Xi chairs Asia Asia summit

Xi Jinping chairs first China-Central Asia Summit, delivers keynote speech

Stresses working together to build a China-Central Asia community of shared future featuring mutual assistance, common development, universal security, and friendship from generation to generation

Xinhua News Agency, Xi’an, May 19 – On the morning of May 19, President Xi Jinping presided over the first China-Central Asia Summit in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. President Tokayev of Kazakhstan, President Zaparov of Kyrgyzstan, President Emomali Rahmon of Tajikistan, President Berdymukhamedov of Turkmenistan, and President Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan attended the event. In a friendly atmosphere, the heads of state comprehensively reviewed the history of friendly exchanges between China and the five Central Asian countries, summed up cooperation experience in various fields, looked forward to the direction of future cooperation, and agreed to focus on the future and work together to build a closer China-Central Asia community with a shared future.

Xi’an in May is full of flowers and full of vitality. At the Xi’an International Conference Center on the banks of the Bahe River, the national flags of China and the five Central Asian countries are fluttering in the wind, complementing each other with the logo of the China-Central Asia Summit.

The prime ministers of the five Central Asian countries arrived one after another. Xi Jinping shook hands cordially and took a group photo with the heads of state of the five countries.

At 10 o’clock, the China-Central Asia Summit officially started.

Xi Jinping, on behalf of the Chinese government and the Chinese people, first extended a warm welcome to the heads of state of the five countries for coming to Xi’an to attend the first China-Central Asia Summit. Xi Jinping pointed out that in today’s world, major changes unseen in a century are accelerating, and the international and regional situation is undergoing profound and complex changes, with unprecedented opportunities and challenges. At this critical historical moment, we hold the China-Central Asia Summit, which conforms to the trend of the times for win-win cooperation and embodies the people’s expectation of friendship from generation to generation. significance. China is willing to work with all parties, take the Xi’an Summit as an opportunity, summarize historical experience, draw a blueprint for cooperation, demonstrate cohesion, creativity, and action, and jointly promote the steady and long-term development of China-Central Asia relations.

Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech entitled “Jointly Building a China-Central Asia Community of Shared Future with Mutual Help, Common Development, Universal Security, and Generations of Friendship”. (The full text will be published separately)

Xi Jinping pointed out that Xi’an is one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization and the Chinese nation, and also the eastern starting point of the ancient Silk Road. For thousands of years, China and the people of all ethnic groups in Central Asia have promoted the rise and prosperity of the Silk Road, and made historic contributions to the exchange, integration and enrichment of world civilizations. It is of great significance for us to meet in Xi’an today to continue the millennium friendship and open up a new future.

Xi Jinping pointed out that in 2013, I proposed the initiative of jointly building the “Silk Road Economic Belt”. Over the past 10 years, China and Central Asian countries have joined hands to promote the comprehensive revival of the Silk Road, and made every effort to forge future-oriented in-depth cooperation, bringing bilateral relations into a new era. The relations between China and Central Asian countries have profound historical origins, extensive practical needs, and a solid foundation of public opinion, and they are full of vigor and vitality in the new era.

At present, changes in the world, times, and history are unfolding in unprecedented ways. Central Asia is at a crossroad connecting east and west, and connecting north and south.

The world needs a stable Central Asia. The sovereignty, security, independence, and territorial integrity of Central Asian countries must be maintained, the development path independently chosen by the Central Asian people must be respected, and the Central Asian region’s efforts to commit to peace, harmony, and tranquility must be supported.

The world needs a prosperous Central Asia. A vibrant and thriving Central Asia will realize the aspirations of the people in the region for a better life, and will also inject strong impetus into the recovery and development of the world economy.

The world needs a harmonious Central Asia. Unity, tolerance and harmony are the pursuit of the Central Asian people. No one has the right to create discord and confrontation in Central Asia, let alone seek political self-interest from it.

The world needs a connected Central Asia. Central Asia has the foundation, conditions, and ability to become an important interconnection hub in the Eurasian continent, and make Central Asia’s contribution to the world’s commodity exchange, civilization exchanges, and technological development.

Xi Jinping pointed out that last year, China and the five Central Asian countries announced the establishment of a China-Central Asia Community of Shared Future. This is a historic choice we have made in the context of the new era, focusing on the fundamental interests and bright future of the people of all countries. To build a China-Central Asia Community with a Shared Future, we must adhere to four principles:

The first is to persist in helping each other. It is necessary to deepen strategic mutual trust, always give each other clear and strong support on issues related to core interests such as sovereignty, independence, national dignity, and long-term development, and work together to build a community of solidarity and mutual trust.

The second is to adhere to common development. We must continue to be at the forefront in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” cooperation, promote the implementation of global development initiatives, fully release the potential of traditional cooperation, create new growth points such as poverty reduction, green and low-carbon, and work together to build a community of win-win cooperation and mutual achievements .

The third is to uphold universal security. We must jointly implement global security initiatives, resolutely oppose external forces interfering in the internal affairs of countries in the region, focus on solving regional security dilemmas, and work together to build a community that is free from conflict and enjoys eternal peace.

The fourth is to persist in friendship from generation to generation. It is necessary to implement the global civilization initiative, strengthen the exchange of experience in state governance and administration, deepen the mutual learning of civilizations, build a solid foundation for the friendship between the people of China and Central Asian countries from generation to generation, and work together to build a community of mutual understanding, friendship, and one heart and one mind.

Xi Jinping emphasized that this summit has built a new platform and opened up new prospects for cooperation between China and Central Asia. China is willing to take this summit as an opportunity to work closely with all parties to plan, build and develop China-Central Asia cooperation.

One is to strengthen mechanism construction. China proposes the establishment of meeting and dialogue mechanisms in the fields of industry and investment, agriculture, transportation, emergency management, education, and political parties, so as to build a broad platform for countries to carry out all-round mutually beneficial cooperation.

The second is to expand economic and trade relations. China will introduce more trade facilitation measures, upgrade the bilateral investment agreement, realize the full coverage of the “green channel” for the rapid clearance of agricultural and sideline products at the border ports of the two sides, hold the theme event of “Aggregating Central Asia Cloud Products”, and build a commodity trading center.

The third is to deepen connectivity. China will comprehensively increase the volume of cross-border transport, support the construction of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor, promote the opening of the air transport market, and develop regional logistics networks. Strengthen the construction of the China-Europe train assembly center, encourage advantageous enterprises to build overseas warehouses in Central Asian countries, and build a comprehensive digital service platform.

Fourth, expand energy cooperation. China proposes to establish a China-Central Asia energy development partnership, accelerate the construction of the D-line of the China-Central Asia natural gas pipeline, expand the scale of oil and gas trade between the two sides, develop cooperation in the entire energy industry chain, and strengthen cooperation in new energy and peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

The fifth is to promote green innovation. China is willing to cooperate with Central Asian countries in areas such as saline-alkali land management and development, water-saving irrigation, jointly build a joint agricultural laboratory in arid areas, promote the resolution of the ecological crisis in the Aral Sea, and support the establishment of high-tech enterprises and information technology industrial parks in Central Asia. China welcomes Central Asian countries to participate in special cooperation programs under the Belt and Road Initiative, including sustainable development technologies, innovation and entrepreneurship, and space information technology.

The sixth is to enhance development capabilities. China will formulate a special cooperation plan for science and technology poverty reduction between China and Central Asian countries, implement the “China-Central Asian Technology and Skills Improvement Plan”, set up more Luban workshops in Central Asian countries, and encourage Chinese companies in Central Asia to provide more local services. Provide more job opportunities and provide financial support and free assistance to Central Asian countries.

Seventh, strengthen dialogue among civilizations. China invites Central Asian countries to participate in the “Cultural Silk Road” project, will set up more traditional medical centers in Central Asia, accelerate the mutual establishment of cultural centers, continue to provide government scholarships to Central Asian countries, and support universities in Central Asian countries to join the “Silk Road” “University Alliance”, promote the selection of “China-Central Asia Capital of Culture and Tourism”, hold the People’s Culture and Art Year between China and Central Asian countries, and launch a cultural tourism special train for Central Asia.

The eighth is to maintain regional peace. China is willing to help Central Asian countries strengthen their law enforcement security and defense capabilities, support their efforts to independently maintain regional security and counter-terrorism, and carry out cyber security cooperation. Continue to play the role of the coordination mechanism of Afghanistan’s neighboring countries and jointly promote the peaceful reconstruction of Afghanistan.

Finally, Xi Jinping pointed out that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clarified the central tasks of building a great socialist modernized country in an all-round way, realizing the second centenary goal, and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization. We are willing to strengthen exchanges of modernization concepts and practices with Central Asian countries, promote the docking of development strategies, create more opportunities for cooperation, and work together to promote the modernization process of the six countries. Let us work hand in hand, work together, actively promote common development, common prosperity, and common prosperity, and jointly welcome a better tomorrow for the six countries!

The heads of state of the five Central Asian countries spoke later, thanking China for its initiative and successfully hosting the first China-Central Asia Summit, and positively appraising the fruitful results of all-round cooperation between Central Asian countries and China. They said that the Central Asian countries have enjoyed a thousand-year friendship and profound friendship with China, and they have always been good neighbors, good friends and good partners who support and trust each other, and they are the most sincere old friends of China in West Chuyangguan. At present, China has become a key force in ensuring global security and stability and promoting technological and economic development. Cooperation with China is an indispensable and important factor for all countries to achieve sustainable development. Further deepening the relationship between the five Central Asian countries and China is in line with the common aspiration of the people of all countries. It is in line with the fundamental and long-term interests of all countries. The China-Central Asia Summit has provided a new platform for cooperation between Central Asian countries and China, leading bilateral relations into a new era. All parties welcome and appreciate China’s policy of friendly cooperation with Central Asia, and are willing to continue to give full play to the leading role of the head of state’s diplomatic strategy, make the China-Central Asia summit mechanism bigger and stronger, strengthen top-level design and overall planning, and deepen the all-round pragmatic cooperation between Central Asian countries and China. Cooperation will bring more benefits to the people of all countries, help all countries achieve common development and prosperity, and make due contributions to promoting regional security and stability.

The five heads of state expressed that they firmly support each other in choosing a development path that suits their own national conditions, firmly safeguard the core interests of each country’s sovereignty, independence, security, and territorial integrity, and resolutely oppose interference in the internal affairs of other countries. They spoke highly of President Xi Jinping’s concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, as well as global security initiatives, global development initiatives, and global civilization initiatives. Taking this opportunity as an opportunity to strengthen the connection between their respective national development strategies and the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, promote regional connectivity, deepen practical cooperation in trade, investment, agriculture, energy, technology, security and other fields, strengthen cultural exchanges, and jointly respond to challenges to achieve win-win cooperation , to build a closer China-Central Asia community with a shared future.

Xi Jinping signed the “Xi’an Declaration of the China-Central Asia Summit” with the heads of the five Central Asian countries, and adopted the “List of Outcomes of the China-Central Asia Summit”.

The parties agreed that Kazakhstan will host the second China-Central Asia Summit in 2025, and agreed to establish a permanent secretariat of the China-Central Asia Mechanism in China.

Xi Jinping also jointly met the press with the heads of state of the five Central Asian countries.

After the summit, Xi Jinping and the heads of state of the five Central Asian countries jointly planted six pomegranate trees, which not only witnessed the millennium of friendly exchanges between China and Central Asia, but also symbolized the close solidarity and cooperation between China and Central Asia, and entrusted the hope for a bright future of China-Central Asia relations. expect.

Cai Qi, Wang Yi, Qin Gang and others participated in the above activities.