5. Climbing to spectacular heights

Climbing to the spectacular heights between heaven and earth

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core leads the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country on a new journey

The long river of history is endless, and new journeys open up new worlds.

“From now on, the central task of the Communist Party of China is to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to comprehensively build a modern and powerful socialist country, achieve the second centenary goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.”

The climb is spectacular and the mountains and rivers are picturesque.

2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and under the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, hundreds of millions of Chinese people are striving towards the glory and dream of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation.

Heading for a new expedition

“The baton of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation has historically fallen on our generation.”

At the end of the year, after concluding his state visit to Vietnam, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Guangxi for inspection. He visited enterprises, communities, farmland, and factories, and encouraged the people of Zhuang Township to “strive to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Guangxi.”

People clearly remember that more than a year ago, during the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Guangxi delegation and talked about the new journey and new mission. He said with great sincerity:

“Our modernization is both the most difficult and the greatest.” “The most important task at the moment is to roll up our sleeves and work hard, step by step, to put into action the major decisions and arrangements made by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and see the results. “.

Only its difficulty makes it great; only its difficulty makes it even more glorious.

In 2023, China, embarking on a new journey, will face new strategic opportunities, new strategic tasks, new strategic stages, new strategic requirements, and new strategic environments.

Looking around the world, the world today is intertwined with chaos, the world’s major changes are accelerating, international political disputes and military conflicts have broken out at many points, the global development and security situation is complex, and mankind is facing unprecedented challenges.

Looking at the country, after three years of COVID-19 prevention and control, economic recovery is facing arduous tasks. Domestic cyclical and structural contradictions are superimposed. There are still many deep-seated contradictions in reform, development and stability, and many difficulties and challenges still need to be overcome to promote high-quality development.

A great and arduous undertaking, demonstrating unswerving mission.

On the morning of March 10, 2023, the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping was unanimously elected again as President of the country and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and waves of applause resounded throughout the auditorium of tens of thousands of people.

Applause reflects the voice of the people. This is the choice of history, the people, and the times.

In the People’s Hall, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s declaration was loud and clear:

“The baton of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation has historically fallen on our generation. We must follow the strategic deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, persist in coordinating and advancing the ‘five-in-one’ overall layout, and coordinate the advancement of the ‘four comprehensives’ strategy layout, accelerate the advancement of Chinese-style modernization, work together, pioneer and innovate, make achievements worthy of the times, history, and the people on the new journey, and make due contributions of our generation to the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. !”

A great and arduous undertaking requires far-sighted strategic planning.

Just after the beginning of spring, a seminar on studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party was held on the campus of the Central Party School in the western suburbs of Beijing.

“The leadership of the Party is directly related to the fundamental direction, future and destiny, and ultimate success or failure of Chinese modernization.” “Correctly handle top-level design and practical exploration, strategy and tactics, integrity and innovation, efficiency and fairness, vitality and order, self-reliance and openness to the outside world. and a series of important relationships.”

Focusing on how to “correctly understand and vigorously promote Chinese-style modernization,” General Secretary Xi Jinping taught a “key lesson” to the “key minority.”

In April in Lingnan, the spring breeze was warm, and General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Guangdong, the forefront of reform and opening up.

In four days, he traveled across the land of western Guangdong from west to east and delivered a series of important speeches focusing on agricultural and rural modernization, ecological civilization construction, scientific and technological self-reliance, and promoting common prosperity, giving Guangdong a new major mission-”promoting Chinese-style modernization” to be at the forefront.”

In 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping conducted 16 domestic inspections, with intensive itineraries covering 15 provinces.

From the coast of the South China Sea to the North Pole of China, from the western frontier to the Yangtze River Delta region, General Secretary Xi Jinping has adopted an overall vision of Chinese-style modernization, closely combined with the actual conditions of various places, and emphasized both epistemology and methodology to formulate a layout for promoting Chinese-style modernization.

From careful questioning and deep thinking during inspections and surveys, to in-depth explanations at important meetings, to in-depth exchanges on foreign affairs occasions, General Secretary Xi Jinping used a series of new ideas, new perspectives and new judgments to further answer the question of what is Chinese modernization and how to build China major theoretical and practical issues in modernization.

In the new practice, the top-level design of Chinese-style modernization continues to improve, the practical path becomes clearer, and the party’s innovative theory in the new era continues to open up new realms.

A great and arduous undertaking inspires the great power of unity and hard work.

“Whenever the Party Central Committee makes major decisions and arrangements, we call on all comrades in the party to strengthen their study, so as to unify the thoughts and actions of the whole party and gather a powerful force to overcome difficulties and forge ahead in unity. This is a successful experience of the party.”

In 2023, a “new learning competition” for Chinese Communists in the new era - the theme education of learning and implementing Xi Jinping’s socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era will be launched in depth throughout the party.

General Secretary Xi Jinping regards this as “a major event related to the overall situation” and personally plans, deploys and promotes it.

During the inspection in Guangdong in April, he emphasized “learning to build the soul”. In May, he interpreted “learning to increase wisdom” in Shaanxi. In June, he explained “using learning to rectify the style” in Inner Mongolia. In July, he called for “learning to promote cadres” in Jiangsu... …Wherever he went and never mind, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave vivid party lessons to the majority of party members and cadres.

We must always maintain the sobriety and determination to solve the unique problems of the big party, persist in promoting the party’s self-revolution, advance comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and continue to make efforts in the anti-corruption struggle... Chinese Communists in the new era unite under the banner of the party “A piece of hard steel”, thinking in one place and working hard in one place, injects strong momentum into the great ship of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, cutting through waves and starting a critical journey.

“Empty talk is harmful to the country, but hard work will rejuvenate the country. One point is deployed and nine points are implemented.” From the vivid and in-depth grassroots surveys to the strategic deployments that are being promoted one after another, from the repeated instructions to “consistency” and “long-term success” Working methods, to clearly put forward the four “implementation” work requirements...General Secretary Xi Jinping leads by example, the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups roll up their sleeves and work hard, and the grand blueprint of Chinese-style modernization is turning into a beautiful reality step by step.

We must deliver a positive answer to the recovery of very large economies despite continued pressure, solidly promote high-quality development while overcoming difficulties, open up a new situation in reform and opening up from a new and higher starting point, and make solid progress in building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. The pace... a China full of vitality, rising with new hope and showing a new atmosphere.

Anchoring top priorities

“Comprehensively promote Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development”

In the land of Gyeonggi Province, the construction site of Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province is in full swing. This benchmark city for high-quality development in the new era is writing new history every day.

On May 10, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the core of the start-up area of ​​Xiongan New Area. He climbed up and looked far away, and he had a panoramic view of the busy scene of tower cranes.

The general secretary encouraged the on-site builders: “This is a historical opportunity that is once in a century. You are shouldering an important historical task, so you must work hard!”

Each generation has its own historical mission. Comprehensively promoting Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development is the mission of Chinese Communists in the new era.

In December 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference in the first year attracted worldwide attention.

In the magnificent development practice, our party has deepened its understanding of the laws of doing economic work in the new era. At this meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping summarized it as “five musts”:

“We must adhere to high-quality development as the last word in the new era.” “We must persist in deepening supply-side structural reforms and focus on expanding effective demand.” “We must persist in relying on reform and opening up to enhance the endogenous driving force of development.” “We must persist in high-quality development. “We must regard promoting Chinese-style modernization as the greatest political priority.”

China’s economy is a giant ship. The bigger it gets, the bigger the waves are, and the more important it is to steer the ship.

Shape new advantages in development, firmly grasp the key to self-reliance and self-reliance in high-level science and technology, and promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation——

“New quality productivity” - In September 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward this important conclusion for the first time during his inspection in Heilongjiang.

At the Central Economic Work Conference, the General Secretary profoundly explained: “The core of deepening supply-side structural reform is to promote industrial innovation through scientific and technological innovation, especially disruptive and cutting-edge technologies to spawn new industries, new models, new drivers, and develop new quality. productive forces.”

Promote industrial innovation with technological innovation, build new competitive advantages with industrial upgrading, and make high-quality development rely more on innovation-driven connotative growth.

This year, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s domestic inspections have always focused on scientific and technological innovation, from laboratories, research institutes, science cities, to manufacturing companies, industrial parks, and industrial parks. He has repeatedly gone deep into the places where scientific and technological innovation is most active, and repeatedly emphasized high-level The importance of self-reliance and self-reliance in science and technology to Chinese-style modernization requires in-depth research and planning on how to deeply integrate technological innovation and industrial innovation and transform them into new development advantages.

Seize the key and turn crisis into opportunity. This year, a number of key core technologies achieved breakthroughs. The “three new things” such as new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaics performed well. New technological tracks such as artificial intelligence and quantum technology ranked first in the world. China’s manned spaceflight The project has entered the space station application and development stage... The innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain, and talent chain have accelerated the integration, bursting out with strong vitality.

Open up new space for development, better coordinate supply-side structural reforms and expand domestic demand, and smooth China’s economic cycle——

“Hello, General Secretary!” “Welcome General Secretary to Yiwu!” On the morning of September 20, applause, greetings, and cheers came one after another in Yiwu International Trade City.

General Secretary Xi Jinping came here for investigation and cordial exchanges with merchants and small business owners.

“Where are you from?” “Shaoxing”, “Inner Mongolia”, “Jordan”... “I’m from Nepal.” A businessman came forward and introduced himself in Chinese.

“Welcome, what goods are you here to purchase?” the general secretary asked. “You can buy everything you can think of, and you can buy everything you can’t imagine!” Hearing his answer, everyone laughed.

Small commodities have broken into a big market and become a big industry. The General Secretary hopes that the Trade City will create new glories and make greater contributions to expanding domestic and international markets and smoothing the domestic and international dual circulation.

The new space comes from the huge potential released by the combination of ultra-large-scale market and strong production capacity advantages.

Focus on expanding domestic demand, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, create a virtuous cycle of consumption and investment, and effectively connect supply and demand... The General Secretary attaches great importance to enhancing the endogenous power and reliability of the domestic cycle, and focuses on the main contradictions that restrict the acceleration of the construction of a new development pattern. Prescribe remedies to problems and solve difficult problems.

New space comes from the broad depth released by urban-rural integration and coordinated regional development.

“Promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta to achieve new major breakthroughs, be at the forefront of Chinese-style modernization, and better play the role of pioneering pathfinding, leading demonstrations, and radiating leadership.” In the early winter, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a meeting in Shanghai to in-depth promote the long-term development of the Yangtze River Delta. The Triangle Integrated Development Symposium put forward new requirements on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the implementation of the national strategy for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

Deeply promote the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, promote the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era, and further promote the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt... Over the past year, General Secretary Xi Jinping has hosted multiple special symposiums on regional development, which has been consistent and continuously deepening work. The deployment also has long-term considerations of focusing on new development and expanding new space.

Activate new impetus for development, make good use of the key move, and promote reform and opening up with greater determination and intensity——

2023 marks the 45th anniversary of reform and opening up and the 10th anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out during his inspection tour south to Guangdong: “China’s reform and opening up policy is long-term and consistent.”

One week after returning to Beijing, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the first meeting of the 20th Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening of Reforms, emphasizing: “Comprehensive deepening of reforms must be regarded as the fundamental driving force for promoting Chinese-style modernization, as well as for stabilizing the overall situation, responding to situations, and opening up new areas.” It is an important starting point for the bureau to keep the right direction, keep integrity and innovate, work hard, and write a new chapter of reform and opening up on the new journey.”

We will pursue a steady path of reform and expand the door to opening up. This year, a new round of party and state institutional reform was basically completed. The Central Financial Work Conference made arrangements to accelerate the construction of a financial power, effectively build a unified national market, implement actions to deepen and improve the reform of state-owned enterprises, issue opinions on promoting the development and growth of the private economy, and build a New model of real estate development...

This year, 24 policies and measures were released to stabilize foreign investment, and five pilot free trade zones and the Hainan Free Trade Port were piloted to align with relevant international high-standard economic and trade rules. The number of pilot free trade zones was upgraded and expanded to 22, and it was announced that foreign investment in the manufacturing sector would be completely cancelled. Access restrictions...

Forge ahead with hard work and achieve great success. In 2023, facing pressures and challenges that are no less severe than the three years of the epidemic, China will adhere to high-quality development and high-level safe and positive interactions to promote the overall improvement and recovery of the economy. The main expected goals for economic and social development throughout the year have been successfully achieved, with the economy expected to grow by about 5.2% and the GDP to exceed 126 trillion yuan. China remains the world’s largest growth engine, contributing about one-third to global economic growth.

Take on a new mission

“Building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation is an inevitable requirement for promoting Chinese-style modernization.”

Beijing’s central axis, the “backbone of culture”, remains everlasting. On the northern extension line, the Chinese History Research Institute has a unique building with a huge seal script character “History” hanging high above it.

On June 2, 2023, at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development held here, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech connects the past with the present and guides the future——

“Continuing to promote cultural prosperity, build a culturally powerful country, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation from a new starting point is our new cultural mission in the new era. We must strengthen cultural confidence, shoulder our mission, work hard, and work together to create a new era that belongs to us. new culture and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.”

At the critical moment when the new journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is comprehensively promoted with Chinese-style modernization, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly proposed a “new cultural mission” and issued a great call to “build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation” to define the culture for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. coordinates and hold high the spiritual banner.

Looking at human history, the fundamental transformation of a civilization is the transformation of culture; the true rebirth of a civilization is the rebirth of culture.

General Secretary Xi Jinping examines Chinese civilization from the new era and new journey, observes Chinese-style modernization from the continuous promotion of Chinese civilization, and draws a profound conclusion: “Chinese-style modernization is the new destiny of the Chinese nation and will surely promote the restoration of Chinese civilization’s glory. “

Over the past year, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s cultural footprints have spread all over the country: Shanxi Yuncheng Museum, National Museum of China Central Branch, Chinese Archaeological Museum, Sanxingdui Museum, Shaanxi Hanzhong City Museum, East Zhejiang Canal Cultural Park, Yangtze River National Cultural Park Jiujiang City Section, Taoyangli Historical and Cultural District, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi...

Through in-depth investigation and research, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made profound thoughts and long-term plans on the construction of party leadership culture in the new era.

In the golden autumn of October, in the capital Beijing, the National Ideological and Cultural Work Conference was held at the Jingxi Hotel.

Compared with the past, the name of this conference added the word “culture” for the first time. The meeting formally proposed Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts, which aroused enthusiastic responses throughout the party and society.

There are both innovations and breakthroughs in cultural theoretical perspectives, as well as deployment requirements in the layout of cultural work. Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts are clear and practical, and they are comprehensive in practice and practice, so as to do a good job in publicity, ideological and cultural work in the new era and new journey, and assume new cultural responsibilities. The mission provides powerful ideological weapons and scientific action guidance.

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts, the spirit and charm of China’s excellent traditional culture, the vigor and excitement of revolutionary culture, and the prosperity of advanced socialist culture are integrated in the great practice of the new era. The land of China is full of cultural innovation and creativity.

Forging the soul with literature, cultural confidence becomes stronger - at the foot of Yanshan Mountain in Beijing, the Central Branch of the National Library of China is nestled in the green mountains and lush forests. The ancient classics left behind by the vicissitudes of Chinese civilization are “hidden in famous mountains and passed down to future generations” here.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s affectionate words are still in my ears: “Our culture is here! It is very civilized, progressive, and advanced. It will be passed down for another five thousand years, and more than five thousand years. “

On the basis of an “accurate portrait” of the five outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly revealed the “inherent genes” of the cultural consciousness and cultural self-confidence of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people, pointing out that “Chinese civilization has lasted for thousands of years. It is a miracle of human civilization that we have endured repeated hardships and endured hardships for a long time, and it is also the basis for our self-confidence.”

Without the five thousand years of Chinese civilization, where would there be any Chinese characteristics? If it were not for Chinese characteristics, how could we have such a successful path of socialism with Chinese characteristics today? To strengthen cultural self-confidence is to insist on walking your own path.

Based on the magnificent history of Chinese civilization of more than 5,000 years, General Secretary Xi Jinping creatively proposed the “second combination”, which has given the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics a more ambitious and far-reaching historical depth, and also explored the opportunity to fully utilize the precious resources of China’s excellent traditional culture Future-oriented theoretical and institutional innovation has opened up a vast space.

Empowering with literature, the direction of development becomes clearer - On the morning of July 6, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting Jiangsu, came to the Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District in the northeast corner of the ancient city of Suzhou.

On the exhibition board, there is a “Pingjiang Picture” engraved in the Southern Song Dynasty, which clearly shows the plane outline and street layout of ancient Suzhou. Today’s ancient city of Gusu is still basically consistent with the overall layout in “Pingjiang Map”. The ancient and the modern blend and coexist here, painting a unique picture of the Jiangnan water town.

“Suzhou has done a good job in combining tradition and modernity. It not only has the inheritance of history and culture, but also has high-tech innovation and high-quality development, which represents the future development direction.” General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out.

Observe humanities to transform the world. During the National Two Sessions in 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping raised a topic when participating in the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation: “Where the culture is very developed, the economy is still ahead. You can study the humanistic economics here.”

Culture allows the economy to have a deeper foundation, and the economy allows culture to create more diversified values. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts, all localities continue to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China’s excellent traditional culture, build a solid foundation of humanities on the road to modernization, and continue to move towards high-quality development in the positive interaction between humanities and economy.

As a cultural person, the spiritual power is even more powerful - in winter, the sun shines on the New Fourth Army Memorial Hall on Jianjun East Road, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province. The “N4A” armband pattern above the main entrance of the main exhibition hall is particularly eye-catching.

Bullet-riddled flags, shiny bugles, military uniforms full of patches... In this comprehensive memorial hall that comprehensively reflects the history of the New Fourth Army, every cultural relic quietly displayed is a witness to the glorious history.

On the morning of December 3, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip here to visit on his way back to Beijing after completing his inspection tour of Shanghai.

“The history of the New Fourth Army fully demonstrates that the support of the people determines historical choices. The country is the people, and the people are the country.” General Secretary Xi Jinping said, “This is a vivid teaching material for carrying out revolutionary traditional education and patriotism education. We must make good use of this teaching material. “Educate and guide party members and cadres to inherit and carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and dangers, having the courage to fight and dare to win, and rely closely on the people to continuously push forward the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.”

Without the active guidance of advanced culture, the great enrichment of the people’s spiritual world, and the continuous enhancement of national spiritual power, it is impossible for a country or a nation to stand tall among the nations of the world.

Under the leadership and promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has gathered the majestic power of self-confidence, self-improvement, and courage to move forward with the help of China’s excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture, and advanced socialist culture.

Put the people first

“Let the results of modernization benefit more and more equitably all people”

The northeastern plains are covered in silver. In Longwangmiao Village, Laojieji Township, Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province, the thick snow reflects the curling smoke. The brick house of villager Yang Chungui’s family has been renovated. The firewood is crackling in the stove and the house is warm.

From the end of July to the beginning of August 2023, extreme rainfall occurred in North China, Northeast China, Huanghuai and other places, causing floods and geological disasters. General Secretary Xi Jinping paid close attention to the disaster situation and continued to guide the relief work.

In early September, the General Secretary made a special trip to Longwangmiao Village to inspect the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction and the people’s living security. Moving from the outer room to the inner room by the kang, the General Secretary carefully looked inside and outside the damaged house of Yang Chungui’s family, and had a cordial conversation with him and asked him about his welfare.

The house is warm and my heart is warm. This winter, from low-temperature rain, snow and freezing disasters to a 6.2-magnitude earthquake in Jishishan, Gansu, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been concerned about the safety of the people, and issued important instructions as soon as possible to comprehensively deploy emergency rescue and post-disaster reconstruction work.

“I will live up to the people without self.” On the journey of promoting Chinese-style modernization, the Chinese Communists have the same original intention.

“Modernization depends not only on the indicators on paper, but also on the happiness and well-being of the people.”——

November 29, the New Era Urban Builders and Managers’ Home in Minhang District, Shanghai. New Shanghai native Zheng Lanyu and her mother welcomed General Secretary Xi Jinping into their rented two-bedroom apartment.

“Is the rent expensive?” “It’s not expensive. It’s very comfortable to live in.” Answering the general secretary’s question, Zheng Lanyu smiled brightly and said, “Thank you to the party and the government for allowing me to have a home in Shanghai.”

The General Secretary walked into two dormitory-type rental rooms one after another and listened to the stories of grassroots front-line workers such as caregivers and security guards about their pursuit of a better life.

“A city must not only have height, but also warmth.” General Secretary Xi Jinping said affectionately that it is necessary to implement the concept of people’s city, constantly meet the people’s diversified and diversified needs for housing, and ensure that the foreign population can come in and retain If you live well, you can succeed.

Chinese-style modernization is people-centered modernization. The first meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Committee studied the issue of supporting Chinese-style modernization with high-quality population development. The fifth collective study session of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee focused on accelerating the construction of an educational power. The meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee emphasized that stabilizing employment should be considered at a strategic level...

Over the past year, the people’s immediate, caring and concrete matters have been continuously integrated into the top-level design of the party and the country’s development, and modernization has better responded to the people’s various demands and multi-level needs.

“Chinese-style modernization requires not only urban modernization, but also agricultural and rural modernization”——

Guangxi Laibin City National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, with 10,000 acres of sugar cane base, stretches as far as the eye can see.

More than half a month ago, during the sugarcane crushing season, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the sugarcane forest during his inspection. Sugarcane farmer Huo Jiali excitedly reported to the General Secretary that she planted 10 acres of sugarcane in 2023, with a yield of more than 7 tons per mu, and is expected to earn nearly 40,000 yuan.

“In addition to growing sugar cane, do you usually have other income?” “My wife and I work in a wooden board factory near our home during the off-season. We can work for 10 months a year and earn more than 7,000 yuan a month.”

“If you calculate this, there will be more than 100,000 a year.” The general secretary said happily, wishing the villagers that their lives would be as sweet as sugar cane!

A sugar cane is sweet at both ends. General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the sugar company again to learn about the deep processing of sugar cane, and told everyone: “The layout of agricultural production is related to development and security. The planting area must be stable, and the varieties and technologies must be improved to make this characteristic and advantageous industry stronger and bigger.”

Rural revitalization is a key area that General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been concerned about.

Anchor the goal of building an agricultural power, fully implement the shared responsibility of the party and government for food security, establish a big agriculture and big food concept, safeguard the lifeblood of cultivated land, strengthen the two-wheel drive of science and technology and reform, ensure that large-scale poverty does not occur, and enhance the development of rural industries level, rural construction level, rural governance level...

Rural revitalization is related to the overall situation of Chinese-style modernization, and General Secretary Xi Jinping makes overall plans and promotes it scientifically from a strategic perspective.

In 2023, my country’s grain output will hit a new record high, stabilizing at more than 1.3 trillion kilograms for nine consecutive years. Farmers’ income has grown rapidly, rural society is harmonious and stable, and the vast rural areas are showing new pictures.

“Let people of all ethnic groups truly feel that promoting common prosperity is in action and around them”——

Zhejiang, a demonstration zone for high-quality development and construction of common prosperity. On September 20, Li Zucun, Houzhai Street, Yiwu City, the first stop of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection in Zhejiang, is a demonstration village for common prosperity.

At the “Gongfu Market” in the village square, Fang Tianning, a college student who returned to his hometown after the 1990s, told the General Secretary that he mobilized more than 30 villagers to weave bamboo baskets, which could increase their monthly income by about 2,000 yuan.

General Secretary Xi Jinping said happily that the villagers must work hard and work together towards a better tomorrow of common prosperity.

Towards common prosperity, the General Secretary pointed out the direction and path, from promoting coordinated development to solve the problem of uneven regional development to further improving the system and mechanism of integrated urban and rural development.

Chinese-style modernization is a modernization that brings prosperity to all people. “From a national perspective, the most arduous task of promoting common prosperity for all people lies in some border ethnic areas. These border ethnic areas must not fall behind on the road to common prosperity.”

“Ensuring that people in old areas share the fruits of reform and development and live a happy life is the bottom-line task of promoting common prosperity for all people.”

A solemn commitment and an unswerving commitment. “The Communist Party of China has no self-interest of its own. To govern is to serve the people and make the people happy.” General Secretary Xi Jinping expressed the true meaning of people’s supremacy.

Work together to create the future

“Strive to provide new opportunities for world development with new achievements in Chinese-style modernization”

Looking around the world, changes in the world, the times, and history are unfolding in an unprecedented way, and the world has entered a new period of turbulence and change. With a new journey and a new mission, major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics shoulders a more proactive historical responsibility.

Over the past year, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made four overseas visits, met with visiting people from all walks of life domestically dozens of times, hosted or attended home diplomatic events such as the China-Central Asia Summit and the Third “One Belt, One Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum, and attended The Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference held at the end of the year made a comprehensive arrangement for the current and future foreign work.

Grasp the general trend and create a new situation - “Your visit has opened a new historical chapter in China-Hong Kong relations.” On June 12, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping warmly welcomed Honduran President Castro who was visiting China for the first time.

In March, under the personal care of General Secretary Xi Jinping, China and Honduras signed a communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Honduras. So far, China has established diplomatic relations with 182 countries, and its circle of friends has expanded again.

The much-watched “one-to-one exchange” demonstrates the Sino-Russian relations that have withstood the test of storms:

In March, after being re-elected as President of the country, General Secretary Xi Jinping made his first visit to Russia, kicking off a new curtain on heads of state diplomacy in 2023. In October, Russian President Vladimir Putin came to China to attend the third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum. General Secretary Xi Jinping said: “In the ten years since 2013, we have met 42 times and established a good working relationship and a profound friendship. .”

“Both sides insist on consolidating and developing bilateral relations on the basis of the principles of non-alignment, non-confrontation, and non-targeting of third parties, setting a model for a new type of major-country relations.” In the face of the rapidly changing international situation, China and Russia will always be good neighbors, good friends, and A good partner’s intentions are unwavering.

The world-famous heads of state meeting highlighted the responsibility of answering the must-answer question “How can the largest developing country and the largest developed country get along correctly?”:

For some time, new difficulties have arisen in Sino-US relations due to the serious “action deficit” on the part of the United States in implementing the Bali Consensus. In the new historical period, where will China-US relations go?

On November 15, the heads of state of China and the United States met at the Fillory Manor in San Francisco. Simultaneous interpretation was used throughout the talks, luncheons and walks. The two heads of state talked in a down-to-earth manner for four hours. Before the luncheon, US President Biden showed a photo on his mobile phone to General Secretary Xi Jinping. That was a photo taken in front of the Golden Gate Bridge when Comrade Xi Jinping visited San Francisco in 1985 when he was appointed Secretary of the Zhengding County Party Committee. “You haven’t changed at all!” President Biden said. There was a burst of light-hearted laughter.

“Mr. President and I are at the helm of Sino-US relations, and we bear heavy responsibilities for the people, the world, and history.” General Secretary Xi Jinping said that China and the United States both benefit from cooperation and lose from confrontation. realistic logic.

“Jointly establish a correct understanding”, “jointly effectively manage differences” and “jointly promote mutually beneficial cooperation”... At this historical juncture, General Secretary Xi Jinping promoted the stabilization and improvement of Sino-US relations.

The meaningful special arrangements embody Chinese wisdom in promoting exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations:

On April 7, General Secretary Xi Jinping held an informal meeting with French President Macron in Guangzhou. The guqin performance of “Flowing Water” had a long aftertaste, which deeply moved Macron. Macron asked the name of the music on the spot and asked the staff to record it.

We know each other no matter how far we are, but we are still neighbors thousands of miles away. This year, General Secretary Xi Jinping interacted frequently with European leaders and clearly pointed out that in the current international situation of increasing turmoil, China-EU relations have strategic significance and global influence.

Gathering in the “cloud” with leaders of political parties from various countries, accepting the “Order of South Africa” ​​awarded by South African President Ramaphosa, and walking hand in hand with General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong... Through 2023, under the guidance of heads of state diplomacy, China Broadcasting Corporation Make deep friends and continue to write new chapters of mutual integration and mutual achievement.

Mind the whole world and share development and prosperity - “What we pursue is not China’s modernization in isolation, but we look forward to working with other countries, including developing countries, to jointly realize modernization.”

At the third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum held in October, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed “promoting the modernization of all countries around the world”, which won widespread resonance.

“I must come!” United Nations Secretary-General Guterres came to China for three consecutive years to attend the “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum. Over the past 10 years, under the personal planning, deployment and promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and with the joint efforts of all parties, the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” has evolved from a Chinese initiative to international practice, opening up new space for world economic growth.

China and Indonesia jointly built the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, bringing high-speed railways to Southeast Asia; the China-Laos railway helped Laos transform from a “land-locked country” to a “land-linked country”; a total of 16,145 China-Europe freight trains operated from January to November... “Co-construction” The Belt and Road Initiative ‘originates from China, and its results and opportunities belong to the world.’ General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech demonstrates the great-power ambition of ‘seeking great harmony for the world’.

Establish oneself and reach others. China has always closely linked the interests of the Chinese people with the common interests of the people of all countries——

In the early summer of May, the China-Central Asia Summit was held in the ancient capital of Xi’an, the first major home diplomatic event after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping and the heads of the five Central Asian countries planted six pomegranate trees with good expectations and looked forward to tomorrow together;

In the midsummer of July, the Chengdu Universiade takes place. At the youth event, General Secretary Xi Jinping stated that “we should respond to global challenges with a united attitude”;

In mid-autumn September, the Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou. General Secretary Xi Jinping declared that “using sports to promote peace”, “using sports to promote unity” and “using sports to promote tolerance”...

International media commented that 2023 is China’s “year of grand events.” China has taken practical actions to promote economic globalization to be more open, inclusive, beneficial to all, balanced and win-win.

The Boao Forum for Asia issued a strong message of “unity and cooperation to meet challenges, openness and inclusiveness promote development”; after the COVID-19 epidemic, the CIIE fully resumed offline exhibitions for the first time; the first Chain Expo was held to proactively maintain the security and stability of the global industrial and supply chains. Take responsibility...

Against the background of the world economic downturn, China remains the “main engine” promoting global development.

Responding to difficulties and demonstrating the responsibility of a major country - On November 21, the leaders of the BRICS countries held a “cloud gathering” that attracted the attention of the world. At that time, a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict had caused tens of thousands of casualties, and people prayed for an end to the war and lasting peace.

“China calls for a more authoritative international peace conference to be convened as soon as possible to build international consensus on promoting peace...” General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed a ceasefire and an end to the war, injecting hope into the turbulent world with the voice of justice and peace.

This year, more and more Chinese wisdom, Chinese ideas, and Chinese contributions have shined on the international stage—it was China that successfully facilitated dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Iran in Beijing and restored diplomatic relations; it was China, together with other BRICS countries, that Actively promote the expansion of BRICS; it is China, which will chair the Security Council’s high-level meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli issue in November...

“No ideological confrontation, no geopolitical games, no group political confrontation” “Let the world’s civilized gardens be colorful and full of vitality”... Chinese-style modernization brings peace to the world, not turmoil, and opportunities rather than opportunities. threaten. Whether it is new friends or old friends, distant relatives or close neighbors, developing or developed countries, it is obvious to all.

“Supporting the series of global initiatives proposed by President Xi Jinping” and “willing to work closely with China to communicate and collaborate within multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations and the BRICS mechanism”... Foreign dignitaries have expressed their approval and admiration on different occasions.

At an important juncture when the world is at a crossroads, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind and global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives have increasingly shown strong influence, charisma, and leadership in the international community.

The road is like a stone, vast and boundless.

2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the National People’s Congress. The implementation of the “14th Five-Year Plan” has entered a critical year. The task of promoting Chinese-style modernization is arduous and the prospects are bright. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, strengthen our confidence, work together, overcome obstacles, and move forward unswervingly towards the grand goal of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation!

Reporters Zhang Xudong Zhang Xiaosong Zhao Chao Lin Hui Zhu Jichai An Bei Sun Yi

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 1)