Communist Youth League gatheirng

Youth, sparkling on the journey of revival

Written on the occasion of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China

Xinhua News Agency reporters Huang Yue, Xu Zhuang and Zhang Yan

Fiery June will usher in a grand gathering of youth. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China will kick off on June 19.

More than 1,500 representatives of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League from all over the country gathered in Beijing to draw a development blueprint for the next five years with youthful will, youthful blood, and youthful struggle.

A strong youth makes the country strong. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has stood at the strategic height of passing on the cause of the party and the country and successors, caring about the growth and success of young people, planning the development of youth work, and promoting the cause of youth development to achieve all-round progress. Make historic achievements.

New journey, interpretation of new youth. In the grand process of realizing Chinese-style modernization, Chinese youth in the new era will surely stir up a surging spring tide of national rejuvenation with an unswerving mental state and an unstoppable forward attitude.

Youth, singing with the times

"Hi, everyone! I have received your letter. I am very pleased to learn that through the small science and technology institute set up by the school, you have gone to the fields and villages to solve people's livelihood and study knowledge in the service of rural revitalization."

On the eve of the May 4th Youth Day in 2023, the students of the Science and Technology Academy of China Agricultural University received a reply letter from General Secretary Xi Jinping. They read it over and over again, and took note of the earnest teachings of the general secretary: "Young people must 'seek for themselves', which is very good. Chinese youth in the new era should have this spirit."

Go to the Aerospace City to participate in the theme group day activities; go to the Weiming Lake to listen to the youth poetry meeting; encourage young people to be pioneers on the shore of Chaohu Lake; go to the political and legal colleges and ask the young people to firmly follow the party... Every festival for young people, no matter No matter how busy you are, General Secretary Xi Jinping always talks with young people to guide them in the direction of growth.

"Every year around May Fourth, I reserve this time for young people." The "agenda" set by General Secretary Xi Jinping for himself reflects the weight of youth in his heart.

"Youth is strong, the country is strong" "The whole party must take youth work as a strategic work"... When making the report to the 20th National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping's deep and firm words inspired the majority of young people and revealed the youth work. Strategic position in the overall situation of the party and the state.

At the celebration of the centennial of the founding of the party, he made an affectionate encouragement that "the future belongs to the youth, and hope is placed on the youth";

In the report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it was mentioned that "the younger generation has ideals, abilities, and responsibilities, the country has a future, and the nation has hope";

At the meeting celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, it was pointed out that "youth is the future of the motherland, the hope of the nation, and also the future and hope of our party";


Presided over the convening of the first central party group work conference in the history of the party, guided the introduction of the first youth development plan in the history of New China, guided the release of the first white paper on youth in the history of New China, and guided the formulation of the "Central Committee of the Communist Youth League" Reform Plan", "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Comprehensively Strengthening the Work of the Young Pioneers in the New Era"...

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has focused on the successors of the party's cause and the red country will never change color. He has always placed emphasis on youth, training and caring for youth in the overall development of the party and the country.

Every generation has its chances, and every generation of youth has its mission.

History has entered a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. General Secretary Xi Jinping has profoundly pointed out the theme of the era of the Chinese youth movement - to strive for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In 1981, students from Peking University chanted the resounding slogan "Unite and Revitalize China" in Yanyuan.

In May 2018, during a discussion with teachers and students at Peking University, General Secretary Xi Jinping said earnestly: "Today we still have to shout this slogan, and we will all work together to realize the Chinese dream."

With the surging Chinese dream, young people take on the task of rejuvenation and fight the tide.

In October 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Hongqi Canal in Anyang, Henan Province for the first time after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

At that time, 300 young people formed a commando team and fought hard for one year and five months. The water conveyance tunnel formed by cutting through the dangerous terrain and hard rock wall was named Youth Cave.

The general secretary said, "The younger generation should inherit and carry forward the spirit of hard work, self-reliance, and hard work, abandon arrogance and arrogance, and engrave youthful blood on the historical monument just like our fathers."

Inheritance of youth, the baton of history is passed to the present; prosperity and promise, the heavy responsibility of revival is shouldered.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has always guided the young generation to grow into talents on the coordinates of national rejuvenation:

"You will become the ministers and talents of the 'two hundred years'. You must be able to hold on. This Chinese dragon must have a backbone and hold on, so that she can take off even higher. This is my A hope."

The earnest expectation and earnest entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping have given young people more power to move forward and pursue their dreams.

Youth, progress together with development

"What the party flag points to is what the regiment flag points to."

On July 2, 2018, just a few days after the closing of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Youth League, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized this in a group talk with members of the new leadership team of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.

"The Communist Youth League is the party's assistant and reserve army." General Secretary Xi Jinping said earnestly, "All the work of the regiment boils down to one point, which is to be a good assistant and reserve army."

Based on the fundamental plan of successors to the party's cause, and firmly grasping the fundamental task of cultivating socialist builders and successors, the Communist Youth League at all levels insists on arming young people with Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Achievements in educating young people, shaping young people with socialist core values, and guiding the majority of young people to devote themselves to the party and be positive.

——Leading the ideological progress of Chinese youth.

In April 2023, "The Power of Thought" - the Communist Youth League study, publicity and implementation of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era "Thousands of lectures into the youth" launch and youth interpretation and demonstration seminar will be held in Beijing.

At the lecture, members of the "Youth Lecturer Group" of the Youth League Central Committee talked about the themes of "great change" and "ideological power". , The party's innovation theory is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Launched the online themed group class of "Youth Great Learning", attracting more than 7.096 billion young people to participate; launched the "Youth Lecturer Group" program, organized more than 21,000 members of the "Youth Lecturer Group" at all levels to carry out regular lectures for grassroots youth members; In-depth implementation of the young Marxist training project to train batches of young political backbones...

The loyalty to the party, the confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the belief in Marxism have been deeply planted from the bottom of the heart. The ambition, backbone, and confidence of the members of the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers have been raised. "Please rest assured that the party can strengthen the country with me."

——Connecting young people with worries and hopes, solving problems and solving problems.

In the spring of the South China Normal University University Town Campus, graduates holding resumes have become an active scene on the campus. In 2023, the first job fair of the Guangdong Communist Youth League's promotion of college students' employment will be launched here.

At the job fair, more than 2,400 jobs offered abundant choices for graduates. The on-site career tutors also provide services such as resume consultation, entrepreneurship consultation, and housing information docking for job-seeking students. The students all said that this job fair was very heartwarming.

As a bridge between the Party and the youth, the Communist Youth League will do its best to fulfill its responsibilities for the Party and do everything possible to solve problems for the youth.

In response to youth concerns, provide full-process employment services for students from low-income families in general colleges; cooperate with more than 10 departments to carry out pilot projects for youth development-oriented cities; launch and implement the rural entrepreneurship support plan for college students, and hold the "Create Youth" China Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition... …

In response to the problem of successors, implement youth political talent cultivation actions, youth scientific and technological talents support actions, youth skilled talents forging actions, youth management talents empowerment actions, etc., to promote the connection and connection of the party, regiment, and team education chains, and provide the party's cause Strong talent guarantee.

In the new era, the Communist Youth League focuses on the worries and worries of young people, provides richer opportunities for young people to shape their lives, and creates more powerful conditions for young people to make contributions.

——Deepening reform around the main business of youth.

In July 2015, for the first time in the party's history, the central party's group work conference opened the curtain for deepening the reform of the Communist Youth League.

The "Communist Youth League Central Reform Plan", "National Youth Federation Reform Plan", "School Federation Student Union Organization Reform Plan", "Central Youth League School Reform Plan" have been issued successively. A series of major reform measures have continuously enhanced the political, advanced, and mass nature of the Communist Youth League. .

The banner is higher. Through the reform, the leading body of the regiment has been "streamlined and slimmed down" and "inclined to the grassroots", and the focus and contribution of the leading body of the regiment have been significantly improved.

The base layer is stronger. Since the launch of the Communist Youth League’s county-level grassroots reform pilot in 2019, the work force of the county-level Youth League committee has doubled on average, and the number of backbone workers directly under the Youth League organization has increased by 80.3%. The whole group has built a "smart group building" system, which can accurately and dynamically grasp the group organization and the number of members.

More vitality. 90.5% of the members of the All-China Youth Federation are grassroots front-line staff; the total number of school-level student unions in colleges and universities has been reduced from 499,000 at the end of 2018 to 117,000; 99.8% of primary and secondary schools across the country have established school youth working committees.

Rejuvenate with new brilliance and usher in a new image.

As the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China approaches, "Tuantuan is coming" has become a hashtag used by more and more people on social platforms. In just four words, the heart is palpable - this is a lovely, kind, young people's own Communist Youth League.

Youth, accompanied by dreams

Su Yiming, who won the championship at the Beijing Winter Olympics, wrote a letter to General Secretary Xi Jinping after the game. Soon, he received a reply from the general secretary.

"I hope that you will care about the motherland, have lofty aspirations, be down-to-earth, create a wonderful life in the struggle, and contribute your youth and strength to the motherland and the people."

In June 2022, 18-year-old Su Yiming joined the League with honor. He said that standing under the flag of the regiment to solemnly swear an oath not only means honor, but also means that he will undertake arduous missions and responsibilities.

The banner is raised high, and the mission is on our shoulders. When the baton of meritorious deeds is handed over to the new generation of young people, they are already ready to display their ambitions and gallop in the new era and new world.

They build dreams and have ideals for the future——

The morning light is slightly dew, and the depths of Wuzhi Mountain are full of greenery. Wang Qiwang, chairman of the Lvdong Organic Agriculture Professional Cooperative, is busy taking care of the tea garden. In 2010, Wang Qiwang, who was in his 20s, returned to his hometown to start a business and devoted himself to being a farmer. For more than ten years, Wang Qiwang's youthful tea fragrance has been overflowing.

From planting, management to sales, he slowly felt the way, and gradually explored an experimental field for ecological cycle agriculture. Wang Qiwang said: "Industrial ecology and ecological industrialization are the direction of our efforts. I hope to lead the villagers to explore an ecological industrial road that can be replicated and get rich."

There is something in the heart, and there is something in the body.

Millions of young students participated in the "Three Going to the Countryside" social practice activities to help poverty alleviation and rural revitalization; as of 2021, 470,000 "three support and one support" personnel participated in grassroots education, agriculture, and medical support... the new era Chinese youth integrate the "small goals" of personal struggle into the "big blueprint" of the party and the country, realize the value of life and sublimate the realm of life.

They dare to take responsibility in times of crisis——

"I like to work in the front line. There is the soil I need to grow up." "PhD electrician" Xie Bangpeng gave up the high-paying job opportunity and chose to become a grassroots employee of the State Grid Shanghai Pudong Power Supply Company.

In 2020, when the epidemic was severe, Xie Bangpeng led a team to carry out hidden danger investigations for the fever clinics in the area to ensure that the power supply was safe. To catch up with the task of urgent capacity increase and power supply, Xie Bangpeng went into battle in person, creating the "Shanghai Speed" in which all the construction conditions for the inner and outer line projects were in place within a week.

More than 500,000 youth commandos and more than 9 million young people are fighting on the front line of the epidemic. Among the 28,600 nurses in the Hubei medical team, "post-80s" and "post-90s" accounted for 90%...

The party and the people have needs, and the youth of the times will respond. No matter when, where and what position, there is always a youthful figure, advancing to the depth of difficulties, and carrying mountains of responsibilities with his arms.

They overcome difficulties and endure hardships——

In Dalian Port Oil Terminal Company of Liaogang Group, Li Yunlong, a "post-90s" crude oil loading and unloading integrated metering worker, shuttles between oil tanks and pipelines, guarding the "main artery" of oil transportation in my country's modern oil ports.

"Measurement work must be meticulous, and an error of one millimeter is 5,000 liters of crude oil." As long as there is measuring work, no matter whether it is his turn to load the tank, Li Yunlong will follow him to climb to the top of the tank and carefully observe the operation of the master craftsmen. The 24-meter-high oil storage tank, he can climb back and forth five or six times a day.

Ignite life and let youth shine. The younger generation endures hardships and stands hard work, strives for excellence, honed in hardships, and grows in practice.

They worked hard and were willing to struggle——

CNOOC's deep sea underwater robot navigator, Han Chao, works in the vast sea.

When high-rise buildings rose from the ground and bridges across the sea crossed the sky, Han Chao and his colleagues were "building tall buildings in the deep sea". He led a team with an average age of less than 30 years old to control the underwater robot, and completed the laying of my country's first 1,500-meter submarine pipeline, and the world's first 100,000-ton semi-submersible production and storage platform ultra-deep water anchor chain mooring...

Working in the deep sea is like "embroidering with gloves". Han Chao keeps receiving new tasks, from 300 meters to 1500 meters underwater, challenging the impossible depth again and again, leaving his youthful brilliance on the blue seabed.

Wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly.

"Aspire to be good young people in the new era with ideals, daring to take on responsibilities, able to endure hardships, and willing to struggle." Under the deep love and love of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the vast number of young people are full of pride and work hard, becoming a beautiful landscape of the Chinese nation's vitality and triumphant progress.

"The post-70s, post-80s, post-90s, and post-00s, before they go out to see the world, China can already look at the world." During the National Two Sessions in 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping's words aroused strong resonance among people.

A year later, when he walked into Renmin University of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again talked about the topic of "Chinese youth look at the world at the same level": "I am particularly pleased to see that many of the powerful self-confidence that promotes social development come from young people."

The future belongs to the youth, and hope is placed on the youth.

Set sail and forge ahead, dream set sail. On the new journey, measure the land of the motherland with your feet, feel the pulse of the times with your heart, and achieve a wonderful life with struggle. Good young people in the new era have infinite possibilities, and good young people in the new era are infinite possibilities.

(Story by Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 18)