Appendix: Rural reform

The power of reform activates local land

Reporters of Farmers Daily and China Agricultural Network: Meng Decai and Zhao Xinning

Ten years in the long river of history is just a wave, like a white horse passing through a gap; however, the power inspired by the reform of ten years is enough to travel through time and space and affect history. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, rural reforms involving more than 90% of China's land area and more than 500 million people have surged like a spring tide, breaking through the development blockages, releasing huge reform dividends, and surging towards the other side of revival and revitalization. And go.

In the past ten years, the system of separation of "three rights" in rural contracted land has been initially established, and the confirmation, registration and certification of contracted land rights has been basically completed. The relationship between farmers and the land has been straightened out, and agricultural production has gained strong momentum.

In the past ten years, the phased tasks of the reform of the rural collective property rights system have been basically completed, and the property rights and interests of farmers have been further protected. The accounts of the collective "family assets" have been clarified, and property rights have been released, which has provided strong support for promoting the common prosperity of farmers and rural areas.

In the past ten years, the construction of a new type of agricultural management system has been accelerated, the agricultural social service organization has developed and grown, and more small farmers have boarded the modern agricultural express train. We have embarked on a road of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics.

In the past ten years, the pattern of urban-rural relations has undergone profound changes. The road of urban-rural integrated development has become wider and more stable, and a picture of the integration of urban and rural areas is unfolding.

One child fell, full of vitality. The ten-year rural reform has not only promoted historic achievements and changes in the development of agriculture and rural areas, but also provided strong support for the stable development of China's overall economic and social situation.

​​Accumulation: What are the new features of rural reform in the past ten years?

In December 2013, at the site of the Central Rural Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized loudly that "well-off is not well-off, the key depends on the fellow villagers", and discussed key areas such as adhering to and improving the basic rural management system, innovating the agricultural management system, and strengthening rural social management. Reform made important instructions.

The clarion call for deepening rural reforms in the new era has been sounded, and a reform that takes both stand and break and promotes it in a coordinated manner has opened the curtain.

This is a decade of full deployment and overall promotion. The rural reform 40 years ago was after the first breakthrough was made in some parts, and then the central government summarized, refined, standardized and promoted relevant experience and expanded it to a wider field. The ten-year rural reform has shown a clear overall vision and overall goals from the very beginning, not only aiming at specific reform tasks, but also making efforts to improve the "four beams and eight pillars" of the three rural policy. The reform in key areas such as the rural collective property rights system, agricultural management system, agricultural support and protection, urban-rural integration system and mechanism, and rural social governance system is not a single-handed, but comprehensive deployment, overall coordination, and a series of supporting policies. The systemic, holistic and coordinated nature of rural reform has been continuously enhanced, and the comprehensive effect of the reform has been maximized.

This is a decade of bravely wading through dangerous beaches and breaking barriers again. For more than 40 years, rural reform has overcome difficulties and waves, especially in the past ten years, it has entered the "deep water area" with surging currents and dense reefs. To further deepen rural reform, we are faced with more extensive and complex interests and more diverse tasks and goals. Under such circumstances, only by facing up to the difficulties, advancing despite the difficulties, and showing the courage to face the tough and the determination of a strong man to break his wrist, can we ensure the smooth progress of rural reform. Over the past ten years, rural reform has focused on improving agricultural production efficiency, improving rural livability, promoting farmers’ income, and building a new type of industrial-agricultural urban-rural relationship. Targeted hard and practical measures have achieved positive results, and agricultural development, rural appearance and peasant style have taken on a new look.

This is a decade of consolidating achievements and continuing revitalization. Looking back at the development of China's agriculture, rural areas and farmers over the past ten years, winning the battle against poverty and implementing the rural revitalization strategy as scheduled are undoubtedly the two most dazzling landmark events. It can be seen that an important connotation of the reform in the past ten years is to serve the well-off and revitalization dreams of hundreds of millions of farmers. This also determines that the rural reform in this decade is based on the fundamentals of the past reforms, and further strengthens the response and breakthrough to era propositions such as eliminating absolute poverty, consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation, and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. Over the past ten years, rural reform has focused on the era of consolidating achievements and continuing revitalization, comprehensively deepened, expanded and accelerated, and made important breakthroughs in key areas related to agricultural development, rural harmony, and farmers' enrichment, and entered China's three rural areas. The new journey has laid a solid foundation.

Force: What has the ten-year reform brought to the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers?

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in my country has been stable and improving, grain production has been harvested year after year, social undertakings in rural areas have developed in an all-round way, and the living standards of farmers have been significantly improved. The achievement of these achievements is inseparable from the vitality injected by the rural reform. Focusing on the key tasks of the reform and development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, the rural reform has not been afraid of difficulties and dangers, and has forged ahead.

Ten years of reform have made agricultural production more high-quality and efficient.

Large countries and small farmers are the basic national conditions of my country. The contradiction between more people and less land is very prominent. The average farmland per household is only 1/40 of that of the European Union and 1/40 of that of the United States. "One-third of an acre of land per capita, and an average of ten acres of land per household" is a true portrayal of agriculture in many parts of our country. The large farms and large companies in developed countries in Europe and the United States are not in line with my country's national conditions. The family operation of one family is still the main body of my country's agricultural operation for a long period of time. At the same time, the problem of "hollowing out" of rural areas and the aging of the agricultural population has intensified. The development of China's agriculture is faced with the question of "who will farm the land" and "how to farm the land".

At the critical moment, General Secretary Xi Jinping raised the flag and directed: "Land transfer and various forms of scale management are the only way to develop modern agriculture and the basic direction of rural reform."

For moderate-scale operation, we must grasp the "degree". If the scale is too small, the production efficiency and income will not increase; if the scale is too large, it does not meet the national conditions of my country's large population and small land. Over the past ten years, we have deepened the reform of the rural land system, guided the orderly transfer of rural land management rights, established and improved the agricultural socialized service system, cultivated diversified management entities and service entities, and vigorously developed various forms of moderate-scale management, effectively cracking the arable land. The problems of fragmentation and low agricultural production efficiency have led to a road to agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics.

Abundant grain will ensure agricultural stability, and agricultural stability will lead to national security. Ensuring food security is related to whether the 1.4 billion Chinese people can have meals on time and not go hungry. Firmly grasp the initiative of food security, and transfer the responsibility and enthusiasm of focusing on agriculture to the fields and production lines. The key is to establish a scientific, efficient, effective and practical mechanism for focusing on agriculture through continuous deepening of reforms— It is necessary to "supplement it with benefits", so that farmers can grow grain profitably and the main producing areas have enthusiasm for grain harvesting, but also "supplement it with righteousness", and constantly consolidate the main responsibility of local party committees and governments.

Due to such strategic considerations, a series of reform measures have been successively introduced and continuously improved. The income guarantee mechanism for grain farmers has been increasingly improved, the incentives for large grain-producing counties have been significantly increased, and the "two enthusiasms" of grain farmers and grain-producing counties have been continuously enhanced. The party and government are responsible for food security in an all-round way. "Rice bags" and "vegetable baskets" are not only responsible for the governor, but also for the secretary. The main production areas, main sales areas, and production and sales balance areas must ensure area and output, and serve rice bowls together. , shoulder the responsibility together. The grain production work pattern of departmental linkage, cooperation from top to bottom, and joint efforts has been accelerated. The reform and innovation in the grain-graining mechanism has become the greatest confidence in China's grain self-confidence.

In the past ten years, it is thanks to the unswerving deepening of reforms, and a series of effective reform measures in the agricultural management system, agricultural support and protection policies, and agricultural product circulation system, that China's agriculture has transitioned from extensive management of resources and consumption. To pay equal attention to quantity and quality benefits, focus on scientific and technological innovation, and focus on sustainable development, a high-quality and efficient agricultural modernization path has been embarked on, and the comprehensive benefits and competitiveness of agriculture have been continuously improved.

Ten years of reform have made the vast rural areas more livable and suitable for business.

What does a road mean?

"Especially in some impoverished areas, changing a zipline and building a section of highway can open a door for the masses to get rid of poverty and become rich." Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions on rural road construction many times, requiring By innovating the system and improving policies, we will further build, manage, protect and operate rural roads well.

Driven by the policy of "Four Good Rural Roads", one after another "smooth, safe, comfortable and beautiful" rural roads have been connected to villages and groups, connecting urban and rural areas, becoming beautiful scenery lines in the vast countryside, paving the way for farmers to run The road to wealth for a happy life.

The "Four Good Rural Roads" is just a microcosm of the upgrading of rural infrastructure. Over the past ten years, a series of reform measures aimed at promoting urban-rural integration and rural poverty alleviation and development have emerged, not only making rural water, road, electricity, gas, housing, information and other hardware more "hard", but also making rural education, medical care, and sanitation more "hard". , culture and other software are more "beautiful".

"Now the water, electricity and roads in the village are very good, and the environment is beautiful. Everyone has something to do. It is not difficult to go to school, and there is no need to worry about seeing a doctor. The sesame seeds are blooming in life, and we have caught up with the good times." Fenxi, Linfen City, Shanxi Province Cai Wenming, a villager in Duan Village, Sengnian Town, said with a smile.

The double improvement of software and hardware has built a solid foundation for a happy life in rural areas. What followed was a new wind of civilization blowing all over the country.

Looking at the whole country, the construction of good governance in rural areas has been accelerated, the rural governance system combining autonomy, rule of law and the rule of virtue has been gradually improved, the role of rural grassroots party organizations has been further strengthened, the construction of rural spiritual civilization has been solidly carried out, the transformation of customs and customs has continued to advance, and the effectiveness of rural governance has been continuously improved. Contribute to a happy life.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, all localities and departments have focused on the people's urgency and hope, conscientiously implement and work hard, strengthen infrastructure construction, speed up the improvement of rural public service shortcomings, and promote the equalization of urban and rural basic public services. These reform measures put more resources into the priority development of agriculture and rural areas to ensure that agriculture and rural areas do not fall behind and catch up in the process of modernization.

Ten years of reforms have made hundreds of millions of peasants more prosperous.

"Working here can earn nearly 20,000 yuan a year, I have something to do, I can earn money, and I can take care of my family. A happy life is sweeter than honey!" Worker at Cunye Loquat Processing Base, Liangshi, Songjiang Town, Hengnan County, Hunan Province, Liangshi Village farmer Zhang Xingxiu is busy sorting and packaging the dried loquats. Land transfer, shareholding and dividends, working in factories...the ways to get rich are getting wider and wider, and the vast number of farmers, including Zhang Xingxiu, have ushered in a well-off life that belongs to them.

An important goal of rural reform is to enrich farmers. The key to wealthy farmers is to speed up the construction of a long-term policy mechanism to promote farmers' sustained and rapid income growth, increase farmers' income by developing the rural collective economy, organize farmers to go out to work and do business, and create conditions to give farmers more property rights. The income gap of residents will make the majority of farmers rich as soon as possible.

In the vast countryside, with the separation of the "three rights" of rural contracted land and the deepening of the reform of the rural collective property rights system across the country, more and more farmers have obtained more economic benefits through the transfer of land management rights. Moderate-scale operation has improved agricultural production efficiency, revitalized village collective assets and activated "sleeping resources", the potential for rural development has been continuously released, and farmers' "money bags" have become stronger and their lives more beautiful.

Between urban and rural areas, the pace of reform has been accelerated, the dual structure of urban and rural areas has been gradually broken, the two-way circulation channels of urban and rural elements have become increasingly smooth, and the urbanization mechanism of agricultural transfer population has gradually improved. With better infrastructure and public services, the dream of farmers to settle down in cities has become a vivid reality.

In the past ten years, the rural reform has been steadily and steadily, and the vast number of farmers have received real benefits. The disposable income of rural residents has increased for ten consecutive years. In 2021, the per capita disposable income of rural residents will be 18,931 yuan, more than doubling from 2012. The living standards of farmers have reached a big step.

Relay: What does the ten-year reform tell us?

The development of practice is endless, and the deepening of reform has no end. In the past ten years, the rural reform has firmly grasped the initiative and opened a new situation in the changing situation. Many new practices and new explorations have emerged. The experience in them is precious and inspiring. The new journey of rural modernization has important reference significance.

We must always safeguard the fundamental interests of farmers. This is the starting point and end point of rural reform, and it is also the core key to major achievements in deepening rural reform in the new era. Rural construction is built for farmers, and rural revitalization is for farmers. In the series of tasks of rural reform, we should take farmers' dissatisfaction and response as the fundamental standard for testing the effectiveness of work, respect farmers' dominant position, comply with farmers' wishes, and focus on solving the problem of farmers' "urgency and hope". Only by thinking about problems from the perspective of farmers, fully concerned about the material interests of farmers in the economy, and earnestly safeguarding the democratic rights of farmers in politics, can farmers truly become participants, builders and beneficiaries of the reform, and then continuously mobilize hundreds of millions of people. The enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of farmers to participate in rural revitalization.

It is necessary to correctly handle the relationship between reform, development and stability. Reform is the driving force, development is the goal, and stability is the prerequisite. The ultimate goal of deepening reform is development, development is always the last word, and reform needs to insist on making progress while maintaining stability. Over the past ten years, we have closely focused on the new development concept, implemented the requirements for high-quality development, constantly sought impetus for reform, stepped up efforts to promote rural reform under the new situation, and adopted various measures to stabilize the agricultural foundation, ensure rural harmony and stability, and ensure that farmers live and work in peace and contentment. At the same time, in the reform, the institutional barriers that restrict the development of agriculture and rural areas have been removed, more resources and elements in rural areas have been actively explored, the orderly development of various forms of moderate-scale operations has been promoted, and the vitality of agricultural and rural development has been enhanced, laying a solid foundation for the stability of the overall economic and social situation. Base. It can be seen that deepening reform, accelerating development, and maintaining stability are closely related and need to be grasped and handled properly.

It is necessary to adhere to the combination of top-level design and crossing the river by feeling the stones. The comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization is an overall goal involving a comprehensive, global, and overall situation. It requires unified planning and deployment from a macro level, and the importance of top-level design is even more prominent. However, my country's rural areas are vast, and the resource endowments and basic conditions of different regions are significantly different. We must correctly understand the differences in rural areas, adhere to everything from reality, comply with the laws of rural economic and social development, and carry out work according to local conditions. ". To further deepen rural reform, we must adhere to the combination of top-level design and crossing the river by feeling the stones. Facts have fully proved that originating from the grassroots level, summarizing pilot projects, top-level design, and adapting measures to local conditions conform to the basic laws of rural reform and development and ensure the smooth progress of the reform.

Ten years is a march and a prelude. The rural reforms since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China have composed a colorful movement for the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in the new era, and sang a strong sound for agriculture, rural areas and farmers that promotes the overall economic and social development, and also played a sonorous movement for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. . The journey is long. Only by insisting on taking reform as the sail and development as the rudder can we break through the waves of the times and start a new journey.

An Extraordinary Decade of Rural Reform

In July 2013, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the reform and development work in Hubei, he first raised the issue of the separation of "three powers", affirming that "this is a useful exploration". Three years later, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Improving the Measures for the Separation of Rural Land Ownership Contract Rights and Management Rights", clearly implementing the parallel separation of ownership, contract rights and management rights.

In 2013, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee proposed for the first time that the work of confirming, registering and issuing rural land rights should be carried out in an all-round way. By the end of 2018, my country's rural land contractual management rights, registration, and certification have been basically completed, covering 2,838 counties (cities, districts), 34,000 townships, and more than 550,000 administrative villages across the country, accumulatively accurately measuring 1.1 billion plots , more than 1.5 billion mu of contracted land, and cleaned up the archives of more than 200 million farmers.

In November 2014, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Guiding the Orderly Circulation of Rural Land Management Rights to Develop Agricultural Moderate Scale Management", proposing to adhere to the basic status of family management, actively cultivate new business entities, and develop more Various forms of moderate-scale operation, consolidate and improve the basic management system in rural areas.

In December 2016, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Steadily Promoting the Reform of the Rural Collective Property Rights System", which clearly required that the reform of the joint-stock cooperative system for operating assets should be completed in about five years, and the reform of the rural collective property rights system had a timetable and route. picture. The No. 1 Central Document in 2022 pointed out that the phased tasks of the reform of the rural collective property rights system have been basically completed.

In April 2019, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Establishing and Improving the System, Mechanism and Policy System for the Integrated Development of Urban and Rural Areas", proposing to accelerate the formation of a new type of industrial-agricultural urban-rural relationship that promotes mutual promotion between industry and peasants, complements urban and rural areas, comprehensive integration and common prosperity, and accelerates the promotion of agriculture. rural modernization.

In November 2019, the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that the land contracting relationship should be kept stable and unchanged for a long time, and the second round of land contracting should be extended for another 30 years. That month, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Keeping Land Contracting Relationships Stable and Unchangeable for a Long Time" made specific and detailed regulations on the implementation of "long-term unchangeable".