30 Aug 21 - story 3

The majority of cadres work hard to act on the new journey

Encourage cadres in various regions as a work summary

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The towering wood must have its roots; the water of the mountains must have its source.

On July 1, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in which he stated for the first time that “adhere to the truth, adhere to ideals, practice the original aspirations, assume the mission, fear sacrifices, fight heroically, be loyal to the party, and live up to the people. "The great party-building spirit" has marked the roots and origins of our party's revolutionary spirit, and revealed the code of success that our party has been flourishing and flourishing after a hundred years of hardship.

In the great party-building spirit, "practicing the original aspiration and assuming the mission" concentratedly embodies the distinctive characteristics of our party that has not changed its original intention and its true qualities, and vividly interprets the political character of party members. Over the past 100 years, generations of Communists have bravely assumed missions and worked hard, and injected strong impetus into the development of the party and the country. Such as Jiao Yulu, Kong Fansen, Yang Shanzhou, Huang Dafa, Zhou Yongkai, etc., are outstanding models of Communists in different historical periods. , They all have a common excellent character, that is, the courage to act.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has coordinated the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the world’s major changes unseen in a century. It has profoundly stated that “party cadres are the backbone of the party and the country’s cause” and “there are no broad party members. , The enthusiasm and execution of cadres, even the best policies and measures will fail.” It emphasized that “we must adhere to the combination of strict management and love, and pay equal attention to encouragement and restraint”, and clearly requires that “establish a positive direction of advocating hard work, driving responsibility, and cheering up. Incentive System", clearly pointed out that "it is necessary to establish and improve the incentive and protection mechanism for cadres to take responsibility." It clarified why and how the party cadres should be responsible, how to promote cadre responsibility and other major issues, which will help us to do the cadre work in the new era. It has important guiding significance.

Focusing on implementing the spirit of General Secretary Jinping’s important instructions, in 2018, the General Office of the Central Committee issued the "Opinions on Further Encouraging Cadres in the New Era and New Roles". The Organization Department of the Central Committee held a symposium to deploy and promote, and carried out responsible actions across the country. Propaganda work for the selection of advanced model trees; In 2019, the Central Organization Department formulated 9 specific measures to further encourage cadres to take responsibility, combined with the theme of "not forgetting the original heart and keeping in mind the mission" to carry out special rectification on the issue of non-accountability and non-action; since 2020, the central organization has been organized Focusing on fighting the epidemic, resuming work and resuming production, and winning the battle against poverty, the Ministry has strengthened speech guidance, recommended typical practices and experiences, and carried out general work guidance and supervised implementation. In accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee, various localities have introduced relevant supporting systems in a timely manner, strengthened responsibilities level by level, comprehensively implemented policies, and continued to work hard to promote the positive effects of cadre motivation, and the spirit of the cadre team was effectively boosted.

Focusing on the central task, strengthen the cadres' awareness of action

The wind knows the strong grass, the fire sees the real gold. The central task and the big test have always been the touchstone and sharpening stone for the majority of cadres to fulfill their original mission.

In the face of major struggles such as epidemic prevention and control, flood fighting and emergency rescue, all localities highlight their responsibilities at critical moments, severely test their ethics and talents, and brighten the yardstick of the strengths and weaknesses of cadres on the front line of the struggle, organize and guide the majority of cadres to be vanguards, take the lead, and set an example. Hubei insists on winning the battle against the epidemic prevention and control as the main battlefield for training, training and identifying cadres. It seizes the "critical minority" of leading cadres and pushes the majority of cadres to sink to the front line, command forward, and guard strictly. During the epidemic prevention and control period 4 More than 10,000 leading cadres in cities, counties and townships have been fighting day and night on the front lines of medical and health, emergency support, and public services, and have withstood the test of life and death. Anhui formulated special inspection opinions for major struggles, organized forces to go deep into provincial units, cities and counties, and the grassroots to carry out heart-to-heart talks. In 2020, 235 cadres who had outstanding performance in epidemic prevention and flood fighting were promoted or promoted. In recent times, in the face of the raging flood situation, Henan and other places have resolutely implemented the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping on flood prevention and relief work, guided the majority of cadres to act quickly, carried forward the spirit of continuous combat, and devoted themselves to flood fighting and fighting against Taiwan. Since the end of July, in the face of the severe and complex epidemic situation, some provinces have actively organized and mobilized party members and cadres to actively participate in the epidemic prevention and control struggle, and implemented various prevention and control measures to consolidate the hard-won results of epidemic prevention and control .

Faced with the key tasks of winning the fight against poverty, all localities insisted on fighting hard, vigorously selecting backbone forces to sink to the front line, and guiding cadres to improve their political positions and strengthen their responsibilities in tackling difficulties. More than 1,800 comrades set their lives in the fight against poverty. On the journey. Gansu has formulated as a specific measure to better encourage cadres to take responsibility in the decisive victory over poverty alleviation, and put forward 19 measures in 8 categories from the aspects of political incentives, livelihood security, and emotional care. Heilongjiang intensively carried out special assessments for poverty alleviation, and promoted 10 national-level impoverished county party committee secretaries to serve as deputy posts of the upper-level leadership team. Ningxia, Qinghai, Nanning, Guangxi, and Ali in Tibet, based on poverty alleviation and industrial development needs, adopted a direct "point-and-should" approach to select a large number of outstanding cadres to post, hold posts or serve as first secretaries in impoverished counties to enrich the grassroots work force.

Faced with the strategic deployment of promoting high-quality development, all localities insist on using actual performance to judge heroes, use cadres based on actual performance, and use actual performance to reward and pun The three-five-year plan ended successfully and the fourteenth five-year plan started well and started well in the lively practice. Jiangsu closely follows the theme of promoting high-quality development to formulate a monitoring and evaluation indicator system, annual assessment indicators and corresponding implementation methods, and make good use of the three "examination papers" for high-quality development, high-quality party building, and social satisfaction evaluation. Inner Mongolia organized a large study and discussion on "Re-emancipate the mind, pursue new development concepts, and promote the high-quality development of Inner Mongolia" among leading cadres at or above the county level. Hunan issued implementation opinions on comprehensively strengthening the construction of five major systems for cadre work, and promoted high-quality economic and social development through high-quality development services for cadre work. Shanxi closely follows the deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises, which requires the selection of a group of department-level cadres of provincial-level functional departments to serve in the enterprise. Shanghai Pudong New Area quantifies the actual work performance as a "progress index", effectively guiding the majority of cadres to catch up and strive for the first.

Pay attention to practical education and training to stimulate the endogenous motivation of cadres to consciously assume responsibility

Ideals and beliefs are the source of motivation to act, and professionalism is the confidence to act. All localities adhere to the main line of studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, combining the theme education of “not forgetting the original aspiration, keeping in mind the mission” and party history learning and education, guiding the majority of cadres to strengthen their roots and build a ballast stone for their ideals and beliefs. , To enhance the ideological and action consciousness of acting in the new era. At the same time, closely following the needs of the party and the country, aiming at cadres' knowledge gaps, experience blind spots, and ability weaknesses, professional training is carried out accurately to consolidate the basic skills of responsibility.

Strengthen theoretical training. Xinjiang has carried out the “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era into Ten Thousands” activities. The theoretical education and party spirit education in Jilin Party Schools (Administrative Colleges) accounted for 80% of the total class hours. Party schools in Shanghai, Anhui, Chongqing, Shaanxi and other places ( The School of Administration) and the School of Cadres insist on taking General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on strengthening ideals and beliefs and stimulating responsibility as compulsory courses. In Hebei, Jiangsu and other places, in the main classes of party schools (administrative schools) at all levels, students were arranged to conduct party spirit analysis in accordance with the requirements of ideological and political baptism, entrepreneurship and courage to take responsibility, analyze the root cause of the problem, and find correct improvement measures.

Lay the foundation of party spirit. Fujian relies on the red education fronts such as the site of the Gutian Conference, the investigation site of Caixi Township, the departure point of Changting and the Ninghua Long March, to carry out revolutionary traditions and ideals and beliefs education. Liaoning has deeply explored the spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance, the spirit of resisting the United States and aiding Korea, established on-site teaching sites, created high-quality courses, and transformed the old revolutionary relics into intuitive on-site classrooms. Hunan has launched revolutionary traditional education routes such as the growth path of young Mao Zedong and the feelings of the family and the country of the children of Hunan, to guide the majority of cadres to carry forward the glorious tradition and continue the red blood.

Improve professionalism. Fujian emphasizes "short, small, and specialized", determines ten topics every year, and conducts short-term training in universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University. Heilongjiang launched the "Capacity Building and Improvement Year" activity and opened a "Business Lecture Hall", and 9 provincial-level leading cadres took the stage to give lectures. Shandong holds special training courses on rural revitalization, modern agricultural development, and supply-side structural reforms. Hainan focused on advancing the construction of the free trade zone (port), and selected business backbones in batches to study with the relevant central units and free trade zones in other provinces and cities. Shenzhen City invited relevant experts from the Ministry of Commerce and the China Securities Regulatory Commission to teach courses on the “Belt and Road” and overseas development of Chinese enterprises, the two-way opening of capital markets and cross-border financing policies.

Improve the selection and appointment, and form a clear direction for the majority of cadres to take the initiative

Choosing the right people and using the right people are the most effective and direct incentives. Use those who are in charge, and take the initiative to take charge will become common practice.

Insist on putting political standards in the first place. Hunan has carried out in-depth inspections on the political construction of leading groups and leading cadres, specially issued inspection methods, and gradually extended to the establishment of internal institutions. Sichuan formulated measures to highlight political standards and strengthen the implementation of cadre inspections, detailed "15 key points" specific standards from 5 aspects, and in-depth investigations during the evaluation and inspection. Xinjiang and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps formulated methods for inspecting political quality, established a negative list of political performance, carried out positive and negative evaluations, and normalized the identification of political quality of cadres.

Insist on working hard in normal times. Fujian inherits and promotes the fine tradition of "four lower grassroots", explores to use site surveys as the starting point to promote daily assessments, and timely tracks and grasps the operation of the leadership team and the consistent performance of cadres. Chongqing carried out a full-coverage survey of the municipal management leadership team, focusing on investigating and identifying cadres in major tasks such as promoting the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing dual-city economic circle. Jiangxi set up a research team to go deep into the provincial departments and 11 districts and cities to carry out cadre work talks and research, focusing on understanding and using a group of cadres who have outstanding performance in the front line of major struggles such as epidemic prevention and control, flood fighting and disaster relief. Shenzhen has established a cadre work mechanism of "knowing people by knowledge and discriminating talents", with "things" as the main line to carry out full coverage and all-round surveys, and to identify cadres through the ability to plan, act, and succeed.

Insist on finding and selecting cadres from the front line. Guizhou’s front-line cadres for poverty alleviation are given priority in promotion, appointment and promotion. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 35,000 front-line cadres have been promoted or further employed. Tibet attaches great importance to the selection of cadres at the forefront of maintaining stability, the main battlefield of economic development, and the front line of solid borders. This year, in conjunction with the renewal of the county and township leadership groups, a group of responsible and practical cadres will be selected into the county and township party and government leadership groups. Select 36 cadres who have worked in high-altitude areas and the grassroots for a long time to serve in the district units. Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, clarified that during the poverty alleviation period, among the cadres promoted and employed by the city, county, and municipal departments each year, those with grass-roots front-line work experience such as poverty alleviation were not less than 60%, 80%, and 50%, respectively, to promote the formation of cadres that take the initiative to take the front line. , Good guidance for the selection of cadres from the front line.

Persevere in hard work and adjust not to be a cadre. Heilongjiang carried out a special rectification of the “five non-problems” that party members and cadres did not implement, did not study, did not act, did not observe discipline, and organized and dealt with 331 cadres. Jiangxi promptly dealt with the non-accountability and negligence found in the ninth round of inspections by the Provincial Party Committee as clues to the problem, and reminded individual department-level cadres to talk to them, and remove them if the problem is serious. Since 2018, Gansu has investigated and dealt with 77 outstanding issues of inaction and handled 362 cadres. Guangxi adheres to the principle of "Reactive work is demerit, mediocrity is wrong, and if you don’t change your status, you can change your seat." The strong effect of "batch".

Pay attention to encouragement and protection, and relieve the worries of cadres who dare to take on

Organizations at all levels are accountable to and responsible for cadres, which is the confidence support for cadres to shake off their arms and act boldly. All localities have a clear-cut stand to support cadres who are responsible for their actions, take organizational responsibility to drive cadres to take responsibility, and use organization to promote cadres.

Reasonable use of the disciplinary cadres. Punishing the past, treating the sick and saving people is the consistent policy of our party cadres. Liaoning formulated methods for the reappointment or promotion of leading cadres subject to punishment, distinguished the nature of the problem, motives, and severity, comprehensively analyzed and correctly treated the mistakes and errors of cadres, and did a good job in the management and use of the "second half of the article." The Organization Department of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, in conjunction with the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, has comprehensively sorted out the situation of provincial administrative officials who have been dealt with in recent years, and carried out the assessment and evaluation of the expiration of the cadres affected by the punishment. Jinan City implements the opinions of accountable and sanctioned cadres to follow up, assist, investigate, evaluate and reuse, and clearly arrange one responsible person for each sanctioned cadre to prevent "one-off".

Perform fault-tolerant and corrective work prudently and prudently. Guangdong earnestly implements the requirement of "three divisions", formulates fault-tolerant and error-correcting measures and their interpretation, plus and minus lists, and proposes specific measures for difficult issues such as “which faults should be tolerated”, “which faults should not be tolerated”, and “how to tolerate” and provide incentives Cadres go into battle lightly, with no distractions to do their best. Shijiazhuang City formulated measures to strengthen the implementation of positive incentives for fault tolerance and error correction, focusing on both tolerance and error correction, and carrying out error correction work while drawing conclusions on fault tolerance. Guilin City of Guangxi insisted on interpreting regulations by case and using examples to collect and compile 51 typical fault-tolerant and error-correction cases in the work of promoting key project construction, poverty alleviation and urban management.

Actively establish a clarification and protection system. Zhejiang insists on violating the turmoil and protecting the reputation of cadres. In the past three years, the organization system at all levels has publicly notified and clarified more than 200 false letters and visits, and clarified the names of more than 1,600 cadres who received false reports. Changsha City has carried out the clarification work through the media, and has publicly clarified 53 people. Inner Mongolia, Jilin and other places have studied and formulated measures to punish false accusations and framing. Hebei, Henan and other places have included persons involved in false accusations and framing others on the "blacklist" of the creditworthiness system, and will be held accountable in accordance with disciplines and laws.

Accurate scientific correspondence and conversation. Shandong stipulates that letter inquiries should be used cautiously to minimize the negative impact of false letters and visits on leading cadres. If it is necessary to understand relevant matters, cadres should generally give written explanations. The Organization Department of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee integrates the supervision information of inspections, audits, ecological environment, poverty alleviation, petitions and other departments, and establishes a reminder letter inquiries and admonition information communication mechanism with the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to realize information sharing. Beijing, Tianjin, Yunnan and other places carefully reviewed, analyzed and judged the cadre's statement, and gave feedback to the person and the main person in charge of the local (unit) party organization if they were accepted.

Implement care measures and strengthen institutional guarantees that cadres are willing to take on

The warmth of the organization stimulates the enthusiasm of the cadres. Caring for cadres is the fine tradition of our party. All localities adhere to the combination of strict management and deep love, equal emphasis on incentives and constraints, and detailed policies and measures for caring and caring for cadres based on the actual situation, and continuously enhance the sense of honor, belonging and acquisition of cadres.

Strengthen the protection of the benefits of grassroots cadres. Shanxi has raised the subsidy standard for township workers for five consecutive times, and the provincial finance has allocated special funds. The income of more than 200,000 township government officials and township public institutions in the province has increased by 900 yuan per month. Hunan has established a differentiated subsidy distribution mechanism based on township conditions and work performance. The 119 counties and districts under the jurisdiction of townships have implemented the policy that the income of the staff of the township agencies is higher than that of the staff of the same rank in the county agencies. Ningxia increased the average monthly salary of township cadres by about 1,000 yuan by increasing subsidies for township workers, benefiting more than 48,000 township workers.

Care for the physical and mental health of cadres. Guangxi has put forward feasible and implementable measures to further care for the physical and mental health of cadres in terms of health checkups, medical security, psychological counseling, humanistic care, and implementation of vacations. Suzhou City, Anhui Province has issued implementation measures to incorporate the implementation of leaders’ conversations and paid leave systems into the annual assessment content. At present, the city’s cadres are generally able to enjoy annual leave or transfer and compensatory leave policies. The city of Qinhuangdao, Hebei has launched the "Talking to the Organization" activity for city management officials, listening to the demands of the cadres, and smoothing the communication bridge between the cadres and the organization.

Pay attention to solving problems and alleviating burdens for cadres. Beijing has formulated opinions on strengthening the work of the streets in the new era, giving the streets six powers, including the right to participate in the planning of facilities in their jurisdiction and the right to make major decisions and suggestions, so as to ensure that the grassroots have the power and resources to serve the people. Henan canceled the evaluation indicators such as street investment promotion, and focused the development of the street service economy on collecting enterprise information, serving the enterprises in the district, and optimizing the investment environment. Huanggang City, Hubei has established a list of powers and responsibilities of towns and streets, clarifying that the county organizes only one comprehensive assessment of the towns and streets a year, and the inspection and assessment items at the grassroots level have been greatly reduced.

Vigorously publicize praise and create a strong atmosphere in which cadres compete for responsibility

The role model is "visible philosophy", and its power is infinite. All localities give full play to the exemplary and leading role of advanced models, vigorously excavate and publicize outstanding cadres who are responsible for the new era, commend and reward them in a timely manner, and encourage more cadres to be vigorous and enterprising.

Actively select trees to promote advanced models. Tianjin normally selects trees and cultivates "civil servants satisfied by the people" and "civil servant collectives satisfied by the people", so that those who are capable are in position, those who are capable, and those who are excellent are given priority. Zhejiang has carried out the selection activities for acting as good cadres for two consecutive years, selecting 217 "acting as good cadres", and 11 districts and cities have carried out the selection work simultaneously, forming a linkage effect. As an advanced model, Xiamen City has deeply explored the role as an advanced model, created a comprehensive incentive brand of "runners", and promoted the bidding of the majority of cadres.

Increase commendation and rewards. Sichuan pays attention to the discovery of advanced models on the front line of epidemic prevention and control, and makes overall plans to promote the best and first. 625 individuals and 110 collectives in the province's health system have been commended for anti-epidemic at the provincial and ministerial level and above. Shaanxi regularly commends the leading groups and leading cadres with strong efforts to promote high-quality development, practical measures and good results. In 2021, 88 "good cadres" and 34 "good teams" will be commended. The total number of commendation conferences held by video More than 12,000 people participated, setting off an upsurge of "learning advanced and dare to take responsibility".

It is a century-old magnificence to have a great career in the future. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, "Today, we are closer, more confident and capable of achieving the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history. At the same time, we must be prepared to make more arduous and arduous efforts." Party committees (party groups) at all levels must put motivating cadres in an important position, as a long-term task and a systematic project. The ambition to win and the courage to fight decisively, in the new journey of promoting high-quality development during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and marching towards the second centenary goal, strive to take on the mission and strive for greater glory.