27 Sep 21 - story 4

State Supervision Commission formulates first supervision regulations

“Regulations on the Implementation of the Supervision Law of the People’s Republic of China” promulgated and implemented

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 20. With the approval of the Party Central Committee, the National Supervision Commission issued an announcement on the 20th, promulgating the "Regulations for the Implementation of the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China", which will come into force on the date of promulgation. This is the first supervision regulation formulated by the State Supervision Commission in accordance with the "Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the National Supervision Commission to Formulate Supervision Regulations." The "Regulations" are guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, earnestly implement the Party Central Committee’s major deployment on deepening the reform of the national supervisory system, insist on strengthening the party’s overall leadership, adhere to the fundamental political stance centered on the people, and strengthen standardization and rule of law. The construction of standardization and regularization, and the improvement of the operation mechanism of supervision power are the major achievements of discipline inspection and supervision organs in practicing Xi Jinping’s rule of law thoughts and promoting the system integration, coordination and efficiency of supervision and regulation systems.

The Regulations are divided into 9 chapters, including general provisions, supervisory organs and their responsibilities, scope and jurisdiction of supervision, supervisory powers, supervision procedures, international anti-corruption cooperation, supervision of supervisory organs and personnel, legal responsibilities, and supplementary provisions, with a total of 287 articles. Corresponds to the chapters of the Supervision Law. On the basis of the relevant provisions of the Supervision Law, the "Regulations" further clarified the extension of public officials, and detailed the six types of supervision objects stipulated by the Supervision Law.

The "Regulations" clarify the scope of investigations by supervisory agencies, separately stipulate the responsibilities of supervisory agencies in investigating violations and crimes, list the types of objective behaviors that violate the law, and list 101 official crimes that the supervisory agency has jurisdiction over. These 101 crimes are not only the responsibility list of the supervisory agency for investigating duty crimes, but also the bottom line requirements and negative lists for public officials, especially leading cadres, to perform their duties. They are an institutional cage for the exercise of public power, which is conducive to educating and alerting public officials, especially leading cadres. Respect and respect discipline and law, and use power in accordance with the law, uphold public power, and use power in a clean and honest manner.

In accordance with the principle of statutory powers, the Regulations further clarify the boundaries of supervisory responsibilities and norms for the use of measures, and promote supervisory agencies to fully perform their supervisory, investigation and disposal duties in accordance with the law. Pay close attention to the key points and risk points in the use of supervision measures, make detailed regulations on the application conditions, work requirements, paperwork and notification obligations of 15 supervision measures, and make detailed regulations on the types of supervision evidence, evidence review, evidence rules, etc. Provisions to ensure that the supervisory organs take corrective measures in accordance with the law.

The "Regulations" decomposes the supervision procedures stipulated by the Supervision Law into 7 specific links: clue handling, preliminary verification, case filing, investigation, trial, handling, and transfer for review and prosecution. The principles of rule of law and strict requirements are implemented in each link to form discipline enforcement. Law enforcement is thorough, effective in linking up with the judicial system, with clear powers and responsibilities, standardized procedures, and effective procedures for restricting the system. At the same time, it is emphasized that the supervisory authority shall strictly follow the authority to perform the procedures for requesting instructions and reporting for important matters such as clue handling, case filing and investigation, and disposal and execution. When adopting supervisory measures, it is necessary to perform the procedures for approval in accordance with the prescribed approval authority.

The "Regulations" special chapters provide for the supervision of supervisory agencies and supervisors, improve the system and mechanism for accepting supervision from all aspects, improve the internal supervision and control system, and build a systematic and all-round supervision mechanism. The promulgation and implementation of the "Regulations" fully demonstrates the firm determination of the discipline inspection and supervision organs to accept the strictest constraints and supervision, which is conducive to the discipline inspection and supervision organs to carry out their work in strict accordance with the statutory powers, rules and procedures, and to better implement the supervision and guarantee implementation, and promote perfect development. To promote the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work in the new era.