the cultures of all ethnic groups are exchanged and blended, and our big family of the Chinese nation enjoys it here."

In Gongbu Park and Potala Palace Square, a group of citizens and tourists came across the General Secretary and shouted in unison: "Hello, General Secretary!" Tibetans, Huis, Monba, Luoba, Naxi, and Han, the big family of the Chinese nation" Love each other like tea and salt".

General Secretary Xi Jinping often used pomegranate seeds to describe 56 ethnic groups. Along the way, he said: "The 56 nations are pomegranate seeds, and the Chinese nation is the pomegranate as a whole. We are a community of the Chinese nation, and we must work together towards the second centenary goal."

On the evening of the 22nd, at the Tibetan People's Hall, General Secretary Xi Jinping and cadres of all ethnic groups watched a national cultural performance. "People of all ethnic groups feel the favor of the party", "Sing Folk Songs to the Party Again", "Blessing the New Era"... the melodious melody sang the aspirations of the Tibetan people.

"The lives of ordinary people, especially the Tibetans, can live as they are today because the Communist Party of China has done what it should do." The general secretary emphasized, "As long as we follow the Communist Party of China and firmly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we work together to strengthen national unity. We will surely be able to achieve the second centenary goal as scheduled and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."

In Tibet, General Secretary Xi Jinping met many extraordinary ordinary people.

Huang Haifen, a college student village official in Gala Village. This Chaoshan girl who gave up her white-collar job after studying in Guangdong went to Tibet with her feelings.

"Will you stay here in the future?" the general secretary asked.

She smiled shyly: "Stay! Settle down, my love is in the next village, and I came to Tibet together."

General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged her: "From the coast to the plateau, people are needed here. You can work hard here."

Zhuoga comes from Yumai Township, Longzi County. "Home is Yumai, country is China" is her belief. The story of her and her family guarding the border moved the whole country.

Not long ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping awarded her the "July 1st Medal" at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. In Lhasa, Tibet, she met the general secretary again.

Before the report meeting on the morning of the 23rd, General Secretary Xi Jinping had six batches of interviews.

The first batch, representatives of officers and soldiers stationed in Tibet. When the general secretary walked into the reception hall, there was thunderous applause.

"Comrades, I am here to visit you all today. On behalf of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, I extend my sincere greetings to all commanders and fighters of the troops stationed in Tibet!" General Secretary Xi Jinping said affectionately. "The Tibetan troops have resolutely implemented the Party Central Committee and the Central Committee for the past 70 years. The Military Commission’s decision-making and deployment, rooted in the snow-covered plateau, loyal to the frontiers of the country, successfully completed a series of major tasks, withstood the test of difficult environments and complex struggles, and made outstanding contributions to safeguarding national security and unity, and promoting Tibet’s stability and development. The party and the people thank you!"

Representatives of responsible comrades and veteran comrades of the Tibet Autonomous Region and relevant departments, localities and cities, representatives of all ethnic groups, representatives of all walks of life, representatives of aid-Tibet officials, representatives of political and legal police officers, representatives of religious patriots... At each meeting, the general secretary waved and greeted from one end of the queue. Walk slowly to the other end. There are old friends and new faces, casual shirts, and pulu Tibetan robes.

The Third Tibet Work Forum of the Central Committee in 1994 opened the curtain of counterpart assistance to Tibet. Four years later, Comrade Xi Jinping came to Tibet for transporting and helping Tibetan cadres. At that time, the cadres in aid to Tibet were sent to Tibet with high standards by the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. Fujian's emphasis on aid to Tibet has left a deep impression on Tibet. His words warmed the hearts of Tibetan cadres and the masses: "The Nyingchi area matters are our province." "We must send the best cadres to choose the best."

23 years in the blink of an eye. Groups of aid-Tibet cadres boarded the snow-covered plateau. "Beijing Road" in Lhasa City, "Hunan Road" in Shannan City, "Shandong Road" in Xigaze City... Tibet has the concern of the whole of China. More than 3 million plateau children are working together with cadres who are accented in the north and south of the Yangtze River. trek.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the Seventh Central Committee on Tibet Work Symposium that the Central Committee’s support for Tibet and the nation’s support for Tibet is a consistent policy of the Party Central Committee. It must be adhered to for a long period of time, and experience should be conscientiously summed up to create a new situation in Tibet’s assistance work.

Seeing these cadres in aid of Tibet, who were sun-tanned, the general secretary was very emotional:

"The spirit of aid to Tibet is a lofty spirit of the Communist Party of China and a significant advantage of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The lack of oxygen does not lack the spirit. This spirit is that the revolutionary ideal is higher than the sky. You are on the plateau, and the spirit is higher than the plateau. This Things must be done one crop after crop, generation after generation. On the one hand, you have supported Tibet and concentrated your efforts on major issues; on the other hand, you have trained cadres and grown your team. Aiding Tibet should be one of the most precious experiences in your life."

At the debriefing meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again talked about the need to care for the cadres and workers in Tibet. Wage income, housing and medical treatment, children's schooling, retirement placement, item by item, be careful.

After the debriefing meeting, the general secretary turned and walked towards the Tibetan party and government leading cadres attending the meeting.

"You are an old Tibet, how are you?" "In what year did you work and where did you go?" When meeting young new Tibetan cadres, General Secretary Xi Jinping told them: "We must see that this position is hard-won. , Cherish it. This is an opportunity and a test to promote the good'old Tibetan spirit'."

The "Old Tibetan Spirit", people working in the snow-covered plateau regard it as a lighthouse. This spirit is particularly capable of enduring hardship, particularly capable of fighting, particularly capable of enduring, particularly capable of unity, and particularly capable of dedication. The people who have shaped and passed on these spirits are those who endure hardship, those who fight, those who endure, those who unite, and those who give.

Temples in Tibet:

Tibetan Buddhism adapts to the socialist society

Located at the southern foot of Genpeiwuzi Mountain in the western suburb of Lhasa, Drepung Monastery is magnificent and full of sangyan. On the afternoon of the 22nd, when General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the square of the Tsoqin Hall, the chants rang. The person in charge of the Drepung Monastery Management Committee presented the hada to the general secretary.

The monk lifted the incense burner and held the treasure umbrella, and General Secretary Xi Jinping walked along the steps into the Cuoqin Hall.

The stone slabs under the feet are mottled, and each piece is filled with history. The colorful pillars and swaying curtains accompany the monks in chanting, listening to and debating the scriptures day after day.

"Religious issues have always been a major issue that our party must handle well in governing the country." In April 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the National Religious Work Conference that religious work is of special importance in the overall work of the party and the state.

Doing a good job in Tibetan Buddhism is a key point in promoting long-term stability in Tibet. The party’s religious policy has always been consistent: “supporting our country’s religion in adhering to the direction of sinicization”, “actively guiding Tibetan Buddhism to adapt to the socialist society”...

At the Tsoqin Hall, the person in charge of the Drepung Monastery’s management committee introduced the method of “guiding” the temple: “The Party Secretary of the Temple Management Committee talks about politics and general trends, the temple management cadres talk about policies and regulations, experts and scholars talk about the rule of law and history, and the eminent monks and living Buddhas talk about politics and general trends. Teaching doctrines and precepts, old monks talk about comparisons and changes, educate and guide monks to abide by the constitution and laws, practice precepts with great concentration, insist on'ruling the monastery by law and governing monks by precepts', improve the temple management rules and regulations, revise and improve the monastery rules and regulations, and strive to The guidance is powerful, effective and effective."

General Secretary Xi Jinping asked meticulously and communicated cordially with them from time to time.

Out of the main hall, the blue sky, white clouds, colorful prayer flags hunting in the wind. The monks of the temple stood in a row along the main hall, holding the hada in the sun, and waiting for the general secretary.

The general secretary walked towards them vigorously. Among the monks are elders and young people. They greeted the general secretary in unison: "Tashi Delek!"

"I also came here admiringly. Drepung Monastery occupies a high position in our Tibetan Buddhism areas and religious people. Over the years, we have been active in supporting the leadership of the Communist Party of China, supporting the socialist system, and safeguarding the unification of the motherland. contribute."

The monks listened attentively.

"The law of the development of religion lies in'harmony'. The survival and development of any religion must be compatible with the society in which it is located. This is the universal law of the development and spread of religions in the world. The development of Tibetan Buddhism must be conducive to the improvement of people’s lives and society. Stability. Religions must be harmonious, society must be harmonious, and ethnic groups must be harmonious. I hope that Tibetan Buddhism will develop in the right direction. I believe this path will go wider and wider and better."

Before the report meeting on the morning of the 23rd, representatives of Tibetan religious patriots gathered at the Lhasa Hotel. General Secretary Xi Jinping met them cordially:

"I wish all the monasteries and monks Tashi Delek in Tibet!"

Another concern during the expedition to Tibet:

The people are supreme, life is supreme

Knowing that Henan was experiencing extremely heavy rainfall, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions during his expedition to Tibet:

"Always put the protection of the people's lives and property safety in the first place, quickly organize forces for flood prevention and disaster relief, properly arrange the victims of disasters, strictly prevent secondary disasters, and minimize casualties and property losses..."

He asked the People’s Liberation Army and the Armed Police Forces to actively assist local governments in carrying out emergency rescue and disaster relief work. The State Administration of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Ministry of Water Resources, and the Ministry of Transport should strengthen overall coordination, strengthen meteorological monitoring and forecasting and geological disaster assessment, and pay close attention to various flood prevention and disaster relief work. .

Every day of the inspection, the flood situation and the progress of flood prevention and flood fighting were immediately placed on the desk of the general secretary.

At a meeting in Beijing not long ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping told the main responsible comrades in the province: "Flood prevention is your most important concern during the flood season of'seven down and eight up'. At the same time, safety production and disaster prevention and mitigation work during this period of time is a bit different. The key to emergencies is to make a good plan to prevent problems before they happen, don't take things seriously, don't be indifferent."

Flood prevention and typhoon prevention is a major matter of life. When working in Fujian, Comrade Xi Jinping insisted on "I would rather defend ten airs and nine air defenses than to be unavailable and unprepared." Later, he went to Zhejiang and promoted the "migration of one million people's congress." All this is to minimize the loss of people's lives and property.

At the report meeting on the 23rd, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Life is more important than Mount Tai! Development and safety must be handled well."

“All relevant departments in all regions must do a good job in all aspects, restore the order of production and life as soon as possible, do a good job in helping the people affected by disasters, as well as health and epidemic prevention, and focus on consolidating the results of poverty alleviation.”

He looked to the responsible comrade in the autonomous region: "Tibet must also fulfill these requirements, and also do a good job in the prevention and handling of natural disasters." (Xinhua News Agency, Lhasa, July 24)