3. Xi talks with Putin

Xi Jinping holds video meeting with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 30 – On the afternoon of December 30th, President Xi Jinping held a video meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Beijing.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is a great pleasure to hold a video meeting with President Putin at the end of the year, something which has become a good tradition for us. Under our joint guidance, the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era has become more mature and tenacious, and the endogenous driving force and special value of the cooperation between the two countries have further emerged. In the first 11 months of this year, the bilateral trade volume between China and Russia hit a new high, investment cooperation was optimized and integrated, energy cooperation further played the role of “ballast stone” and cooperation projects in key areas were steadily implemented. Local cooperation is in the ascendant, people-to-people and cultural exchanges are getting closer, sports exchange year activities are carried out in an orderly manner, and the foundation of social and public opinion for friendship between the two sides is more solid. Facing the turbulent international situation, China and Russia should always adhere to the original intention of cooperation, maintain strategic focus, strengthen strategic cooperation, insist on being each other’s development opportunities and global partners, and strive to create more benefits for the two peoples and inject more benefits and more stability into the world.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the two sides should continue to make good use of existing working mechanisms and communication channels to promote positive progress in bilateral practical cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, energy, finance, and agriculture, promote the construction of interconnection facilities such as ports, and expand traditional and new energy sources. The two sides should give full play to their traditional advantages, promote further deepening of people-to-people and cultural exchanges, make a success of the China-Russia Sports Exchange Year and build a new brand of people-to-people and cultural cooperation between the two countries. Recently, according to the changes in the situation of the novel coronavirus epidemic, China has optimized prevention and control measures according to the time and situation, scientifically coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and is focusing on health care and severe disease prevention. China is willing to resume normal personnel exchanges in an orderly manner with countries including Russia.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the world is once again standing at a crossroads of history. Whether to regain the Cold War mentality and provoke division and confrontation and group confrontation, or proceed from the common well-being of mankind to practice equality, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation. These two orientations test the wisdom of politicians of major countries and the rationality of all mankind. Facts have repeatedly proved that containment and suppression are unpopular, and sanctions and intervention are doomed to fail. China is willing to work with Russia and all progressive forces in the world that oppose hegemonism and power politics, oppose any unilateralism, protectionism, and bullying, and firmly defend the sovereignty, security, development interests, and international fairness and justice of the two countries. The two sides should closely coordinate and cooperate in international affairs, safeguard the authority of the United Nations and the status of international law, maintain true multilateralism, and demonstrate the responsibility of major countries in maintaining global food security, energy security and other issues, and play an exemplary role. The two sides should continue to promote the strengthening of unity and mutual trust among all parties in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, increase mutual support on issues concerning each other’s core interests, and jointly resist interference and sabotage by external forces. The cooperation among BRICS countries is full of bright spots, fully demonstrating the attractiveness and bright prospects of BRICS. China is willing to work with Russia to actively promote the expansion of BRICS members, strengthen the power of BRICS countries, and safeguard the common interests of emerging market countries and developing countries.

Putin said that he was very happy to continue the good traditions of the two countries. He would hold a video meeting with President Xi Jinping as the new year is approaching. They will jointly summarize the achievements of the development of Russia-China relations this year and plan the blueprint for bilateral cooperation next year. He said that once again, on behalf of the entire Russian people, he would like to warmly congratulate the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and warmly congratulate President Xi Jinping on his re-election as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee. Under the wise leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, China’s economic and social development would continue to make new achievements, and China’s international status and influence would be further enhanced. Under the current complex and severe international situation, Russia-China relations had maintained a good momentum of development. Cooperation in the fields of energy, agriculture, transportation, infrastructure, sports, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges had been steadily advancing. The tenacity, maturity, and stability of Russia-China relations had been further enhanced. The importance of strategic coordination between China and China had become more prominent, and it could be called a model of major power relations in the 21st century. Russia firmly supported China’s position on the Taiwan issue and firmly abided by the one-China principle. The Russian side looked forward to intensifying exchanges and contacts with the Chinese side and actively promoting cooperation in various fields. It was believed that as China optimizes and adjusts its novel coronavirus epidemic prevention and control policy, the personnel exchanges and people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries would continue to strengthen. The Russian side appreciated China’s objective and fair stance in international affairs, spoke highly of China’s work as the chair of the BRICS countries, and was willing to continue to work closely with China on multilateral stages such as the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BRICS countries, and the G20. The two sides should work together to promote the establishment of a more just and reasonable international order, defend their respective legitimate interests, and make joint efforts to maintain international fairness and justice.

The two heads of state exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis. Xi Jinping emphasized that China had noticed that Russia had never refused to resolve the conflict through diplomatic negotiations and he appreciated that. The road to peace talks will not be smooth, but as long as the efforts are not given up, the prospect of peace will always exist. China will continue to uphold an objective and fair stance, promote the formation of joint forces of the international community, and play a constructive role in peacefully resolving the Ukrainian crisis.

The two heads of state also exchanged New Year greetings, wishing the people of China and Russia a happy New Year and wishing each other more new achievements in their national development.

Wang Yi, He Lifeng and others participated in the event.