Importance of Party organisational work

Provide a strong organizational guarantee for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core leads and promotes the party’s organizational work documentary

Reporters from Xinhua News Agency Zhu Jichai, Gao Lei, Wang Peng and Wang Ziming

The strength of the Party comes from the organization, and the overall leadership of the Party and all the work of the Party depend on the strong organizational system of the Party.

Since the beginning of the new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has, with a high degree of political awareness and historical initiative, unswervingly and comprehensively governed the party strictly, deeply promoted the new great project of party building in the new era, and creatively put forward and implemented the party’s new era. The general requirements for the construction of the party and the party’s organizational line in the new era will continue to strengthen the party’s organizational construction and lead the promotion of fundamental, overall, and long-term major changes in party construction and organizational work. The great rejuvenation of the nation provides a strong organizational guarantee.

Foresight, flag-raising orientation, to provide fundamental guidelines for the party’s organizational work in the new era

In the land of Gyeonggi, the grand plan is revived again.

In May 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Hebei’s Xiong’an New Area, Cangzhou City, Shijiazhuang City and other places to conduct investigations focusing on promoting the construction of Xiong’an New Area with high standards and high quality, and further promoting the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

During the inspection, from the comprehensive implementation of the Party Central Committee’s decision-making and deployment to the solid promotion of various specific tasks, the requirements put forward by the General Secretary all fell to the party’s construction:

“The Xiong’an New Area Party Working Committee and Party organizations at all levels should conscientiously carry out thematic education, and take this opportunity to strengthen investigation and research, promote the emancipation of the mind, the improvement of capabilities, the transformation of work styles, and the implementation of work, so as to further enhance political functions and organizational function.”

“The Party committees of the three provinces and cities in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei must conscientiously implement the deployment and requirements of the Party Central Committee, earnestly focus on thematic education, further enhance the political and organizational functions of party organizations at all levels, and provide a strong guarantee for promoting the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei.”

The line determines the direction, and the organization gathers strength.

From emphasizing that “after the political line is determined, cadres are the decisive factor”, to clarifying that cadres should be “red and professional”, and then to pointing out that “China’s stability and the realization of the four modernizations must be guaranteed by a correct organizational line” ... Along the way, our Party has weathered wind and rain, and has continued to move from victory to victory, and has developed into the world’s largest Marxist ruling party, which is inseparable from a strong organizational work guarantee.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has proceeded from the overall development strategy of the Party and the country, adhered to and strengthened the overall leadership of the Party, insisted that the Party should manage the Party and strictly govern the Party in an all-round way, and put forward a series of new ideas and new strategies that provide profound answers to a series of major questions about fundamentals, direction, and the long-term.

Adhere to the organizational line and serve the political line, specifying that “the fundamental purpose of strengthening the Party’s organizational construction is to uphold and strengthen the party’s overall leadership and provide a strong guarantee for advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics”;

Proceeding from the principles of Marxist party building, clarify that “organizational building is an important foundation for party building”;

Focusing on the historical mission of a century-old party, it emphasizes “building a team of high-quality cadres worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation”;

From the perspective of winning the initiative in international competition, it is proposed that “the competition of comprehensive national strength is ultimately the competition of talents”...

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly summed up the historical experience of the Party’s century-old struggle, keenly grasped the new situation, new tasks, and new requirements of party building, and regarded the party’s organizational work as a strong guarantee for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, and as a new foundation for party building in the new era. Important content of the great project.

In March 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Lankao, Henan to investigate and guide the Party’s mass line education and practice activities. As soon as he arrived in Lankao, the general secretary went straight to the Memorial Hall of Comrade Jiao Yulu.

In front of exhibits such as the bronze bust of Jiao Yulu and Jiao Yulu’s desk before his death, the General Secretary stopped for a long time and inspected them carefully. “We must have a heart of serving the people like Jiao Yulu,” the general secretary urged grassroots party members and cadres.

Approved by General Secretary Xi Jinping, a training class for county Party committee secretaries is held at the Central Party School every year to achieve full coverage of rotation training for county (city, district, and banner) Party secretaries.

“In the organizational structure of our Party and the structure of state power, the county level is a key link between the past and the future.” In January 2015, during a discussion with the students of the first county party secretary training class of the Central Party School, General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged based on his own experience, “To be a county party secretary, you must be a Jiao Yulu-style county party secretary, and always have the party and the people in your heart.” , I have a responsibility in my heart, and I have a warning in my heart.”

Eager expectations, full of infinite affection; earnest entrustment, gather the strength to forge ahead.

Made important instructions on the advanced deeds of Liao Junbo, Huang Wenxiu and other comrades, and set up spiritual monuments for Communists in the new era;

Personally awarded medals to winners of the “July 1st Medal”, cordially met with the national “Two Excellences and One Priority” commendation objects, representatives of the “People’s Satisfied Civil Servants” and “People’s Satisfied Civil Servants Collective”, and cared about “Glory in the 50 Years of the Party” The awarding of commemorative medals should give full play to the role of spiritual guidance, typical demonstration and inspiration;

Every time I go to a place for investigation and research, I will always come to the community and village party-mass service centers to learn about the situation of party building leading grassroots governance and serving the masses;

For six times in a row, the “first lesson” for the young and middle-aged cadre training class of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) taught the way to grow and become talents...

In the great practice of promoting comprehensive and strict party governance in the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always coordinated the party’s organizational construction with the party’s political construction, ideological construction, work style construction, discipline construction, system construction, and anti-corruption struggle.

On July 3, 2018, just after the Party’s 97th birthday, the National Organization Work Conference was held. General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward and profoundly explained the party’s organizational line in the new era:

“Now, it is necessary to clearly put forward the Party’s organizational line in the new era, which is: fully implement the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, focus on the construction of the organizational system, focus on cultivating loyal, clean and responsible high-quality cadres, and focus on gathering all aspects of patriotism and dedication. Excellent talents, adhere to both ability and integrity, put morality first, appoint people on their merits, and provide a strong organizational guarantee for upholding and strengthening the party’s overall leadership, upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics.”

Adhere to the outline and keep the eyes open, stick to the foundation and follow the end.

The Party’s organizational line in the new era profoundly clarifies the goals, tasks, fundamental principles, practical requirements, and work priorities of the party’s organizational work in the new era, and provides the “outline” and “basic” for the party’s organizational work in the new era.

Focusing on the construction of the organizational system, it is clarified that “focus on improving organizational capabilities, strengthen political functions, and improve the organizational system that runs through the top and bottom and has strong execution”;

Highlight the clear direction of grasping the basic level, and require “promoting the overall progress and comprehensive improvement of the grassroots party organizations”;

Focus on the construction of the cadre team, and insist on implementing the standards of good cadres in the new era of “firm belief, serving the people, being diligent and pragmatic, daring to take responsibility, and being honest and honest”;

Focusing on “making the best use of talents, making the best use of talents, and using them to achieve success”, it emphasizes “gathering talents from all over the world and using them”, and requires “accelerating the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the country with talents”...

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has a long-term vision, holds the banner and is oriented, and constantly improves the top-level design of party building and organizational work, providing fundamental guidelines for doing a good job in the party’s organizational work in the new era.

Keeping upright and innovating, advancing in depth, leading the party’s organizational work in the new era to a new level

Walking into Shanghuang Village, Hechuan Township, Guyuan City, Ningxia, the mushroom sheds are neatly arranged, and the courtyards with red tiles and white walls are well arranged, and the atmosphere of the beautiful countryside blows your face.

At one time, Shanghuang Village was notoriously weak and lax because it had not recruited party members for many years, and the political and organizational functions of the party organization were not strong. In order to stimulate the awareness of party members and gather the strength of party members, Shanghuang village organized the selection of party member model households, set up party members’ vanguard posts, and guided party members to show their identities and set examples. vitality.

An outstanding Communist Party member is a banner; a strong grassroots party organization is a battle fortress.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, organizational departments at all levels have resolutely implemented the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and thoroughly implemented the general requirements for party building in the new era and the party’s organizational line in the new era , Adhere to the political direction while serving the overall situation, grasp the position of responsibility while focusing on the main business, actively take on the role while seeking progress while maintaining stability, and promote the party’s organizational work to continuously open up new prospects.

Solidly promote the party’s innovative theoretical arm, and the ideological foundation of the whole party’s united struggle has been further consolidated——

The Pearl River is sparkling, the vegetation on both sides is verdant, and the land of southern Guangdong is full of flowers.

In April 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Guangdong for inspection. This is the first time the general secretary has visited Beijing after the launch of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics.

During the inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Carrying out theme education is a major task of party building this year. Party organizations at all levels must resolutely implement the work deployment of the Party Central Committee, educate and guide party members and cadres in learning to build their souls and learn to grow.” Wisdom, positive attitudes through learning, and promotion of learning through hard work will yield real results.”

What kind of political life in the party there is, what kind of party members and cadres have the style of work.

From the party’s mass line education and practice activities, the special education of “Three Stricts and Three Honests”, the study and education of “Two Studies and One Action”, to the theme education of “Don’t forget the original heart, keep in mind the mission”, study and education of party history, study and implement Xi Jinping’s new era of China Education on the theme of characteristic socialist ideology... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the previous concentrated education within the party and the continuous regular education have promoted the continuous deepening of the party’s innovative theoretical arm.

Conscientiously hold democratic life meetings, organize life meetings, strictly implement the “three meetings and one lesson” system, celebrate the “theme party day”, review the oath of joining the party, and celebrate the “political birthday” ... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,  the political, contemporary, principled, and combative nature of life has been continuously enhanced, and the majority of Party members and cadres are constantly tempering their Party spirit in the “melting pot” of political life within the Party.

Constantly tightening the Party’s organizational system, the Party’s organizational advantages and organizational strength are fully demonstrated in the big test of the war —

A photo of “five-level secretaries in the same frame” reveals the winning code for China to win the battle against poverty:

In April 2020, in the Nuwa Phoenix Tea Industry Modern Demonstration Park in Pingli County, Shaanxi Province, the mountains were full of greenery after the first rain. In the picture, General Secretary Xi Jinping walks towards the working tea farmers with a smile on his face. From the Party's general secretary to the secretary of a provincial Party committee, the secretary of the municipal Party committee, the secretary of the county Party committee, and the secretary of the village Party branch, they appear on the front line of industrial poverty alleviation at the same time.

In the decisive battle against poverty, at the order of the Party Central Committee, 255,000 resident work teams, more than 3 million first secretaries and resident cadres, charged with the vast number of rural cadres, and created a great miracle in the human struggle against poverty.

To fight against the epidemic of the century, a large number of Party members and cadres of government agencies, enterprises and institutions went into the community and 244,000 temporary party organizations were established. More than 25,000 outstanding members swore to join the party on the front line and the party flag flew high on the front line of the fight against the epidemic.

“Only when the Party’s organizations at all levels are sound and strong, and form a strict organizational system that connects from top to bottom and has strong implementation, can the Party’s leadership ‘execute the body like the body, and use the fingers like the arm’.”

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has continued to build a solid foundation for the party’s organizational system, and has made great efforts to grasp the grassroots, strengthen the foundation, and consolidate the foundation, and promote the overall progress and comprehensive improvement of grassroots party organizations in various fields. The organizational advantages are fully demonstrated, and the foundation of the party’s ruling building is more stable.

Focusing on building a high-quality backbone team, the cadre team is full of vitality in the revolutionary forging—

Strictly manage the combination of love and encouragement and restraint.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has adhered to the standards of good cadres in the new era, adhered to the principle of Party management of cadres, and promoted the construction of five major systems: quality training, knowledge of people, selection and appointment, strict management, and positive incentives .

Highlight political standards, adhere to both ability and integrity, put morality first, appoint people from all over the world, and appoint people on their merits, revise the regulations on the appointment of cadres, get rid of the tendency of “only votes, only points, only GDP, and only age”, so as to put career first, select people based on facts, The personnel are suitable, and the correct orientation of selecting and employing personnel has been established, and a large number of loyal, clean and responsible cadres have been discovered and used in a timely manner.

Strengthen management and supervision, improve the assessment and evaluation system for cadres, continuously improve the reporting system for leading cadres with Chinese characteristics, strictly implement the “four musts”, and earnestly implement regulations such as regulating the behavior of leading cadres’ spouses, children and their spouses in running businesses , deepen the supervision and inspection of personnel selection and appointment, inspection and audit rectification, and promote the formation of a situation where the capable are promoted, the excellent are rewarded, the mediocre are dismissed, and the inferior are eliminated, so as to gather the positive energy of doing business and starting a business.

On December 29, 2018, President Xi Jinping signed Presidential Decree No. 20, announcing the revised “Civil Servant Law of the People’s Republic of China”, providing a strong legal guarantee for the comprehensive construction of a loyal, clean and responsible team of high-quality professional civil servants. On August 30, 2022, the National Commendation Conference for “Civil Servants Satisfied by the People” and “Civil Servants Collectively Satisfied by the People” was grandly held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping cordially met with the commended representatives. This is the first time that this commendation has been carried out in the name of the Party Central Committee and the State Council.

In-depth implementation of the strategy of strengthening the country with talents in the new era, and the improvement of the quality of talent work——

In September 2021, the Central Talent Work Conference will be held. This is another talent work conference held by the Party Central Committee after 11 years, which is a milestone.

“Deeply implement the strategy of strengthening the country with talents in the new era, cultivate, introduce and make good use of talents in an all-round way, and accelerate the construction of an important talent center and innovation highland in the world”, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the meeting, scientifically answering a series of major issues of talent work in the new era Theoretical and practical issues have pointed out the way forward for the work of talents in the new era.

Qianqiu Foundation, talent-oriented.

From promoting the simplification of administration and decentralization of the talent management functional departments, to promoting the reform of the talent evaluation mechanism by classification, and then to deepening the reform of the talent incentive system and one system is intertwined, breaking the system barriers and removing identity barriers, my country’s talent “dividend” Sustained release.

From high-end leading talents to skilled talents and local talents; from natural science talents to philosophy and social science talents, literary and artistic talents; Talents in all aspects of the company have their own places and develop their strengths, and the continuous talent advantages have been transformed into inexhaustible development advantages.

Deeply promote the reform of the party building system, and effectively play the fundamental guarantee role of governing the party according to regulations——

On July 1, 2021, at the meeting celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “Insist on governing the party according to regulations and form a relatively complete system of intra-party laws and regulations.”

Just before the party’s centennial birthday, in May 2021, the “Regulations on the Organizational Work of the Communist Party of China” was issued. This is the first governing and comprehensive basic backbone law on organizational work in the history of our party.

The way of evergreen lies in self-victory.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has successively formulated and revised several guidelines for political life within the party, regulations on the work of party groups, regulations on the work of local party committees, regulations on the work of party organs, regulations on the work of branches, regulations on the election of local and grassroots party organizations, and regulations on the work of party members. A series of intra-party regulations on organizational construction, such as regulations on education management and regulations on the work of grassroots party organizations in rural areas, state-owned enterprises, government agencies, and universities, have further released the advantages and effectiveness of the system, and the institutionalization, standardization, and scientific level of the party’s organizational construction have been significantly improved.

Work hard and take responsibility to provide a strong organizational guarantee for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation

At what stage has the cause of the party and the people developed, and at what stage will the Party’s construction and organizational work advance.

From now on, the central task of the Communist Party of China is to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to build a great socialist modernized country in an all-round way, realize the second centenary goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.

“Chinese-style modernization is an unprecedented pioneering undertaking, which requires us to explore and innovate. This puts forward new and higher requirements for the quality and ability of party organizations and leading cadres at all levels, and puts forward new and higher requirements for our mental state, style and image. requirements.” General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized.

Keep a firm grip on the political direction, unswervingly use the organizational line to serve and guarantee the political line —

In the eastern suburbs of Beijing, the National Institute for Organization Cadres is covered with green grass, and there is an upsurge of learning, communication and discussion.

In April this year, a nationwide video training course for village Party organization secretaries and village committee directors was held here. This is an important measure to further promote Party building and promote rural revitalization, and comprehensively improve the ability of the “two committees” of the village to lead the rural revitalization. Come to the largest training for rural grassroots cadres.

Focusing on the theme of “learning Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and improving the ability to revitalize the countryside”, Yang Ning, secretary of the Jiangmen Village Party Branch in Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, Guangxi, shared the village’s “talent experience”: “We have established party members and cadres, leading the rich The three lists of capable people and returning talents, and the inclusion of outstanding young people who can be cultivated and developed into the talent team, these are the source of our village’s “leaders” team.”

At present, our country’s development is facing new strategic opportunities, new strategic tasks, new strategic stages, new strategic requirements, and a new strategic environment. The risks and challenges that need to be addressed and the contradictions and problems that need to be resolved are more complicated than ever.

The correct political line determines the correct organizational line, and the correct organizational line serves to ensure the correct political line.

On the new journey, to continue to advance the party’s organizational work, we must always adhere to the party’s political construction as the guide, promote party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres to deeply understand the decisive significance of the “Two Establishments”, strengthen the “Four Consciousnesses”, firmly support the “Four Self-confidences” and the “Two Safeguards”, organize Party members, gather talents, mobilize the masses, and form a powerful joint force to unite and struggle for new victories of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Always focus on the center and promote high-quality development of the cause with high-quality organizational work guarantee —

Hainan Free Trade Port is the forefront of reform and opening up, and a hot spot for talents.

The decision of the Party Central Committee to support the construction of Hainan Island as a pilot free trade zone gave birth to a new round of “talent tide”.

In April 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Hainan for inspection. In the Yangpu Bonded Port Area, the representatives of temporary cadres reported to the General Secretary the gratifying progress of talents supporting the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.

The general secretary is very concerned about this matter: “Is there any follow-up plan in the future?”

“There is still a follow-up, and we will continue to do well.”

“This is a valuable training opportunity. Temporary cadres can increase their talents at the grassroots level.” The general secretary praised, “You are doing extraordinary careers in ordinary positions, and you are doing a job of writing history.”

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, we must have a cadre team that is politically sound, adapts to the requirements of the new era, and has the ability to lead modernization construction.

Select and send outstanding cadres and talents to aid Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghe and the key counties of the country’s rural revitalization to carry out “group-style” assistance, etc., actively participate in major national strategies, major projects, major projects, and key tasks, and establish outstanding cadres to train in difficult areas , the correct orientation of growing up in difficult areas and selecting from difficult areas; continue to play the role of grassroots party organizations as a battle fortress, and strive to improve the mechanism of party building to lead rural revitalization; strive to cultivate top-notch innovative talents, and provide strategic support for high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement...

On the new journey, to continue to advance the party’s organizational work, we must always focus on the central work and major deployments of the party and the country, continuously strengthen organizational advantages, gather strong organizational strength, and inject strong impetus into the high-quality development of the party and the country.

Encourage and take responsibility, and create a good atmosphere for hard work with active organizational work——

In July 2020, during his inspection tour in Jilin, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Party-mass Service Center of Changshan Garden Community, Tuanshan Street, Kuancheng District, Changchun City for investigation.

The Changshan Garden Community used to be dirty and messy. After renovation and treatment, it has become a well-known “demonstration community”.

What makes this place completely different? The community workers told the general secretary that they built a “four-level” Party-building network work system of community Party committee-grid Party branch-yard Party group-loudong Party member family households, extending community governance and services to the lowest level.

“I am very pleased to see you living and working in peace and harmony.” General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged community workers at the grassroots level to make persistent efforts, integrate management into service, further improve various tasks of serving the people, and build a happier and better homeland.

On the new journey, to continue to promote the Party’s organizational work, we must use organizational strength to stimulate the enthusiasm of officers and cadres to start a business, encourage the majority of party members and cadres to dare to take responsibility and actively act, and enhance the consciousness of wanting to take responsibility, the motivation to take responsibility, the ability to take responsibility, and the courage to take responsibility. Be enterprising, carry forward the spirit of serving the people, pioneering innovation and development, and working hard to create achievements that live up to the times and the people.

The wind is strong in the journey of thousands of miles, and the heavy responsibility is heavy.

Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the century-old Party will work hard and move forward courageously. Relying on its strict organizational system, powerful organizational functions, unique organizational advantages, and majestic organizational strength, it will surely create new and greater miracles.

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 27th)