9 Aug 21 - story 5

Seeking Truth" publishes an important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping

Strengthen the education of party history and military history and glorious traditions to ensure that officers and soldiers always listen to and follow the party

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 31. The 15th issue of "Qi Shi" published on August 1 will publish an important article by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, "Strengthening Party History, Military History, and Glorious Traditional Education, Ensure that officers and soldiers always listen to and follow the party."

The article emphasizes that the most fundamental reason why our army is able to overcome all kinds of hardships and difficulties and constantly move from victory to victory is to unswervingly listen to and follow the party. The party's absolute leadership over the army is the soul of the people's army and the lifeblood that can never be lost. It is necessary to strengthen the party’s innovative theoretical arms, do a good job in arming officers and soldiers with the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the party’s idea of ​​strengthening the army in the new era, and ensure that the troops are absolutely loyal, absolutely pure, and absolutely reliable. We must bear in mind the glorious history, inherit the red gene, continue to advance the great cause initiated by the revolutionary ancestors from a new starting point, and strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and to make the people's army a world-class army.

The article pointed out that the fundamental principle and system of the party's absolute leadership over the army is the political characteristic and fundamental advantage of the people's army which is completely different from all old armed forces. At any time and under any circumstances, our army must forge the soul of a strong army by listening to the party’s command, uphold the fundamental principle of the party’s absolute leadership over the army and the fundamental purpose of the people’s army, and unswervingly implement the party’s theory, line, principles and policies. , Always loyal to the party, loyal to socialism, loyal to the motherland, and loyal to the people, so that all actions obey the command of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission.

The article points out that in long-term practice, our military’s political work has formed a set of fine traditions, which mainly include: adhere to the party’s fundamental principles and system of commanding guns, adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, adhere to the ideological line of seeking truth from facts, and adhere to the mass line. The fundamental style of work, insisting on arming officers and soldiers with scientific theory, persisting in playing the role of service guarantee around the central tasks of the party and the army, insisting on the fair and upright selection of cadres, insisting on the unity of officers and soldiers, promoting democracy, insisting on the implementation of conscious and strict discipline, insisting on hard work and sacrifice The revolutionary spirit of dedication, insisting that party members and cadres take the lead, lead by example, and so on. These fine traditions are the fundamental principles and content of our military's political work. We must have a deep understanding of the important position and important role of our army’s political work, do a good job in the study and education of party history in light of the actual situation, highlight the study of party history, comprehend ideas, do practical things, open new ground, and educate and guide officers and soldiers to keep in mind the original mission and inherit the red gene. , Take on the important task of strengthening the army, and pass on the fine traditions of our ancestors with their blood and lives from generation to generation.