27 Sep 21 - story 5

Love and work hard, strive to be first-class

Comment on the Spirit of Model Workers

Xinhua News Agency reporter Fan Xi

What is a model worker?

It is the elite of the nation, the model of the people, and the hero of the Republic.

What is the spirit of model workers?

It is love and dedication, striving for first-class, hard work, innovation, indifferent to fame and fortune, willing to contribute.

At the National Recognition Conference for Model Workers and Advanced Workers held on November 24, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping incisively summarized the profound connotations of the spirit of model workers, the spirit of labor, and the spirit of craftsman The strong spiritual power of the people of all ethnic groups in the party and the nation to advance bravely and bravely emphasizes the need to vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, the spirit of labor, and the spirit of craftsmanship.

Love and work hard, strive to be first-class

—Unchanging background color of struggle

Greatness comes from the ordinary, and heroes come from the people.

When our party led the people in the revolutionary struggle, batches of "labor heroes" emerged. Zhao Zhankui, a "frontier worker", wore a wet padded jacket and worked in front of a furnace that reached a temperature of 2,000 degrees Celsius.

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese working class, who is in charge of the country, shared its worries for the party and solved problems for the country, and devoted itself to the socialist revolution and construction torrents. Daqing "iron man" Wang Jinxi established "I would rather live less than 20 years, and desperately want to win the big oil field." "The zhengzheng oath;

The clarion call of reform and opening up was sounded. Model workers stood on the forefront of the times and forge ahead. Industrial worker Xu Zhenchao broke the world record of container handling six times, setting the world’s amazing "Zhenchao efficiency";

The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China opened a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. More and more knowledgeable, skilled, and innovative workers are striving to realize the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. "Golden Hand Welding" Gao Fenglin has launched more than 90 rockets. He has welded the "heart", has overcome more than 200 difficulties in aerospace welding, and has become a "big country craftsman" in the aerospace field;


In the model workers, it embodies the consistent and strong sense of professionalism and responsibility of the master, the firm ambition and perseverance to climb the peak, and the noble sentiment of advocating work and fulfilling duties.

Since 1950, my country has held 16 commendation conferences, commending more than 30,000 national model workers and advanced workers.

According to Xiao Mingqing, National Model Worker and Chief Engineer of the China Railway Fourth Survey and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd., “Heart and heart are one art, and his art must work; when he Always uphold the original intention.

With nearly 30 years of work, Xiao Mingqing has grown from an ordinary technician to a national engineering survey and design master. He led the team to research and design the Wuhan Yangtze River Tunnel from the "First Wanli Yangtze River Tunnel" to the "World's First High-speed Rail Underwater Shield Tunnel" Guangzhou-Shenzhen Port There are more than 60 large-scale underwater tunnels such as the Shiziyang Tunnel of the high-speed rail, many of which have created the best in the country and even in the world.

Times are changing, and the background of struggle will never change.

Hard work and innovation

—Unchanging feelings of struggle

Socialism is built, and the new era is built through struggle.

Before 2013, my country's large-scale crawler cranes of more than 2,000 tons were all dependent on imports, and prices and after-sales services were constrained by others. It is the dream of Sun Li, a senior engineer of XCMG Group, to build China's own "super crane".

In 2013, after Sun Lihe's team's vigorous research, the 4000-ton crawler crane successfully completed its "first show" in Yantai, Shandong, and achieved a breakthrough in the field of research and manufacturing of large-tonnage crawler cranes in my country. The equipment creatively adopts modular and integrated design, and a number of technologies have filled the domestic technological gap.

"For this dream, we have been fighting for 23 years." Sun Li said.

Innovation is precisely the connotation of the times of continuous development of the spirit of model workers and advancement with the times.

"It is necessary to enhance the awareness of innovation, cultivate innovative thinking, show the courage to innovate, the audacity to be the first, and the vigorous vigor." On November 24, 2020, at the National Workers' and Advanced Workers Commendation Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping Issue a call to workers.

The national model worker Xue Ying is from AVIC Xifei. Since 1992, she has participated in the assembly and production of the vertical tail of the international aviation manufacturing cooperation project. In order to ensure that each rivet installed on the aircraft has the best quality and the most beautiful appearance, she and her colleagues have been committed to improving the operation method and process. More than 7,000 high-quality vertical tails have been delivered successively, winning international aviation Highly recognized by manufacturing partner companies.

National model worker Zhu Shijie is a crane driver of Ningbo Beilun Third Container Terminal Co., Ltd. of Zhejiang Seaport Group. He has been based on his position and has the courage to innovate for more than 20 years. The crane operation method named after him has been updated and iterated to version 3.0.


Li Ruiyi, deputy director of the Research Office of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, said that the spirit of model workers is constantly changing with the development of the times, and the requirements for practice are getting higher and higher, and the value of leadership is increasing.

Indifferent to fame and fortune, willing to sacrifice

—Unchanging fighting character

How fine is 1 micron? 1/60th of a strand of hair!

Controlling the precision of the mold within 1 micron is the skill of Chen Liang, a national model worker and senior technician of Wuxi Micro Research Co., Ltd.

"Be a little bit more careful, you can get a little closer to the accuracy of 1 micron!" In order to better deal with every challenge, Chen Liang set up such a working principle for himself.

Based on one's own duty, indifferent to fame and fortune, love and dedication, this is the struggling character of generations of model workers.

Ye Zhicheng is a model worker in Zhejiang Province and the captain of the line installation team of the State Grid Wenzhou Dongtou District Power Supply Company. Since joining the work in 1986, he has been working in the front line of power grid construction for 35 years.

When the task of power grid construction is extremely heavy, he wakes up in the dark every day, trekking through mountains and rivers, giving up holiday breaks, pulling wires, arranging poles, and erecting poles with the construction team... often staying in the wild for more than ten hours. “It’s not a big deal to be a little bit tired. What’s important is to complete every construction task on time with quality and quantity,” he said.

Greatness comes from ordinaryness, and ordinaryness makes greatness.

"Only by unremitting struggle can we create happiness and realize our dreams." said Bai Zhiyong, a national model worker and senior surveyor of China Railway First Bureau and Five Companies. From an ordinary technician to a "Gold Medal Surveyor", in his more than 20 years of professional career, he has always been in the spirit of "doing one line and loving one line, drilling one line and doing one line carefully", quietly rooting in the front line, and constantly achieving self-transcendence in life. The lines measured by him and his team accounted for one-tenth of China's high-speed rail operating mileage.

Labor is the source of all happiness. Since entering the new era, the working class and the broad masses of working people in our country have worked hard, strived to be first-class, and bravely climbed the peak in the process of realizing the great Chinese dream. They have played a major role in the decisive victory of building a well-off society in all respects and fighting poverty alleviation. They have used their wisdom and sweat. It has created a social fashion of glorious labor, noble knowledge, precious talents, and great creation, and has written a new chapter in the "Chinese Dream·The Beauty of Labor".

The people create history and labor creates the future. Inspired by the spirit of model workers, tens of thousands of workers are immersed in their respective positions, working hard and forging ahead with their own hard work, converging into a majestic force to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 20th, by wire