Xi writes to Central Asian students

Xi Jinping writes to Central Asian students studying at China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 15 – Recently, President Xi Jinping replied to Central Asian students studying in China University of Petroleum (Beijing), encouraging them to make greater contributions to the development of relations between China and Central Asian countries.

Xi Jinping pointed out that China and Central Asian countries were connected by mountains and rivers, enjoy profound friendship and share a common destiny. In 2013, he proposed the initiative of jointly building the “Silk Road Economic Belt” in Central Asian countries. Over the past 10 years, China-Central Asia relations have continued to reach new heights, and cooperation in various fields has entered the fast lane, bringing benefits to the two peoples.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the friendly relations between China and Central Asian countries needed to be inherited and carried forward generation after generation of aspiring and promising young people. You are the witnesses, beneficiaries, builders and communicators of China-Central Asia relations. I hope that you will actively participate in the cause of friendship between China and Central Asian countries, carry forward the spirit of the Silk Road, tell stories about China and Central Asia, serve as good ambassadors of friendship and bridges of cooperation, and make your own contributions to building a closer China-Central Asia community with a shared future.

Recently, students from Central Asian countries at the China University of Petroleum (Beijing) wrote to Xi Jinping, describing their living conditions in China and expressing their determination to study hard, strengthen cooperation, and contribute to building a China-Central Asia community with a shared future.