Xi visits school

Xi Jinping emphasizes during an inspection visit to Beijing Yuying School:

Strive to be a good child in the new era with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor

Congratulations to children across the country on 1 June – International Children’s Day

Cai Qiding and Xue Xiang accompanied Xi on his visit

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 31 – Ahead of International Children’s Day on June 1, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, went to Beijing Yuying School on the morning of May 31. The majority of children celebrate the festival. Xi Jinping emphasized that children were the future of the motherland and the hope of the Chinese nation. Chinese children in the new era should be good children who have ambitions, dreams, love to learn, love to work, understand gratitude, understand friendliness, dare to innovate, dare to struggle and wish to develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically in an all-round way. We hope that the students are determined to study for the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation, and to live up to the expectations of their parents and the expectations of the party and the people.

Cai Qi, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, and Ding Xuexiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, accompanied Xi Jinping on the inspection visit.

Beijing Yuying School was founded in Xibaipo, Hebei Province in 1948. It was formerly known as Yuying Primary School of the Supply Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Over the past 75 years, under the care and concern of the older generation of revolutionaries, the school has fully implemented the party’s education policy, implemented the fundamental task of cultivating people through morality, promoted innovation in the academic system, developed characteristic school running, and led the all-round development of students’ morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor.

When Xi Jinping came to the school, he first walked into the school history museum to learn about the school’s historical evolution, construction and development, and the promotion of education and teaching reform and innovation in recent years, the implementation of the “double reduction” policy requirements, and the promotion of students’ all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor. Xi Jinping pointed out that the fundamental task of education was to build morality and cultivate people, and to cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor. The cultivation of students’ ideals and beliefs, moral qualities, intellectual intelligence, physical and psychological qualities is indispensable. It will take a long time for the “double reduction” policy to be implemented. It is necessary to guide parents, schools, society and other aspects to raise awareness, promote the implementation of the “double reduction” work requirements, and promote the all-round development of students. Yuying School has a glorious revolutionary tradition and a distinctive red gene. It is necessary to strengthen the education of revolutionary traditions, so that every student of Yuying School will keep in mind the glorious history of the school, bear in mind the care of the party, continue the red tradition, inherit the red gene, listen to the party’s words and follow the party since childhood, and aspire to become talents for the party and the country dedication.

Xi Jinping inspected the campus environment on foot. On the basketball court, the students were playing basketball, using skipping ropes, and taking physical education classes. Xi Jinping pointed out that to improve people’s health quality, teenage years were the golden period. At this stage, growing your body is the first priority. Only when your body is healthy can you lay a solid foundation for your future study and work. Physical exercise is the most effective means to enhance children’s physical fitness. Now that the living conditions are better, children don’t want to eat fat but to grow strong and train well. Physical exercise should start from an early age so children are less “little chubby” and have “small glasses”. Schools should have a good number of physical education teachers, and all aspects of family, school and society must create conditions for children to strengthen their bodies.

Later, Xi Jinping came to the school's student farm. This is the practice place for students to carry out agricultural planting activities. Rows of green vegetable seedlings are full of vitality under the sun and on the ridges of the fields.

The children took buckets, shovels, rakes, and writing brushes to water, loosen the soil, weed, and pollinate tomatoes and cucumbers. Xi Jinping emphasized that a lot of knowledge and principles come from labor and life. Guide children to establish the concept of labor from an early age, cultivate labor habits, and improve their ability to work, which will help them learn knowledge better. Nowadays, some urban children have little contact with the countryside and nature. To “Who knows that every Chinese meal is hard work”. He told his classmates that to understand nature, one must first start with knowing the plants around you. The various plants cultivated by the students are introduced in the books, but everyone has planted, cultivated, tracked and observed by themselves, and the harvest must be different. I hope that students can feel the hardships of farming and the difficulty of farmers from “learning agriculture”, and develop good habits of loving labor, cherishing food, and respecting nature from an early age, so as to contribute to the construction of a beautiful China. The construction of ecological civilization in the new era should start from the baby. Through lively labor experience courses, let the children do it themselves, experience it, and understand themselves, so that the concept of “lucid waters and lush mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains” is implanted in the hearts of children early.

The science classroom on the second floor of the school’s Sicong Building burst into laughter from time to time. When Xi Jinping walked into the classroom, the teachers and students told the general secretary that they were using the knowledge they had learned about linear motion, curved motion, and inclined plane motion to design and build a roller coaster model with building blocks. authenticating. Xi Jinping pointed out that scientific experiment classes are an effective way to cultivate children’s scientific thinking, interest in exploring unknowns, and awareness of innovation. I hope that the students will establish the ambition of “scientific and technological innovation, and strengthen the country with me” from an early age, and be brave to be a small scientist now, and strive to be a great scientist in the future, so as to contribute to the realization of my country’s high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement.

Xi Jinping then came to the office of the fifth-grade teachers, visited the teachers who were discussing lesson preparation, and inquired about the structure of the after-school service courses. Xi Jinping pointed out that the socialist education system with Chinese characteristics is good, and our country’s basic education has advantages in the world. We must strengthen our cultural self-confidence, stick to our own good things, learn from foreign good things, and keep pace with the times. , open development, so that children have a broader vision, a broader mind, and a more open concept, and strive to cultivate the pillars of the country who are worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation and have the courage to create world miracles. Xi Jinping emphasized that the key to talent cultivation lies in teachers. The majority of teachers must keep in mind the original mission of educating people for the party and the country, follow the example of people’s educators, establish themselves with morality, learn with morality, and teach with morality. It is necessary to create a good trend of respecting teachers and teaching in the whole society, so that teachers become the most respected and enviable profession in society, and strive to form a good situation in which outstanding talents compete for teaching and excellent teachers continue to emerge.

In the small square of the school, the teachers and students warmly sent off the general secretary. Xi Jinping wished the children to grow up strong and healthy, and congratulated the children and children across the country on a happy “June 1”, International Children’s Day. He said, today I made a special trip to Beijing Yuying School to visit you and celebrate the Children’s Day with the children. I am very happy to see the students who are innocent, lively and full of vigor, with happy smiles on their faces. The Party Central Committee has always cared about the healthy growth of children and has adopted a series of policy measures to create a better environment for the healthy growth of children. I believe that with the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the significant advantages of the socialist system, children of all ethnic groups living in the big family of the Chinese nation will become happier and have a brighter future. Party committees, governments at all levels, and all aspects of society must earnestly do a good job in various tasks related to the development of children’s undertakings, care for and help children from poor families, especially orphans and disabled children, so that all children can feel the warmth of the party and the government Can have a happy childhood.

Xi Jinping told the students that today’s children are the successors and future main force of the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation. In order to build our country into a powerful modern socialist country in an all-round way by the middle of this century, our generation is now working hard, and it will depend on you to continue the struggle in the future.

Xi Jinping wished all parents good health and family happiness, and wished all teachers to make new contributions in their sacred posts.

Yin Li, relevant departments of the central and state agencies, and responsible comrades in Beijing accompanied Xi Jinping on the inspection visit.