Xi calls on youth to shoulder responsibilities

Xi Jinping emphasizes in a group talk with members of the new leading group of the Communist Youth League Central Committee:

Earnestly shoulder the mission and tasks entrusted by the Party in the new era and new journeyFully inspire the majority of young people to take responsibility in the Chinese-style modernization drive

Cai Qi attended the talk

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 26 – Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, had a collective talk with members of the new leadership team of the League Central Committee in Zhongnanhai on the afternoon of the 26th and delivered an important speech. He stressed that the hope of the Party and the country's cause rests with youth. I hope that the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League attends to the in-depth implementation of the requirements of the Party Central Committee and effectively shoulders the new era mission and the new journey mission given by the party, inheriting and carrying forward good traditions, adhering to reform and innovation, better uniting the young generation around the Party so as to promote the construction of a strong country and carry forward the great cause of national rejuvenation in successive struggles.

Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Central Secretariat, participated in the group talk.

Xi Jinping first stated that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party's youth work has made major achievements and undergone profound changes. The Party's leadership over the Communist Youth League and youth work has been comprehensively strengthened. The direction and tasks of the Communist Youth League are clearer, the political, advanced, and mass nature of the League organization are more distinct, the ideological style, work style, and life style of the League cadres are more positive and healthy, and the image of the youth group has taken on a new look. In the past five years, the Communist Youth League has focused on major tasks such as building a new development pattern, promoting high-quality development, winning the battle against poverty, and fighting the novel coronavirus epidemic. It has organized members and young people to actively participate, shoulder heavy responsibilities, and charge forward. courage and responsibility. The Party Central Committee fully trusts the Communist Youth League and the majority of young people.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the Party Central Committee had high hopes for the new leadership of the League Central Committee. I hope that you will strengthen your self-construction, play a good exemplary role, and promote the cause of the Communist Youth League and youth work to achieve new and greater development.

Xi Jinping emphasized that taking the central task of the Party as the theme and direction of the Chinese youth movement and youth work is a basic experience of the Chinese youth movement and youth work for more than 100 years. As the Party's assistant and reserve army, the Communist Youth League must closely focus on the party's 20th National Congress to determine the party's central task in the new era and new journey to carry out work, keep the direction, and work hard. To achieve the grand goal of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation requires the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups, including the young people, to unite and go all out to continue to overcome obstacles and overcome difficulties. The Communist Youth League must focus on the theme of youth work in the new era, unite, organize, and mobilize the youth as broadly as possible, inspire the majority of young people to enhance their sense of historical responsibility and mission, and stimulate their youthful passion for building a strong country and national rejuvenation. Be the vanguard, commando.

Xi Jinping pointed out that efforts should be made to strengthen the political leadership of young people. Only when young people have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can endure hardships, and are willing to struggle can Chinese youth have strength and the development of the Party and the country be full of hope. It is necessary to strengthen the education of ideals and beliefs for the majority of young people, guide the majority of young people to establish a lofty ideal of communism, firmly adhere to the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, firmly listen to the Party's words and follow the Party's political beliefs, and establish a strong foundation in the historical trend of building a strong country and national rejuvenation. The correct goal of life lays the foundation for a lifetime of struggle. The Communist Youth League should give top priority to strengthening the political leadership of its members and young people, strive to cultivate socialist builders and successors, and continuously deliver healthy and energetic fresh blood to the party. It is necessary to do a good job in thematic education for the majority of league members and youth, guide the league members and youth to conscientiously study and understand the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, strive to master the world outlook and methodology of this scientific thought, and be good at using the standpoints and methods throughout it to analyze problems and improve them. Comprehension of the Party's basic theory, basic line, and basic strategy.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the Communist Youth League must adhere to the center and serve the overall situation, actively connect with major national strategies and major tasks, organize and mobilize young people to base themselves on their posts, and actively participate in Chinese-style modernization. It must strive to be a vanguard and a new force in various fields such as national defense and border defense, showing youthful vigor and vigor.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to comply with the requirements of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, adhere to the problem orientation, dare to look inward, advance the reform of the group in depth, strictly manage the group in an all-round way, and unswervingly follow the development path of socialist groups with Chinese characteristics, constantly maintain and enhance the political, advanced, and mass nature, and continuously improve the leadership, organization, and service capabilities of the group organization. It is necessary to adhere to the clear direction of consolidating the grassroots, continuously expand the coverage of group organizations, and improve the working ability of young people. The majority of regiment cadres should cherish the precious opportunity to do youth work for the party, constantly improve their political ability, theoretical literacy, and mass work skills, do their job well without distraction, and win the trust of the party, the respect of the society, and the reputation of the youth with solid performance.

Finally, Xi Jinping pointed out that Party committees (Party groups) at all levels should adhere to the principle of the Party’s management of youth work, strengthen leadership and support for the work of the Communist Youth League, establish and improve the work structure of all departments under the leadership of the Party to jointly manage youth development, and support the creative work of the Communist Youth League. Leading cadres at all levels should devote themselves to being confidantes of young friends and guides for young people.

At the meeting, A Dong, the first secretary of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, reported on the convening of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League and the First Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, as well as relevant considerations for implementing the spirit of the Party Central Committee. Secretary Xu Xiao, Wang Yi, Hu Baijing, Hu Sheng, Xiapakti Wushour, and Yu Jing made speeches respectively.

Shi Taifeng, Li Ganjie, Li Shulei, Chen Wenqing, Liu Jinguo, and Wang Xiaohong participated in the talk.