Xi on talent

“Eclectic selection of talents”

The practice and enlightenment of Comrade Xi Jinping’s “Nine Talents” during his work in Zhengding, Hebei

Hebei Daily reporters Huo Xiaoli, Liu Rongrong, Zhou Jie and Zhang Bo

With more talented people, great success is possible; as talent rises, the country’s fortunes will flourish.

“The issue of talents is not only the urgent task for revitalizing Zhengding, but also a century-old plan with strategic significance”;

“Talent introduction requires new ideas, broad horizons, and big initiatives. This requires an international perspective and attracts talents from a national and global perspective”;

“Improve the strategic layout of talents, insist on grasping all aspects of talents together, and build a large-scale, reasonable structure, and high-quality talent team”;


Regardless of whether it is at the grassroots level, at the local level or at the central level, Comrade Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to, thought about and practiced talent work.

On March 29, 1983, a news report was published on the front page of Hebei Daily: “Establishing a New Era Employment Viewpoint, Recruiting Talents and Talents, Zhengding County Opens the Door to People with Aspirations”.

From March 1982 to May 1985, Comrade Xi Jinping successively served as deputy secretary and then secretary of the Zhengding County Party Committee of Hebei Province. The news narrates that during his work in Zhengding, he launched the “Nine Talents” to recruit talents, which opened the way for local development.

Today, 40 years later, the “Nine Talents” still have great practical significance.

Let us turn our attention to that period of history, trace Comrade Xi Jinping’s practical footprints on talent work during his work in Zhengding, feel the precious spiritual wealth that Comrade Xi Jinping left for Hebei, and enhance the awareness of action to do a good job in talent work in the new era.

“Nine Talents” shocked the whole country

“Why did Comrade Xi Jinping introduce the ‘Nine Talents’?”

During the interview, the insiders of the “Talent Nine Articles” all admitted frankly that it had something to do with the situation in Zhengding County at that time.

At the Twelfth National Congress of the Communist Party of China held in September 1982, it was clearly stated that from 1981 to the end of the 20th century, we will strive to quadruple the country’s total annual output value of industry and agriculture.

Xi Jinping believes that without talents, the county cannot be rich, the people cannot be strong, and quadrupling is out of the question.

At that time, Zhengding County had a total population of 450,000, but only 379 of them had a college education or above, and only 256 were self-taught or had obtained the title of technician or above after graduating from technical secondary school.

Most enterprises and units in the county have the problem of insufficient scientific and technological talents and technical backbones to varying degrees. For example, the county dyed weaving factory has more than 400 people in the factory, and there is only one technician who is a college student. There is no strength to develop new products, and no one can repair the broken equipment. There are 111 looms in the whole factory, and 20 or 30 looms are often shut down, causing the factory to suffer losses.

“The sooner we recognize, pay attention to, and grasp the issue of talents, the sooner our economic work will be proactive, invigorated, and effective,” Xi Jinping said.

What do you rely on to gather talents and mobilize their enthusiasm?

Rely on policy, an attractive, inspiring, and driving policy.

After 40 years, Li Naiyi, the author of “Zhengding County Opens the Doors for People with lofty ideals”, still has a fresh memory of the process of promulgating the “Nine Talents”.

One day in March 1983, Xi Jinping invited Hebei Daily reporter Li Naiyi to the office for a long talk.

An office of more than ten square meters, a desk, two wooden beds supported by benches, covered with patched mattresses.

“In such a simple office and bedroom, the two of us faced each other and started talking.” Li Naiyi recalled.

Xi Jinping introduced that although Zhengding is a large grain-producing county, its economy is not rich, and this situation must be changed through reform and opening up. Agriculture should not be “single-handled”, but diversified operations should be developed. The industry needs to develop enterprises, innovate projects, introduce technology, and bring benefits as soon as possible. To do a good job in agriculture, invigorate industry, and run large enterprises, the most important thing is to have excellent business leaders, but the county just lacks talents in this field, and the urgent task now is how to attract talents. Zhengding intends to introduce some policies to attract talents, and hopes to publicize them through newspapers to invite those who understand business, management, and technology.

Xi Jinping is open and honest, and Li Naiyi knows everything. He brought up the situation, difficulties, concerns, and expectations of the intellectuals, especially the scientific and technical personnel, that he came into contact with during the interview.

Xi Jinping listened carefully and recorded in detail. Afterwards, in his busy work, he took three and a half days to have an in-depth discussion with Li Naiyi.

“Establishing the concept of employing people in the new era is to emancipate the mind, break the rules, eliminate prejudice, appoint people on their merits, and select talents without sticking to one pattern.” During the conversation, Li Naiyi was deeply impressed by Xi Jinping’s strategic vision and innovative thinking on talent work.

“But when the ‘Nine Points of Talent’ were put in front of me, I was still very shocked.” Li Naiyi said.

The full name of the “Nine Talents” is “Nine Measures for Establishing a New Era Employment Viewpoint and Recruiting Talents”. The content is as follows:

1. Warmly welcome all kinds of scientific and technological personnel from other places that our county needs to come to Zhengding to help develop county, communal, and team enterprises. For each completed project, as long as the product is marketable, the profits will be divided according to the ratio agreed upon by both parties, or a lump sum payment will be made. For those who have made outstanding contributions, the county party committee and the county government will give meritorious service, great meritorious service, promotion and post promotion. Family members in rural areas have priority to switch to commercial food, and arrange appropriate jobs for family members and children.

More attention should be paid to the technical talents in our county, and their expertise should be brought into play. For those who have invented and made outstanding contributions, their treatment is the same as that of recruiting technical talents from other places.

2. Boldly employ and widely accept all kinds of talents. These include those from bad backgrounds, complicated social relations, and those who have made mistakes in the past and have corrected them; those who were regarded as typical criticisms of “capitalism” have not been taken seriously; due to social prejudice, their scientific research work has been suppressed; they have no academic qualifications. And self-taught.

3. Do everything possible to provide convenience for the transfer of talents. For those who need to be transferred to our county, the organization, personnel, and labor departments must actively handle them. If the procedures are not completed at the moment, they can be processed first, and the original salary will be paid as usual. The amount of salary will be determined separately according to the contribution; for workers who cannot be transferred to our county, they can apply for a short-term job or serve as an economic and technical consultant in a certain aspect of our county.

4. We are willing to provide working and living conditions for the trial production of new products and promotion of new technologies for technical personnel all over the country. Once a new product is adopted by the county, a heavy reward will be paid; after receiving economic benefits, the profit will be divided in proportion or a one-time total payment will be given. At the same time, it is also allowed that research projects fail without being held accountable, and wages and round-trip fares are paid as they are.

5. The transferred talents are arranged and used by the county party committee and county government. If problems arise, the leaders of the county party committee and county government will solve them personally.

Sixth, build a “talent building” and a “recruitment hall” to actively provide housing for transferred talents. Set up a talent service office to manage talents in a unified manner. Those who have made outstanding contributions to our county and the country are equipped with assistants and vehicles to move coal to houses and deliver grain to households, so as to solve their worries in life. All departments must actively implement the policy on intellectuals in accordance with the spirit of the Provincial Party Committee’s documents, and provide good working and living conditions for middle-level and above intellectuals and self-taught people in our county.

7. Establish a talent technology development company to absorb talents and accept new products and new technologies; for promising scientific research projects that researchers and self-taught people are studying in their spare time, if they are willing to give to the company and are adopted by the county, We will try our best to help solve financial difficulties. The county’s technical cadres should be used rationally and their strengths should be fully utilized.

8. Actively encourage and support urban and rural groups and individuals to raise their own funds and sign teaching and training contracts with foreign universities and technical secondary schools to train talents in a targeted manner. Professors, scholars, engineers and those with technical expertise are invited to come to the county to give lectures, guide the operation and management of enterprises, pick up and drop off by car, warmly receive them, and pay allowances.

Nine, the implementation of talent flow. The scientific and technological personnel transferred to the county are free to come and go. Once I feel that my technical expertise cannot be effectively utilized, I can apply to be transferred to the unit I want, and the county party committee and the county government will not stop me and provide convenience for leaving.

In March 1983, within a few days, 2,000 large notices, more than one meter long and half a meter wide, were pasted at the gates of various production teams, schools, offices, and factories in Zhengding. The big characters on the notice are very conspicuous-”Nine Regulations on Recruiting Talents in Zhengding County”.

“If you don’t come from a bad background, you can be reused. Those who have made outstanding contributions will be credited. The family members can also be ‘converted from farming to non-farmers’. Looking at this policy, the county is really moving!”

“One by one, it’s really sincere!”

All of a sudden, heated discussions arose in the streets and alleys.

The profit commission involves the distribution system, the flow of talents is related to the personnel system, the supply of refined grains breaks through the grain policy, and the “conversion from agriculture to non-agriculture” involves household registration management... Every line in the “Nine Talents” is an icebreaker.

For example, the transfer of personnel. At that time, the policy did not allow free movement between provinces and cities. Factory managers and scientific and technological personnel belonged to the state cadres and could not choose their own employers. Files are the proof documents of every cadre and employee. If you have to leave, if you don’t give files, you won’t be able to get the party membership, public position, length of service, and salary in the new unit, and you won’t be able to get your household registration in a different place. became a problem.

“In view of this situation, Secretary Xi boldly proposed that whenever Zhengding urgently needs talents, send personnel to negotiate friendly negotiations with the original unit, and strive for understanding and support with the greatest sincerity; The county government instructs the personnel department to re-establish the file and succession relationship. This approach breaks through the bottleneck of talent mobilization, and it really requires vision and courage.” Li Naiyi recalled.

At that time, all cadres and workers, including Xi Jinping, ate 60% coarse grains and 40% fine grains, and supplied 100% fine grains to the imported talents. Some people did not understand; Ten yuan, but the technology transfer fee for technicians is tens of thousands of yuan. Some people find it difficult to accept the commission if there is a profit; What should I do if the “local monks” don’t chant scriptures when they invite “foreign monks”? Some people have concerns...

In the face of all kinds of doubts, Xi Jinping held a mobilization meeting for cadres across the county, talking about the situation, talking about development, drawing blueprints, and discussing talents. Through mutual exchanges, they unified their thinking and formed a consensus.

Xi Jinping felt that publishing in the county was not enough, and hoped that the “Nine Talents” would be published to the whole province and the whole country through newspapers, so as to recruit talents for Zhengding on a larger scale.

Soon, the news written by Li Naiyi was put on the desk of Lin Fang, then editor-in-chief of Hebei Daily. After seeing it, Lin Fang immediately made a decision: “This policy concept is innovative and fully in line with the spirit of the central government. It should be developed and highlighted!”

Lin Fang specially told the typesetting night: “Focus on the headlines and borders on the front page!”

On March 29, 1983, the news “Zhengding County Opens Doors for People with Aspirations” with “Nine Talents” as the main content was published in Hebei Daily. The media inside and outside the province reprinted the report one after another, causing strong repercussions for a while.

The “Nine Rules for Talents” shocked the whole country.

Seeking talents are eager to recruit talents

Less than a month after the “Nine Talents” were published, the county received 150 letters and visits, including 46 people with engineers, assistant engineers or equivalent titles.

Some Zhengding veteran cadres still remember that there was an endless stream of talents who asked to come to Zhengding at that time. Scientists and technicians from more than 20 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government wrote to consult, provide projects, and contact job transfers. Many people found the Zhengding County Government with newspapers.

Wu Baoxin, a talented person who develops cosmetics, is one of the talents attracted to Zhengding by the “Nine Articles of Talent”.

At that time, Wu Baoxin, an engineer at the Shijiazhuang Lathe Accessory Factory, developed the Sanlu (acne lotion, skin brightening lotion, and whitening lotion) that had been sold well all over the country, but he and the factory leaders had conflicts over profit distribution. Wu Baoxin’s eyes lit up when he saw the “Nine Talents”, and asked someone to send a letter to Xi Jinping, expressing his willingness to work in Zhengding.

After learning about Wu Baoxin’s situation, Xi Jinping immediately went to the office of Cheng Baohuai, then magistrate of Zhengding County.

“Major Cheng, let’s go, let’s visit Wu Baoxin tonight!”

“It’s late today, shall we go tomorrow?”

“We must find Wu Baoxin today!”

Xi Jinping only knew that Wu Baoxin’s family lived in Tangu Community in Shijiazhuang City. He took Cheng Baohuai and others to search the community for a long time, but he still couldn’t find out where Wu Baoxin’s home was. The Tangu community with dozens of buildings is really too big.

Looking at his watch, it was past 10 p.m. Xi Jinping, who desperately wanted to see Wu Baoxin, decided to try the “stupid way”. “Well, I’ll call from south to north, and you call from east to west. We must find him today.”

Putting his hands together to form a trumpet shape, Xi Jinping let go of his voice: “Wu Baoxin! Wu Baoxin...” In the dead of night, shouts rang out in the community.

“I was doing experiments in the house, and suddenly I heard someone shouting my name outside the window.” Wu Baoxin recalled that night 40 years ago, every detail is vivid in his memory, “I ran out in a hurry, and the leading boy saw Me, holding my hand excitedly. He must have been outside for a long time, and his hands are cold.”

This person is Xi Jinping.

After the meeting, Xi Jinping and Nobunaga Takeo talked late into the night. Wu Baoxin was deeply moved by Xi Jinping’s desire and respect for talents, and he promised to provide Zhengding with the newly developed formula of foot powder free of charge.

On April 4, 1983, Xi Jinping personally presided over the technology transfer meeting of the foot powder project at the Zhengding County Guest House, and the first imported project in Xinchengpu Township was implemented. A few months later, the trial production of foot powder was successful. Less than one year after the project was put into production, it made a profit of 300,000 yuan.

“At the gate of the county party committee, Secretary Xi personally handed me a light motorcycle.” Wu Baoxin said that it was a heavy reward for talents from the county, and it was worth 1,100 yuan at the time.

For the talents and projects urgently needed for the development of Zhengding, Xi Jinping made decisive decisions, boldly introduced them, and helped solve practical difficulties.

The Zhengding Oil Pump Nozzle Factory was originally under the provincial management, and it paid 270,000 yuan a year in compensation. Later, it was delegated to the Shijiazhuang area, and the compensation was 90,000 yuan a year. The region gave this loss-making enterprise to Zhengding, and it lost another 70,000 yuan that year.

The turning point came in 1984. In May and June of this year, Xi Jinping led a team to Jiangsu Province to inspect the development of township enterprises.

“Before departure, Secretary Xi specially handed me a letter received some time ago. The envelope said ‘Received by the Secretary of the Zhengding County Party Committee’. Secretary Xi asked me to contact the person who wrote the letter in advance and arrange to meet him locally.” Li Yaping, who was an officer of the Zhengding County Party Committee Office at the time, recalled.

The person who wrote the letter was Qiu Binchang, the former manager of the Agricultural Machinery Supply and Marketing Company of Wuxi Machinery Bureau. It turned out that Qiu Binchang, who was depressed because he could not display his talents in his hometown, learned that Zhengding was recruiting talents from all over the country, so he took the initiative to write a letter expressing his strong desire to work in Zhengding.

According to the contact information attached to the letter, Li Yaping called Qiu Binchang. “If you didn’t come to Wuxi right away, I might go straight to Zhengding.” On the other end of the phone, Qiu Binchang’s desire to come to Zhengding was very urgent.

On the one hand, she is thirsty for talents, and on the other hand, she is impatient. Taking advantage of the inspection gap, Xi Jinping and all members of the inspection team met with Qiu Binchang.

That night, at the reception office of the Wuxi Municipal Government, Qiu Binchang was very excited. He clutched a leatherette folder tightly with both hands, and after pulling it several times, he opened the zipper and took out a copy of Zhengding’s “Nine Rules for Talents” that he had copied by himself.

After listening to Xi Jinping’s introduction of the relevant situation in the county, Qiu Binchang immediately said that he could work in the oil pump nozzle factory that has been losing money for years. He also specifically mentioned that he can bring a mature diesel generator project to Zhengding and produce products immediately.

The only request made by Qiu Binchang was that the salary should be raised from the original administrative level of 17 to 16, and that the output value of the factory would be doubled after one year, and then raised from 16 to 14.

After serious discussions with members of the inspection team, Xi Jinping discussed with Cheng Baohuai and other county leaders through long-distance calls, and finally decided to hire Qiu Binchang to work in Zhengding.

Not long after, Qiu Binchang reported to Zhengding.

“As soon as we met, I told him, ‘Your salary has been raised from level 17 to level 16. Tomorrow I will announce at the factory meeting that you are the director of the county oil pump nozzle factory’. Qiu Binchang was very moved. It’s wet.” Cheng Baohuai, 88, still remembers that Qiu Binchang sold all the backlog of products within a few days after arriving at the oil pump nozzle factory. He also led people to develop a batch of new products and put them on the market. Just doubled.

Seeking talent is thirsty, recruiting talents. In just over a year, more than 200 talents have settled in Zhengding.

“Star” shines on the ancient city and inspires people to think deeply

The formulation of the “Nine Talents” injected vigor and vitality into the development of Zhengding at that time.

In 1984, all 10 economic indicators of Zhengding County reached the highest level in history, and the total industrial and agricultural output value reached more than 380 million yuan, double that of 1980.

Xi Jinping has a profound and long-term understanding of the importance of talents: “The talented are the great treasures of the country, and so are the counties. The ancients said that there are three reasons why the country is not governed, and this is one of them. If you ask for it, you can’t get it, this is the second thing; although you get the virtuous, you can’t do it, this is the third thing.”

Knowing how to use talents, seeking talents, and making the best use of their talents, this kind of talent concept gave birth to the “Nine Talents”. The innovative explorations in it provide us with valuable experience and profound enlightenment to do a good job in the work of talents in the new era.

To do a good job in talent work, we must uphold the Party’s leadership over talent work.

The “Nine Talents” clearly stipulates that “the transferred talents shall be arranged and used by the county party committee and the county government. If problems arise, the leaders of the county party committee and the county government shall personally solve them.”

“Leading groups at all levels should put strengthening the construction of talent teams on the important agenda, and take both invigorating the economy and producing talents as their dual tasks to do a good job together.” Xi Jinping is a three-level cadre of “releasing policies and revitalizing the economy” in the county The meeting pointed out that party committees at all levels should strengthen the ideological work of scientific and technical personnel and technical backbones, solve their ideological problems in a timely manner, guide them to establish a correct world outlook, and fully mobilize their enthusiasm. At the same time, we should also earnestly help them solve practical difficulties in life and relieve their worries, so that they can “cross the sea with eight immortals, each showing their magical powers” and make greater contributions to the revitalization of Zhengding’s economy.

Chen Guoqi, a technician from the Zhengding County Diesel Engine Factory, just arrived in Zhengding. Because the household registration was not completed for a while, the family was short of food and coal. The leader of the diesel engine factory approached the relevant departments to solve the household registration and schooling issues for his family members, and even brought grain and coal to his door. Chen Guoqi was so moved that he didn’t take a day off during the 16-day vacation that was originally given to him, and he went to work on the day he reported. Zhang Songyou, an engineer in the factory, solved the problems of his family’s “conversion from agriculture to non-agriculture” and children’s schooling. He also joined the party and was promoted. Complete the party’s kindness to me.”

After the introduction of the “Nine Talents”, Xi Jinping led the leaders of the county party committee, the county government, relevant departments, and township cadres to warmly receive the candidates. He said: “Relying on the talents of one township and one county is limited after all, and society is the infinite treasure house of intelligence.”

In order to do a good job in talent management, Zhengding County has set up a talent technology development company and a talent service office, forming a special team to recruit talents, and everyone from top to bottom contributes their wisdom and efforts to the recruitment work.

The county party committee and the county government also actively explored local talents in accordance with the spirit of the “Nine Talents”, and established Zhengding’s first book “ talent account”. According to the morality and talent of intellectuals, 543 scientific and technological cadres were successively assessed technical titles, and 31 were adjusted to corresponding professional positions. At the same time, it has established cooperative relations with 32 schools and 21 scientific research units across the country, introduced talents and projects, and established 131 township enterprises.

“At that time, the Zhengding County Party Committee and the county government took the development of talents as a strategic focus and a regular task, and formulated specific measures for the main leaders to do it personally, cadres at all levels to do it together, and to do it separately, so as to maximize the unity of talents. In this way, a new situation of talent development has been opened.” Gao Peiqi, then head of the communications group of the Propaganda Department of the Zhengding County Party Committee, said.

To do a good job in talent work, we must dare to break through barriers and reform and innovate.

After the release of the “Nine Talents”, some comrades in the county held different views on it. There are those who are in favor and those who are skeptical. For a while, it caused a big discussion in the local area and the province.

“Under the circumstances at that time, the pressure that Secretary Xi faced can be imagined. But he was not afraid of criticism, he did it step by step, fully implemented various commitments, and proved the feasibility of the ‘Nine Talents’ with facts, and finally won the hearts of the people. understanding, support and support.” Li Naiyi said.

Jia Dalshan and Hao Yuepu are two examples.

Jia Dashan, a writer, is mature, upright and upright, has management skills, and has an almost obsessive love for cultural undertakings. After listening to opinions from many parties, Xi Jinping boldly appointed him, breaking the convention that non-Party people cannot hold official positions. Jia Dashan was promoted three times in a row and directly became the director of the county cultural bureau. At the beginning of his tenure, Jia Dashan went to the grassroots, visited the masses, investigated problems, and established a system. After a few months, he managed to put the originally chaotic cultural system into order.

Engineer Hao Yuepu is a top student who graduated from Nankai University. During the “Cultural Revolution”, he was wrongly labeled and sentenced. After he was rehabilitated, he returned to the original factory, but some people in the factory still regarded him as a “heterogeneous”, with nowhere to display his abilities.

Do you dare to use such a talent?

“You come to Zhengding to participate in the construction of the four modernizations. We welcome you with our hands up.” Xi Jinping said.

Zhengding County made an exception for Hao Yuepu to obtain household registration, receive seniority, and raise wages, and entrusted him with the important tasks of deputy director of the township enterprise bureau and manager of a chemical industry company. Within half a year after taking office, he attracted 11 projects for Zhengding.

“Recognizing talents, seeking talents, gathering talents and using talents are all groundbreaking work, and all of them require the courage to venture and do. Only by daring to reform and innovate can we build institutional advantages that attract talents, and use a good ecology to attract talents. Come from Yueyuan.” Meng Qingyun, vice president (dean) of the Party School of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee (Hebei Administration College), told reporters.

To do a good job in talent work, you must have strategic vision and systematic thinking.

In the practice of Zhengding’s talent work, Xi Jinping has the overall situation in mind and grasps the general trend, with both a broad vision and careful planning.

He always looks at talent issues from a strategic perspective.

“Without talents, our economy will not be revitalized; without talents, our modernization goals will come to naught.” He asked leading cadres to have the attitude of “five hundred dollars to buy horse bones” when dealing with talents. Have the spirit of seeking talents and loving talents like life.

He always uses a systematic method to carry out talent work.

Xi Jinping emphasized, “When selecting talents, we should also pay attention to the level of diplomas, including regardless of the degree, whether it is a degree from a university, a middle school, or a primary school, or a ‘thousand-mile horse’, ‘a hundred-mile horse’, a ‘one-mile horse’, or a 20-year-old. People of all ages, 30, 40, 50, and 60 can use it, run it, and mobilize their enthusiasm. Only in this way can our business be full of talents and flourish.”

Using internally, recruiting externally, inviting from above, digging from below, supplementing from near, and cultivating from a distance, these are the “Twelve Characters” of Xi Jinping’s introduction and cultivation of talents. Among the talents he discovered, there are “foreign monks” with their own strengths, as well as emerging talents in the county; there are nationally well-known university scholars and “soil experts” in the countryside.

Huang Chunsheng, a young farmer in Anxia Village, has a low education level and only graduated from high school. He is self-taught and has worked hard for more than ten years to cultivate an excellent variety of “Jimian No. 2”, which has been introduced in 14 provinces and cities across the country, and has been promoted to nearly one million mu both inside and outside the province. The county hired him as a national cadre, assessed and awarded him the title of assistant agronomist, and raised the county agricultural science station to specialize in the breeding of high-quality species, giving better play to his professional expertise.

Under the vigorous promotion of Xi Jinping, Zhengding County decided to set up an advisory group to absorb talents from all walks of life. Just after the New Year in 1984, letters signed “Student Xi Jinping” were sent to more than 100 famous experts and scholars across the country. Mathematician Hua Luogeng, economist Yu Guangyuan, ophthalmologist Zhang Xiaolou and more than 50 experts in various fields gladly applied and became the first batch of members of the advisory group.

They carried out extensive lecture activities, carried out technical research, and contributed to Zhengding’s economic take-off. Under Yu Guangyuan’s suggestion, China’s first rural research institute was established in Zhengding; Zhang Xiaolou visited Zhengding many times and performed vision restoration operations on more than 2,000 people, making Zhengding one of the seven advanced counties for preventing blindness in the country... …

It is rare in the whole country to mobilize so many top experts to contribute their wisdom and efforts to a county. For a while, you come and go, “stars” shine on the ancient city.

In talent work, the foundation is being cultivated, and the difficulties are also being cultivated. Xi Jinping’s suggestion: Adhere to the principle of constant grasping and unremitting efforts, develop three-dimensionally among the old, middle-aged, young, and young, and establish a multi-level echelon talent team, so that the applicable talents will continue to flow and be used inexhaustibly.

Zhengding County has vigorously improved teaching conditions, developed non-governmental schools through multiple channels, and actively organized cultural tutoring for in-service cadres. The construction of party and government talents, enterprise management talents, professional technical talents, and rural practical talents has gone hand in hand, and the structure of the talent team has been increasingly improved.

“Through the practice of Zhengding’s talent work in those years, I deeply understand Comrade Xi Jinping’s talent concept, which is to use talents to the best of their ability, create a good environment for talents to display their talents and realize their ambitions, and let all kinds of talents create vitality. The competition and the full flow of ingenuity make them truly become an important driving force for social development.” Meng Qingyun said.

To do a good job in the work of talents, we must always keep the people and the cause in mind.

In 1982, Xi Jinping voluntarily gave up the superior conditions in Beijing and came to Zhengding, an ancient city, to “suffer together, live together, and work together” with the masses.

“I am eager to do my best to do something practical for them, but in a place far away from them, I am willing to dedicate myself to them. I feel empty and unreliable. I feel a calling.”

“Being beside the people who gave birth to me and nurtured me, and fighting for their ideals and careers with them, that is my position in life. So, I came here to find my value among the people.”


It is precisely because of this original intention that he has always been able to calmly face some different opinions in the process of promoting the “Nine Talents”.

He tried his best to reject all opinions and convened a “grievance meeting” for intellectuals to listen to their aspirations. Excited, aggrieved, and angry, some of the participating intellectuals raised their voices and some slammed the table. Xi Jinping is not angry, “The responsibility of our leaders is to help them solve their problems and worries, and strive to keep them in the best competitive state!”

Xi Jinping seeks and uses talents, loves and respects talents more sincerely.

Once, he and several comrades from the county party committee office went to the countryside in Yong’an Commune. In a cotton experimental field, Feng Yuming, a well-known cotton growing expert in the county, is busy in the field. Xi Jinping set up his bicycle and walked towards him, grabbed Feng Yuming’s hand and said, “Hello, Uncle Feng, I’m here to learn how to grow cotton with you today!”

After hearing the introduction from the entourage, Feng Yuming was at a loss for what to do, and hurriedly said, “Don’t, don’t, you are the leader, you can’t be called that.”

“Uncle Feng, don’t be polite to me, you will be my teacher from now on.”

Later, Xi Jinping followed Feng Yuming to learn the technology of growing cotton, and they also became friends.

The story of Xi Jinping’s respect for talents has left a deep impression on many Zhengding veteran cadres.

He often visits and condolences to technical talents during the New Year and holidays, and sends care and warmth to them. Knowing that Liu Yuzhong, an engineer at the county machinery factory, did not return to his hometown in Nanpi during the Chinese New Year, on the first day of the Lunar New Year in 1983, Xi Jinping and several cadres came to visit him with snacks and asked him about everything from daily life to work details. Speaking of this scene, the 84-year-old Liu Yuzhong’s eyes were moist.

He loves young talents very much, and his correspondence shows his love and encouragement. “More than 400,000 fathers and folks in your hometown are waiting eagerly, looking forward to your early success in your studies with excellent grades, supporting the construction of the four modernizations of the motherland, and doing your best...” In December 1983, Xi Jinping wrote to A letter from 51 registered college students of Hebei Agricultural University made these students feel warm and excited. 26 of them returned to their hometowns to work.

“Secretary Xi’s practice of talent work in Zhengding embodies the pain of thinking about others, the difficulty of forgiving others, the capacity for tolerance, and the kindness of adults.” Recalling the past, many veteran comrades in Zhengding believe that “it is this kind of good governance that serves the people. The personality strength of being virtuous, treating people with kindness, seeking talents eagerly, and respecting scholars as guests make people with lofty ideals willingly gather in Zhengding and contribute their strength to the common cause.”

In May 1985, Xi Jinping left Zhengding. However, the talent-attracting and gathering effect brought about by the “Nine Talents” continues to be released many years later.

Strong talents hope to start a new journey

The work practice of Zhengding talents in the new era may start from a story of “flying geese returning to their nests”.

In August 2022, Tongfu Group, a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization that left Shijiazhuang to develop outside the province for more than ten years, moved its headquarters back to Zhengding.

What is the reason that Tongfu Group chose Zhengding when it offered “olive branches” in many popular cities?

Liu Shanguo, chairman of Tongfu Group, said: “Respect! Provinces, cities and counties respect entrepreneurs and talents.”

The Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee held a special meeting for Tongfu Group to study service support policies and measures. In two days, an office area of more than 30,000 square meters with convenient transportation was vacated for Tongfu headquarters. For the first time, Tongfu Group held a national distributor conference in Zhengding, and the leaders of the four major county teams came together to “stand” for the company.

Introduce talents with talents, and the “circle of friends” of talents continues to expand.

At present, Tongfu Group is accelerating the implementation of the “Tongfu Sharing” 100 billion-level industrial park project, and has reached an intention to settle in with more than 30 upstream and downstream supporting companies, and has introduced various talents such as food technology research and development, online platform operations, and warehousing logistics. More than 1,500 people, attracted more than 150 experts from scientific research institutes such as China Agricultural University and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences to cooperate.

How to attract more “Liu Shanguo”?

In August 2022, in the Zhengding area of the Hebei Pilot Free Trade Zone, “Several Measures on Introducing High-end Talents to Support Enterprise Development” was unveiled and attracted widespread attention.

If the annual income is more than 1 million yuan, the part of the personal income tax exceeding 15% will be fully rewarded to the individual; if the tax contribution is more than 100 million yuan, 60% of the corporate tax contribution to the local government will be rewarded to the executive team... Read this document carefully. These measures are full of gold, showing Zhengding’s greatest sincerity to high-end talents.

Merit is made by talent, and career is made by talent.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has led great struggles, great projects, great undertakings, and great dreams, broadened the road to talents, recruited talents from all over the world, and promoted the work of talents in the new era to make historic achievements , Historic changes occurred.

Advancing in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, the Hebei Provincial Party Committee takes the deepening of the reform of the talent development system and mechanism as the driving force, and takes the implementation of the talent development project as the starting point to cultivate, introduce, and make good use of talents in an all-round way, and the talent work continues to reach new levels .

How to break down the system and mechanism obstacles to talent development, and gather outstanding talents from all walks of life to the cause of the party and the people?

In November 2022, Cui Pingyong, a technician with only technical secondary school education and no published papers or books, passed the review of Chenguang Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd. and obtained the qualification of senior engineer in light industry engineering.

“If it wasn’t for the company to have the right to self-assessment, I wouldn’t even have dreamed of a high rating like mine.” In the 20 years since joining Chenguang, Cui Pingyong has worked as an operator, team leader, monitor, and has been working as the manager of the production department of the Pigment Nutrition Division. , participated in 2 scientific and technological projects above the provincial and ministerial level, and won 6 national invention patents.

Chenguang Group, located in Quzhou County, Handan City, is the first batch of private enterprises in Hebei Province to obtain the autonomy of professional title appraisal. Up to now, a total of 149 employers in Hebei have carried out independent evaluation of senior professional titles. Since 2018, 15,358 professional and technical personnel have obtained senior professional titles through independent evaluation.

It is not only necessary to loosen power, but also to make good use of talents.

Beginning in September 2022, Hebei will select and dispatch science and technology missions to specialized, special and new “little giant” enterprises in the province. Hebei Zhitong Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., located in Dingxing County, Baoding City, has “connected” with a scientific and technological mission composed of experts from China Pharmaceutical University, Tianjin University of Science and Technology and other universities.

“Dr. Tan, our project still has a lot of confusion in terms of brain protein purification, hydrolysis, and seasoning. Please give us some suggestions to improve product quality.” Tan Zhilei, a member of the science and technology mission and deputy director of the Department of Bioengineering of Tianjin University of Science and Technology, asked for advice.

A regular video meeting is held once a month to inquire about progress, make plans, and come up with ideas. The mission regularly goes deep into the enterprise to solve problems. “This one project alone is expected to bring economic benefits of 12 million yuan to the enterprise after improvement. With a think tank, we have more confidence in our development.” Li Xiquan is full of confidence.

“One-to-one” pairing assistance, face-to-face “pulse consultation”, and promote the deep integration of innovation chain, industrial chain, and talent chain. As of March 2023, 266 scientific and technological missions in Hebei have helped enterprises complete 144 achievements, overcome 123 key core technologies, and build 143 technological innovation platforms.

Revise the Hebei Provincial Science and Technology Incentive Measures, change the recommendation system to the nomination system; guide enterprises to implement medium and long-term incentives such as equity, options, and dividends for senior managers and industry leaders... The reform measures are linked together, Break down institutional barriers, remove identity barriers, and continuously release the vitality of talents.

How to create a good ecology of recognizing talents, accepting talents and gathering talents, so that Yanzhao land can become a hot spot where all kinds of talents can do a lot and make great achievements?

On March 16, 2023, vegetables were quietly growing under the illumination of LED lights in the optoelectronic agriculture laboratory of the temporary office park of Xiong’an Innovation Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

A scientific research team with an average age of 31 is working hard here to promote the research and development and transformation of high-output eco-friendly agricultural models. In the future, a water-saving high-output photoelectric farm model will be built and promoted and applied nationwide.

Researcher Zhang Wei is one of the team members. At the beginning of 2022, he resigned from the Modern Agricultural Research Institute of Peking University and returned to his hometown. “A series of gratifying changes and a good scientific research environment in Xiong’an make me believe that there is a lot to do here.”

Comprehensively and deeply implement the “Xiong’an Plan”, use the “Xiongcai Card” as the carrier to establish a “menu-style” policy package covering education, medical care, housing, tax incentives, etc.; launch the “hundreds of thousands of talents into Xiongan” action... In recent years In the past, Xiong’an New District has selected and recruited more than 3,000 talents from Tsinghua University, Peking University and other “double first-class” universities, and added more than 25,000 innovative and entrepreneurial talents of various types.

Gather talents with first-class platforms, and attract talents with first-class services.

“If the talent service cannot keep up, it will be difficult for the enterprise to develop so fast.” Ou Zhihua, deputy general manager of technology of Hebei Huijin Group Co., Ltd., has a deep understanding.

In 2021, Huijin Group approached the Human Resources Service Industrial Park in Shijiazhuang, China, hoping to help them introduce an international high-end talent to solve the problems encountered in the field of intelligent manufacturing Internet of Things. According to the needs of the enterprise, the professional service team quickly proposed a talent introduction plan, and a package of services helped the enterprise achieve its wishes.

China Shijiazhuang Human Resource Service Industrial Park is the first in Hebei and the 20th national industrial park in China. It has introduced 218 human resource service agencies such as Jiachi International and 58 Group. In 2022, there will be 508,900 person-times of service personnel, and the operating income will be 3.741 billion yuan.

At present, there are 22 human resource service industrial parks in Hebei. These industrial parks give full play to the advantages of marketization and specialization, and provide talent support and intellectual guarantee for the high-quality development of the regional economy.

Wu Gao Feng will come, flowers bloom and butterflies come. A large-scale, high-quality, reasonable echelon, and outstanding talent team is gathering speed——

The quality of talents has been continuously improved. Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Hebei has invited more than 2.3 million talents from home and abroad to carry out docking and introduction exchanges, and has introduced 76 national well-known scientists and national high-level innovative talents full-time.

Talent services are more optimized. Improve the operation mechanism of the Yanzhao Talent Service Card System, and establish electronic information files for each person. By the end of 2022, the province has issued a total of more than 50,000 Yanzhao Talent Service Cards; a total of more than 34,000 sets of talent apartments have been built, benefiting more than 40,000 talents ;Focus on the “key little things” that talents are generally concerned about, and provide more convenience in life services, children’s schooling, etc...

Talent effectiveness continued to increase. The role of talents in serving major national strategies such as the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the planning and construction of the Xiongan New Area has become increasingly prominent, and their contribution to economic and social development has increased year by year.

Walking in the land of Yanzhao, there is a passion for innovation everywhere, a surge of creative vitality, and active entrepreneurship, spreading out a magnificent picture of accelerating the construction of an economically strong province and a beautiful Hebei.

The new era and new journey must be a magnificent era and a journey of striving for dreams.

Gathering the power of talents and letting more horses race to the top will surely provide lasting impetus for promoting high-quality development and promoting Chinese-style modernization.

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 12)