Second Plenary Session of the First Session of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress

Xi Jinping, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Han Zheng, Cai Qi, Ding Xue Xiang, Li Xi and others were seated on the rostrum

Li Zhanshu made a report on the work of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress

Hearing and deliberating the work reports of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate Hearing explanations on the institutional reform plan of the State Council

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 7 – The first session of the 14th National People’s Congress held its second plenary meeting in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the afternoon of the 7th. It listened to and reviewed the work report of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the work report of the Supreme People’s Court, and the work of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate. report and listened to the explanation on the institutional reform plan of the State Council.

Xi Jinping, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Han Zheng, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi and others attended the meeting.

The meeting should be attended by 2,977 delegates, 2,943 were present, and 34 were absent. The number of attendees met the quorum.

Li Hongzhong, executive chairman and executive chairman of the presidium of the conference, presided over the meeting.

Entrusted by the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress, Chairman Li Zhanshu reported the work of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress to the General Assembly. In his report, Li Zhanshu pointed out that in the past year, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress conscientiously implemented the spirit of the 19th and 20th Party Congresses, insisted on high-quality legislative work, Enacted 5 laws, amended 9 laws, passed 4 decisions on legal issues and major issues, and made 1 legal interpretation; insisted on high-quality supervision, inspected the implementation of 5 laws, and listened to and deliberated 23 supervision work report, carried out special inquiries, and carried out 8 special investigations; adhered to high-quality representative work, handled 487 representative proposals and 9,349 suggestions, and a total of more than 100 representatives participated in the work of the Standing Committee, special committees, and working committees; insisted on high-quality Do a good job in foreign affairs work; appoint and remove 393 staff members of state organs according to law, and successfully complete the tasks set by the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress.

Li Zhanshu said in his report that the five-year term of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress coincides with a period of great historical change in which the cause of the party and the country is flourishing. The Standing Committee deeply understands the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, strengthens the “four consciousnesses”, strengthens the “four self-confidence”, and achieves the “two safeguards”, always firmly safeguards the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership, and resolutely implements the party’s Theories, lines, principles and policies, firmly grasp the correct direction of the work of the National People’s Congress, closely follow the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, closely follow the people’s expectations for a better life, closely follow the needs of promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, and implement the people’s The great concept of democracy, closely relying on all representatives, exercising legislative power, supervisory power, decision-making power, appointment and removal power in accordance with the law, earnestly fulfilling the glorious duties entrusted by the party and the people, and striving to fulfill the solemn promise of living up to the great trust of the party central committee and the people’s expectations .

Li Zhanshu said in his report that in the past five years, 47 laws have been enacted, 111 laws have been amended, and 53 legal interpretations, decisions on legal issues and major issues have been made, and laws that have not yet been passed have been reviewed. 19 cases and decisions; heard and deliberated 182 supervisory work reports and other reports, inspected the implementation of 30 laws and decisions, carried out 11 special inquiries and 33 special investigations; 2,282 representative motions and 43,750 representative suggestions have all been processed , the representative’s satisfaction with the handling of proposals and proposals reached 98%; 36 treaties and important agreements were decided to be approved or joined; The following work has been mainly carried out: first, to fully implement the Constitution and safeguard its authority and dignity; second, to improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, to promote development with good laws and to ensure good governance; Supervision, effective supervision, and supervision in accordance with the law; the fourth is to give full play to the role of representatives of the people’s congress, so that the people have what they call and I respond; Strengthen the self-construction of the Standing Committee.

Li Zhanshu said in the report that five years of practice has further deepened our understanding of the scientific connotation, basic characteristics and essential requirements of the people’s congress system, which is: we must adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and we must adhere to Xi Jinping’s new era of Chinese characteristics Socialist thinking must adhere to the path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics, must adhere to the major concept of people’s democracy throughout the process, must adhere to the system of people’s congresses, and must adhere to the fundamental tasks, development paths, and goals of the country established by the Constitution.

In his suggestions for work in the coming year, Li Zhanshu pointed out that 2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The work of the Standing Committee is to do a good job in the implementation of the Constitution and legislation; The third is to improve the work level of deputies; the fourth is to do a good job in the foreign exchanges of the National People’s Congress; the fifth is to strengthen the self-construction of the Standing Committee.

Zhou Qiang, president of the Supreme People’s Court, pointed out in the report on the work of the Supreme People’s Court that in 2022, the work of courts across the country will make steady progress. The Supreme People’s Court accepted 18,547 cases and concluded 13,785 cases; local people’s courts at various levels and special people’s courts accepted 33.704 million cases, concluded 30.81 million cases, and concluded cases with a value of 9.9 trillion yuan.

Zhou Qiang said in the report that over the past five years, the Supreme People’s Court has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implemented Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, fully implemented the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the 19th Plenary Sessions, and conscientiously studied and implemented the Party’s principles. In accordance with the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, faithfully fulfill the duties entrusted by the Constitution and laws, and promote the work of the people’s courts to achieve new changes and new developments. The first is to resolutely safeguard national security, social stability, and people’s peace; the second is to serve in accordance with the law to build a new development pattern and promote high-quality development; the third is to adhere to the path of judiciary with Chinese characteristics for the people; The first line of defense; the fifth is that the reform of the judicial system and the construction of smart courts have made significant progress; the sixth is to forge a loyal, clean and responsible court army.

In the report, Zhou Qiang made suggestions for the work in 2023 from five aspects: Guided by Xi Jinping’s thought on the rule of law, unswervingly follow the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics; better coordinate development and security, and serve high-level security and high-quality development in accordance with the law Adhere to the people-centered approach, solidly promote justice for the people, and impartial justice; deepen the reform of the judicial system, accelerate the modernization of the judicial system and judicial capabilities; adhere to comprehensive and strict governance of the party and courts, and strengthen the construction of court teams.

Zhang Jun, chief procurator of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, pointed out in the work report of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate that over the past five years, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and under the strong supervision of the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate has innovated and built criminal, The new structure of the “four major procuratorates” of civil, administrative, and public interest litigation, the practice of putting the people first, and the active performance of the legal supervision duties entrusted by the Constitution and laws, have achieved a new leapfrog development of the people’s procuratorate. From 2018 to 2022, procuratorial organs across the country handled a total of 17.336 million cases of various types, an increase of 40% over the previous five years. Compared with 2018, the acceptance of review and prosecution cases in 2022 will increase by 2.8%, and the handling of civil, administrative and public interest litigation cases will increase by 1.5 times, 3.3 times and 72.6% respectively.

In the report, Zhang Jun reviewed the work of the past five years from six aspects: first, maintain security and stability, and use active prosecution to help China’s governance; second, focus on serving the overall situation, and use active prosecution to promote high-quality development; The fourth is to strengthen litigation supervision and maintain judicial justice through active prosecution; the fifth is to expand public interest litigation and protect public interests through active prosecution;

In the report, Zhang Jun made suggestions for the work in 2023: first, thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics; second, firmly maintain national security and social stability; third, make full use of the power of the rule of law to serve high-quality development; fourth, improve The ability of legal supervision; the fifth is to deepen the comprehensive and supporting reform of the judicial system;

The proposal of the State Council’s institutional reform program proposed by Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made important arrangements for deepening institutional reform. The Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party deliberated and passed the “Party and State Institutional Reform Plan”, and agreed to submit the content related to the institutional reform of the State Council to the first session of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress for deliberation. The “State Council Institutional Reform Plan” formed in accordance with the “Party and State Institutional Reform Plan” is now submitted to the First Session of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress for deliberation.

Entrusted by the State Council, Xiao Jie, State Councilor and Secretary-General of the State Council, made an explanation on the institutional reform plan of the State Council. In his statement, Xiao Jie pointed out that the institutional reform of the State Council is an important task of the party and state institutional reform, focusing on strengthening the optimization and adjustment of institutional responsibilities in key areas such as science and technology, financial supervision, data management, rural revitalization, intellectual property rights, and aging work , transform government functions, and accelerate the construction of a government ruled by law.

The specific content of the institutional reform of the State Council is as follows: re-establish the Ministry of Science and Technology; establish the State Administration of Financial Supervision; deepen the reform of the local financial regulatory system; adjust the China Securities Regulatory Commission to an institution directly under the State Council; coordinate and promote the reform of the branches of the People’s Bank of China; Improve the state-owned financial capital management system; strengthen the unified and standardized management of financial management department staff; establish the National Data Bureau; optimize the responsibilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; improve the aging work system; improve the intellectual property management system; Staffing of central state organs. After adjusting according to the above-mentioned plan, in addition to the General Office of the State Council, the number of constituent departments set up by the State Council is still 26.

The executive chairmen of the conference Wang Ning, Liu Yiliang, Liu Ning, Li Xiuling, Chen Gang, Zheng Zhajie, Ni Yuefeng, Jing Junhai, and Lou Yangsheng took their seats at the executive chairman’s seat on the rostrum.